Obama Begins VP Search....

"full of hatred"?

No, I'm not .. nor am I any of the other over-the-top hysterical characterizations that you and Darla try to paint. Don't see Obama as the "messiah", nor do I see anyone as a messiah, including Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, or Jehovah. Don't blame the Clintons for our entire history, including the slaughter of the indians .. silly as hell to suggest I do. Don't agree with everything Obama says and does.

What I am is a father with a daughter in Iraq. A daughter who has survived being stuck in Hell for 32 months over 3 tours now. A daughter whom I raised by myself and love as much as any parent could love. Forget what color I am because racism doesn't have anything to do with what you precieve as "hatred." There are a lot of fathers and mothers just like me, and they ain't all black. Regardles of their race, they have the same nightmares that I do.

I've probably been around as long as you have so you can save the condesending age remark you said to Watermark.

What you'd like to interpret as anger is better described as disgust. Oftentimes, the American people are simply disgusting. This is one of those times. I take offense when anyone calls me a liberal or a democrat, because for the most part, they are weak people pretending to have conscience. This country has thoughtlessly mass-murdered countless innocent people and destroyed a small nation that presented no threat to us .. and we don't REALLY care. Not really .. we don't care. We also don't care about our own young men and women who are being blown the fuck up daily. Not your child in peril .. so fuck 'em.

At a moment when the Democratic Party is being HANDED power, not through actions of their own but through the failures of the right, the Clintons, who hand power to republicans very well, do what they do best .. which is blame everyone else for their failures. If you choose to discuss this, how about you demonstrate that age thing you spoke of and address what I ACTUALLY say, not a histrionic mischaracterization.

Frankly, I find you quite misinformed about quite a few things you say and you have yet to address the questions about the Clintons that I've asked.

I guess it was OK when blacks you claim were filled with "evil, rude, and sexist statements" were giving the Clintons 90% of their support .. and in fact were the X factor that got Bill Clinton elected both times, thus paving the way for Hillary Clintons moment. I guess they weren't so bad then .. when they knew their place. In fact, when this primary began, Hillary had the majority of black support, not Obama. Of course, there couldn't possibly be anything that Hillary did wrong to lose that support .. just black people being rude and sexist.

Everybody is sexist. The media, black people, Obama and anybody who supports him. Never mind that the media, black people, and many who now support Obama were all with Clinton when this thing started. She was the presumptive nominee and nobody was sexist. Never mind that Hillary did then and does now get the majority of male votes. Everybody is sexist because her failures cannot be due to bad strategy, Mark Penn, voting for the war, voting with Bush on Iran, "obliterate Iran", getting caught in lies and deceptions, taking caucuses for granted and proclaiming she would be coronated as the nominee by Feb. 5, Bill Clinton, Columbia trade deals, or offensive statements.

None of the above contribute to Hillary's defeat or her high negatives .. only sexism.

Why did many of those closest to the Clintons abandon them? Must be because they're sexist .. even the women. That must be it because you haven't answered that question though I've asked several times.

I can logically discuss any aspect my disgust for the Clintons and their intent to blow up the party and destroy the opportunity to end the suffering in Iraq .. and I can logically discuss their contuned moving goalposts which don't have a damn thing to do with sexism .. and how it's not sexism at all or any affront to democracy or women .. and I can gladly discuss why I and many others took real offense to Hillary's comment, not the "pretense" you claimed .. which I found mighty "white" of you to determine what I should be offended by.

This election is over. Obama played by the rules and against the odds, he won. Had he lost 12 elections in a row he would have been tossed out long ago.

I have a daughter in danger in a made-up bullshit war that should have never been waged and which your candidate approved of and does not regret, as there are countless daughters in danger because of it .. I don't suffer fools easily on this issue.

Like I said bac, you’re not a coalition builder.

And there are no fools involved in this discussion. That’s your first error.

I’m not hysterical and the one person who has been consistently over the top on this issue has been you.
Like I said bac, you’re not a coalition builder.

And there are no fools involved in this discussion. That’s your first error.

I’m not hysterical and the one person who has been consistently over the top on this issue has been you.

I build and support coalitions with serious people .. and I have a track record of doing so. Doesn't matter their race, faith, or gender .. what matters is that they're serious people.

