Obama and his 'Bitterness' Comments

What is with liberals speaking in San Francisco and ending up making controversial comments recently?

Depending on one's perspective Obama's comments could be interpreted as spot on and speaking the truth all the way to very elitist and out of touch.

For those who maybe haven't seen the comments yet here they are:

"""At issue are comments Obama made privately at a fundraiser in San Francisco last Sunday. He explained his troubles winning over working class voters, saying they have become frustrated with economic conditions:

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

The comments, posted on the Huffington Post political Web site Friday, set off a storm of criticism from Clinton, Republican nominee-in-waiting John McCain and other GOP officials. It threatened to highlight an Obama Achilles heel — the image that the Harvard-trained lawyer is arrogant, aloof and carries himself with an air of superiority."""

Obama has now said his remarks were ill chosen. I think he could be accurate in describing the "bitterness" people feel for economic conditions in small towns over the past 20 to 30 years where manufactoring jobs that drive these towns have been leaving. His mistake, in my opinion, was tying it to these people's faith or values in a sense mocking them.

It will be interesting to see if this has any effect on voting in Pennslyvania or just blows over. This campaign has not been boring that's for sure.


I think that comment from his is spot on. The problem for him is that people don't like to have their weaknesses tossed in their face.
......My god.......this changes everything. That's it, I'm switching my vote to the person who lies about sniper fire stories and tries to override the will of the people. Or maybe I'll switch to the guy who wants to stay the course.


My sentiments exactly.

I give this story a whopping yawn.
I'm sorry but nothing can top Momma Bushes comments about everything working out well for katrina victims who were underpriveledged anyway.

Or mission accomplished.....

or McCain getting Baghdag confused with Paris.......
I'm sorry but nothing can top Momma Bushes comments about everything working out well for katrina victims who were underpriveledged anyway.

Or mission accomplished.....

or McCain getting Baghdag confused with Paris.......
Shhh... You. Bitter.

Tops for me is Cheney's reply when asked how he felt about the vast majority of Americans opposing the war:

Tops for me is Cheney's reply when asked how he felt about the vast majority of Americans opposing the war:


yeah, actually I'm sure if we all took time to think about it, we'd come up with hundreds of worse things republicans have said in the last 5 years. To me, this just solidifies that Obama is the right choice. This is the best $hit they can come up with? Really? "Bitter"

The kicker is that he was right.

Remember when Dean got hounded when he said that comment about confederate flag wavers? He was absolutely right. But in true democratic fashion, they cannibalized him.
Tops for me is Cheney's reply when asked how he felt about the vast majority of Americans opposing the war:


He’s right though, and I have been thinking about that a lot. It’s going to feature in something I am writing. It is a good question for the American people. You don’t like this war, so?

Who gives a crap what they like. What have they done about it? Dick Cheney can afford to say “So?”. Because he knows the answer to that question.
yeah, actually I'm sure if we all took time to think about it, we'd come up with hundreds of worse things republicans have said in the last 5 years. To me, this just solidifies that Obama is the right choice. This is the best $hit they can come up with? Really? "Bitter"

The kicker is that he was right.

Remember when Dean got hounded when he said that comment about confederate flag wavers? He was absolutely right. But in true democratic fashion, they cannibalized him.

Well it was actually Hillary who really jumped on this this weekend.
He’s right though, and I have been thinking about that a lot. It’s going to feature in something I am writing. It is a good question for the American people. You don’t like this war, so?

Who gives a crap what they like. What have they done about it? Dick Cheney can afford to say “So?”. Because he knows the answer to that question.
Shh... Bitter. You.

This election is as much of a test for the American people as it is for any candidate.

I.E. the self righteous, pretentious and arrogant statement:

"If you don't vote for obama you are racist/don't know what's good for you/stupid"

Give me a fucking break.
I.E. the self righteous, pretentious and arrogant statement:

"If you don't vote for obama you are racist/don't know what's good for you/stupid"

Give me a fucking break.

I don't think that's what he's saying. Electing Obama isn't necessarily "passing the test." The test is...are you going to finally vote based on important issues, or based on BS distractions?

There really isn't a way to measure that, but yeah, Americans usually fail it...
Ha, but they don't. Working class voters went to Bush in 2000 and again in 2004. You can believe whatever you want, but if you want me to believe it you'll have to prove it.

In fact since Reagan, the working poor have leaned Republican more often than Democrat.

bush stole those votes. duhh
I don't think that's what he's saying. Electing Obama isn't necessarily "passing the test." The test is...are you going to finally vote based on important issues, or based on BS distractions?

There really isn't a way to measure that, but yeah, Americans usually fail it...

Exactly the point.
Judging from the noon-hour news coverage, we're failing. It was all Obama, all bitterness; it's the biggest story since 9/11. A new poll taken over the past 2 days in PA has Hillary jumping back to a 20 pt. lead.

We're such a weird country...