NYT: Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House Counsel Threatened

Yes it is moron.
Exactly the same.
Attempting to commit a crime is....wait for it....a...crime.
doe us all a favor...drown yourself..for the sake of the board..there's a good lad.
there is no "attempted obstruction" statute
So in your little mind, you have convicted him without any proof and then you bash Fox as no proof, again without proof. Typical liberal, it must be true because I want it to be true.

And you lied that you didn't find him guilty.

Poor stupid, crying little girlie.


Why are you so buttyurt over the fact that I believe Trump is guilty?

Why does that yurt your widdle feewings so bad that it makes you pee your panties and cry your little eyes out?

Am I really that deeply entrenched inside your head that I control your thoughts and emotions?

There, there.

You just go find a nice, quiet safe space and have your period.
Poor stupid, crying little girlie.


Why are you so buttyurt over the fact that I believe Trump is guilty?

Why does that yurt your widdle feewings so bad that it makes you pee your panties and cry your little eyes out?

Am I really that deeply entrenched inside your head that I control your thoughts and emotions?

There, there.

You just go find a nice, quiet safe space and have your period.

Wow, calling me a little girlie then telling me to have my period. Why would think or say such a thing about a minor?

You could have simply admitted you lied instead of going down this road.
inviting them to "his house" isn't solicitation..it's acceptance and the logistics.

But do keep chewing on that bone..it's amusing to see you try so hard

He asked them to his house, moron. They didn't break in.

Such denial from an ignorant Trumpophant
what are lib'ruls going to do now that CNN admits none of this is true.......they've invested so much energy into trying to believe it......
Wow, calling me a little girlie then telling me to have my period. Why would think or say such a thing about a minor?

You could have simply admitted you lied instead of going down this road.

The stink of your stinky buttyurt desperation stinks the stinky stink of stinky buttyurt desperation.
Can't answer a simple question so you spew diarrhea from your mouth. Afraid your little spaz is a 12b violation?

Dude, how much do you drink per day?

Maybe you should think about getting yourself some ---> HELP <--- before it's too late.

Seriously. :ILUM:
Do you think a "loyal agent" even exists?
trump was on a mission to find out. Ironically, most agents are typically Republicans. But he's got a warped sense of how the govt. works. Some wanted to see what would happen if we ran the country like a business. We're finding out the hard way, as the real damage hasn't even been realized yet.
Obstruction is a crime whether or not successful.
Sorry, that is the truth.

Sorry, but you have to make an actual attempt at it lol.

Since you’re apparently struggling with the concept here is an example: person A *attempts* to prevent cops from discovering evidence in a criminal investigation but the cops discover it anyway.

That, would be an attempt at obstruction of justice.
Sorry, but you have to make an actual attempt at it lol.

Since you’re apparently struggling with the concept here is an example: person A *attempts* to prevent cops from discovering evidence in a criminal investigation but the cops discover it anyway.

That, would be an attempt at obstruction of justice.

First of all, worm, I wasn't talking to you.
2. He did make an attempt.
He ordered Mueller fired.
Stupid tooth.
First of all, worm, I wasn't talking to you.
2. He did make an attempt.
He ordered Mueller fired.
Stupid tooth.

I won’t waste my time on it lol.

But even granting that he did make the ‘attempt’ do you have actual evidence to back your claim? Or do we just take your word for it?