Obama and his 'Bitterness' Comments

McCain will pick a Govenor as his VP who had no role in the Bush Administration. Condi will not be the selection.

You are talking about voting strictly on Iraq (if you believe the polls the economy has passed Iraq as people's number one concern so Iraq will not be the defining issue). I don't consider McCain the person who got us into the situation we are in. Had he been in charge instead of Bush I believe we would be in a different position today vis-a-vis Iraq.

So I don't view McCain as following the same policies as the Bush adminstration.

Yep Jeb for VP :cheer:
I reiterate: If you choose McCain over Obama, you're an idiot.

Anyone who votes for a liberal (either Obama or Hillary) is an idiot. We've now painted approximately 1/3 of the U.S. populations as idiots (100 million peope which I believe is the number of people who voted in the '04 election). Thus the only people who are not idiots are those that don't vote or those that vote for a third party. Not bad!
Anyone who votes for a liberal (either Obama or Hillary) is an idiot. We've now painted approximately 1/3 of the U.S. populations as idiots (100 million peope which I believe is the number of people who voted in the '04 election). Thus the only people who are not idiots are those that don't vote or those that vote for a third party. Not bad!

But I can defend voting for Obama ..and even Clinton before voting for McCain.

Can you do likewise?
Anyone who votes for Republican is an idiot. We've now painted approximately 1/3 of the U.S. populations as idiots (100 million peope which I believe is the number of people who voted in the '04 election). Thus the only people who are not idiots are those that don't vote or those that vote for a third party. Not bad!

Well, I don't feel I can really judge people that haven't voted. I don't know their circumstances. I understand that as a republican you're always rushed to judgement and make decisions based on knowing very little about any given subject. Its in your nature I understand. But that's not necessarily true. Some of them are children, some may have been sick, some may have had emergencies or had to work unexpectedly. But, based on your conservative background, I can totally see how you'd come to such a conclusion.

Which brings us to why we are in the clusterfck known as Iraqi Freedom. One very stupid and powerful republican rushing to judgement without even knowing where Iraq was on a map.
cawacko your kind of a simpleton for a college graduate.

I just don’t’ understand it. He is one of the few republicans who seems to be a nice guy. But…the past 8 years are indefensible, period. I just shake my head an walk away from it.

Later, I will take it out on someone like Stuporfreak or Barbara.
Well, I don't feel I can really judge people that haven't voted. I don't know their circumstances. I understand that as a republican you're always rushed to judgement and make decisions based on knowing very little about any given subject. Its in your nature I understand. But that's not necessarily true. Some of them are children, some may have been sick, some may have had emergencies or had to work unexpectedly. But, based on your conservative background, I can totally see how you'd come to such a conclusion.

Which brings us to why we are in the clusterfck known as Iraqi Freedom. One very stupid and powerful republican rushing to judgement without even knowing where Iraq was on a map.

Are you talking about the people who aren't voting? Who made any judgement about them? I don't understand what you are referencing with your pyscho analization (sp). That to me isn't about liberal and conservative its about women and how stupid they are but that is for another time.

Edit: I take back my comments about women. That was uncalled for and not what I meant.
yes, I can. I'm not a fan of everything the guy does but I have no trouble defending it.

Then answer my questions my brother.

How can "victory" be won in Iraq when no matter what we do, the Iranians will have far more influence in Iraq than the US ever will?

Why doesn't McCain call for a draft if this is such a defining moment?
Are you talking about the people who aren't voting? Who made any judgement about them? I don't understand what you are referencing with your pyscho analization (sp). That to me isn't about liberal and conservative its about women and how stupid they are but that is for another time.
Edit: I take back my comments about women. That was uncalled for and not what I meant.


Ladies and gentlemen, introducting cawacko....the republican.
Then answer my questions my brother.

How can "victory" be won in Iraq when no matter what we do, the Iranians will have far more influence in Iraq than the US ever will?

Why doesn't McCain call for a draft if this is such a defining moment?

A draft may be something that has to be considered in the future. To state the obvious our military is very strained.

Ladies and gentlemen, introducting cawacko....the republican.

I didn't realize men and women issues only affected Republicans. I'm going to hang with my liberal male friends some more then since they must have women all figured out.
cawacko's a rich guy/high income dude who can stand the thought of paying more taxes. He's brainwashed on accepting the other neocon bs.
Anybody who says all liberals/cons * anything is a card carrying simpleton.
cawacko's a rich guy/high income dude who can stand the thought of paying more taxes. He's brainwashed on accepting the other neocon bs.
Anybody who says all liberals/cons * anything is a card carrying simpleton.

Well Topspin I was being facetious with my 'all liberals' comment. I agree that saying all of any group is one thing is a very simpleton statement or mindset. I don't believe Republicans are right on all issues and I don't believe Democrats are wrong on all issues.

I find saying 'anyone who votes for Obama over McCain is an idiot' to be a very stupid statement coming from a smart woman. Thus my facetious response.

And as much as I wish I was and hope to be in the future I am not a rich guy.
I completely agree .. although not in the way the recent idiotic comment framed it.

So I said that you were claiming that if you don't vote for obama that you are an idiot. You then claim that's NOT what you said, and now you are agreeing that it is in fact what you meant to imply, but perhaps not in such language.

Get real.