O.J. Simpson dies of cancer at age 76

If OJ wasn’t filthy rich that chase would have ended in his death

STFU you shrill mental case.

Describing someone as black isn't about "using" race halfwit. God you leftists are simple minded, stupid morons on steroids. :palm:

you lying little shit stain

who got away with it by being black

you didn't describe him as being black, you described why he got away with it as because of being black

you retards can lie to other retards, but not to me
you lying little shit stain

you didn't describe them as being black, you described why they got away with it as because of being black

you retards can lie to other retards, but not to me

You sad, worthless, smallminded race hustling dumbass, stick your head back up your ass and jump. The worlds collective IQ will go up.

I know it isn't very Buddhist of me, but I hope it hurt and that he sh*t himself and was forced to live through the final humiliation while he was in pain.
One thing that tends to be appealing about the Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian religious traditions is that there are ultimate consequences to be paid for living a life of evil.

Some believe in eternal damnation for the offenses of a short and finite lifetime.
Illogical concepts like that helped make it easy for me to embrace atheism.
Pretty severe for a person ACQUITTED of murder.

Yup. However, acquittal does not necessarily mean he didn't do it and you and I both know his "if I did it this is how" book describes what happened that night.. he then never paid the family....

basically... I don't like men who victimize women. Ultimately I believe that those men deserve much worse than that.
One thing that tends to be appealing about the Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian religious traditions is that there are ultimate consequences to be paid for living a life of evil.

Even for the religious leaders who use their religion to rape and murder people
Yup. However, acquittal does not necessarily mean he didn't do it and you and I both know his "if I did it this is how" book describes what happened that night.. he then never paid the family....

At the very least, acquittal means that we just don't know.

What we do know is that if he did indeed do it,
the malfeasance of the police and prosecution
made it impossible for a competent jury to convict him.

Evidence planting was literally proven.