Obama and his 'Bitterness' Comments

I often agree with you as well my sister .. just not this time.


Michelle got to esteemed institutions of higher learning through her own intelligence, not favor, like Bush.

Her brother got there through his own intelligence and athletic ability.

I do not see them as elitists simply because they're smart.

I was not doubting either of their intelligence or questioning their qualifications for Princeton, I indeed acknowledged the brother's scholarship; rather the question arises about Barack picking a wife from a 'poor' background, rather than working class. My guess is the parents chose to spend their limited monies on enrichment for their kids, rather than chasing a 'middle class' home. Seems they did the right thing, the children became ambitious, smart, and successful. I don't fine that 'poor' background for any child.
I was not doubting either of their intelligence or questioning their qualifications for Princeton, I indeed acknowledged the brother's scholarship; rather the question arises about Barack picking a wife from a 'poor' background, rather than working class. My guess is the parents chose to spend their limited monies on enrichment for their kids, rather than chasing a 'middle class' home. Seems they did the right thing, the children became ambitious, smart, and successful. I don't fine that 'poor' background for any child.

But my point was that if Barack is such an elitist, he could have chosen a wife from an elitist background, not poor or working class, like McCain.

He could have went straight to Wall Street, like Clinton.

Neither Clinton or McCain has any moral ground to call Obama an elitist.
But my point was that if Barack is such an elitist, he could have chosen a wife from an elitist background, not poor or working class, like McCain.

He could have went straight to Wall Street, like Clinton.

Neither Clinton or McCain has any moral ground to call Obama an elitist.

Is it possible that Obama actually loved her, for her? Could be, she seems to match him in the intelligence department. Then again, if one wishes to give 'ulterior motives' one could claim he wanted someone that would prove he 'was of the people,' as there isn't much of that in his background. Problem with that is regardless of how or where she spent her first 18 years, after that it was Princeton and Harvard, NY law firm and University of Chicago medical board. Pretty hard to say she isn't 'elite', by her own accomplishments.
There aren't many in politics who aren't "elitist" in some way. The Clintons have an arrogance about power that is unmatched in my lifetime. George Bush has been wealthy since his first breath and fooled every one of his voters into thinking he's "just folks" (and has shown nothing but contempt for the average American). The Senate is populated with millionaires & many who have never really had to work what most would call an "honest day."

With Obama, there is likely some arrogance there, but his comments didn't strike me as "elitist." I know what he was trying to say, and I suspect there will be as much resonance among the people he is talking about as there is backlash. If you're in a small town where the factory shut down & you've exhausted your unemployment benefits, I'd think that you would feel more "bitter" than "ready to roll up your sleeves." If you see those comments & base your vote stictly upon them, you've done nothing to change the impression the "elites" have of you, and have learned little over the course of the past few decades.
There aren't many in politics who aren't "elitist" in some way. The Clintons have an arrogance about power that is unmatched in my lifetime. George Bush has been wealthy since his first breath and fooled every one of his voters into thinking he's "just folks" (and has shown nothing but contempt for the average American). The Senate is populated with millionaires & many who have never really had to work what most would call an "honest day."
My point from the outset.
With Obama, there is likely some arrogance there, but his comments didn't strike me as "elitist." I know what he was trying to say, and I suspect there will be as much resonance among the people he is talking about as there is backlash. If you're in a small town where the factory shut down & you've exhausted your unemployment benefits, I'd think that you would feel more "bitter" than "ready to roll up your sleeves." If you see those comments & base your vote stictly upon them, you've done nothing to change the impression the "elites" have of you, and have learned little over the course of the past few decades.
If the elitist are wrong, why would you change so they can be right? I do know that the quote or 'observation' Obama made, was every bit as derogatory and wrong as his grandma's aside to him.
Scratch and scamble this issue will get no traction no matter how hard you beat this dog.

Folks you will not be able to paint him as a racist or an eleitist.

Its not true and any thinking person sees right through the bullshit.
Scratch and scamble this issue will get no traction no matter how hard you beat this dog.

Folks you will not be able to paint him as a racist or an eleitist.

Its not true and any thinking person sees right through the bullshit.

That settles that. Great argument as usual.
Its the truth.

Trying to make some comment into what it is not will not fly the vast majority of Americans.

When I told you the reverand thing was bullshit who turned out to be right?

His numbers went right back up huh?
"If the elitist are wrong, why would you change so they can be right? "

I really have no idea what you're asking here...
I think that we need to begin to understand that with the Republicans having their nomination locked down, and the Democrats still fighting it out, things like this are going to happen. I still say that the Republican party elites must be pissing themselves over their good luck. You are talking about a bunch of old fat guys who eat at very expensive steak houses (paid for by lobbyists) all week. I mean, they've been able to stop using their viagra for the first time in years. The prospect of keeping the white house in a year after the complete and utter failure of con ideology has brought this country to its knees, has hit them like 30 years taken off of their ages.

Anyone other than a Clinton who lost 11 races in a row and who had the math dead against them, would have had to drop out. Anyone who cared about their country or their party, would have dropped out.

So now we are treated to a son of the military elite, married to an heiress who paid for everything he wanted including his congressional seats, and a former first lady, shooting boiler makers and talking about how they understand the people.

It is truly Barnum and Bailey time.
Is it possible that Obama actually loved her, for her? Could be, she seems to match him in the intelligence department. Then again, if one wishes to give 'ulterior motives' one could claim he wanted someone that would prove he 'was of the people,' as there isn't much of that in his background. Problem with that is regardless of how or where she spent her first 18 years, after that it was Princeton and Harvard, NY law firm and University of Chicago medical board. Pretty hard to say she isn't 'elite', by her own accomplishments.

And the McCains are?

I would have thought that after Bush - of the American political dynasty, the Bush family - conned voters into believing he was "just folks", and then proceeded to preside over 8 years of rising poverty, and the decimation of the american middle class, all the while his base (the haves and the have mores, by his own words) got richer and richer, that the working class in this country might have woke up. If they have not?

Then they aren't bitter. They're as dumb as rocks man.
And the McCains are?

I would have thought that after Bush - of the American political dynasty, the Bush family - conned voters into believing he was "just folks", and then proceeded to preside over 8 years of rising poverty, and the decimation of the american middle class, all the while his base (the haves and the have mores, by his own words) got richer and richer, that the working class in this country might have woke up. If they have not?

Then they aren't bitter. They're as dumb as rocks man.

BAC only went partisan once, same with me. Now no one wishes to discuss the original topic?
I'm just saying it's not hard to paint Democrats as elitist anyway. I could see it happening to Obama.
What he should do then, is "rue" the remarks made in Zainesville where people make on average 30K or so a year that they spend 10K a year on piano lessons, etc for their kids.

It would be hard for those people not to feel that he is a bit "elite"...