You'll have to pardon my disagreement, but anyone who buys the Clinton mindfuck of this is all about women, is a fool. That doesn't mean you or necesarily Care, but those who do are indeed fools.

You are free to disagree and I'm not trying to intentionally upset anyone, but if you are .. so be it.

I am as adamant in my position as you are yours.
blackpanther, dial it down about 1,000 knotches. Here's a clue from time to time humor is employed in the boards.
Well bac, even though I never said that this was all about women, and only about women, I well understand at this point that I am a fool in your book and that you reside in some alternate reality where you hear what you want to hear and see what you wish to see.

And what else I understand is that you are so far to the left of barrack obama it’s not even measurable. I well understand that if he were white, you would not be acting the way you are acting. You used to be realistic about him, until the very second it occurred to you that he could win, and ever since then the fact that we might have a black President in your life time, a lifetime which started while Jim Crow was still in effect, settled in your mind, it was so close you could taste it, and that’s all you see anymore. This is actually completely human and totally understandable, but you made a decision to never acknowledge it because if you do, then you think he becomes the black president and wont’ be elected.

And I don’t sing enough Obama praises for your liking, and even though I would never vote for Hillary for my reasons, they’re not your reasons, and so they’re not good enough to make your cut and get on your bus. And I refuse to allow you to turn her into the bunny boiler so that we, number one, disenfranchise the majority of white women, and number two, ensure that you have so enshrined the myth of the calculating, ball crushing, murderous, vampirical, ambitious woman, that we can not have a woman get close to the white house in my lifetime, I then become a Clintonista fool, who can’t get on your bus.

But I’m still voting for Obama, no matter how hard you try to get me to do otherwise, and I’ll still talk about the sexism and racism that has been a force, and continues to be a force.

And I hope after this primary is over, you start to make some sense again, but right now your anger is so overwhelming, I think we’ll just leave it at this. Or, I will. I have had men yelling and waiving their arms at me my whole life. It really doesn’t mean much to me. I still think that your alright, and that this will pass. If it doesn’t, then that’s ok too.
Well bac, even though I never said that this was all about women, and only about women, I well understand at this point that I am a fool in your book and that you reside in some alternate reality where you hear what you want to hear and see what you wish to see.

And what else I understand is that you are so far to the left of barrack obama it’s not even measurable. I well understand that if he were white, you would not be acting the way you are acting. You used to be realistic about him, until the very second it occurred to you that he could win, and ever since then the fact that we might have a black President in your life time, a lifetime which started while Jim Crow was still in effect, settled in your mind, it was so close you could taste it, and that’s all you see anymore. This is actually completely human and totally understandable, but you made a decision to never acknowledge it because if you do, then you think he becomes the black president and wont’ be elected.

And I don’t sing enough Obama praises for your liking, and even though I would never vote for Hillary for my reasons, they’re not your reasons, and so they’re not good enough to make your cut and get on your bus. And I refuse to allow you to turn her into the bunny boiler so that we, number one, disenfranchise the majority of white women, and number two, ensure that you have so enshrined the myth of the calculating, ball crushing, murderous, vampirical, ambitious woman, that we can not have a woman get close to the white house in my lifetime, I then become a Clintonista fool, who can’t get on your bus.

But I’m still voting for Obama, no matter how hard you try to get me to do otherwise, and I’ll still talk about the sexism and racism that has been a force, and continues to be a force.

And I hope after this primary is over, you start to make some sense again, but right now your anger is so overwhelming, I think we’ll just leave it at this. Or, I will. I have had men yelling and waiving their arms at me my whole life. It really doesn’t mean much to me. I still think that your alright, and that this will pass. If it doesn’t, then that’s ok too.

Just proves you don't know a thing about me .. nor do I care if you become a Clintonista or if you can't get on the Obama bus. I've never once asked you to support Obama or not to support the Clintons. That's your decision.

And boy, I'm sure glad you're here to tell me about me. My how you know exactly when and why I support who I do. Must be some kind of magic .. too bad its wrong as hell .. but fits quite nicely with the rest of your over-the-top mischaracterizations.

And, I'm not the men in your life yelling and waving their hands at you .. please, get a fucking grip. This is a political message board and I'm posting my perspective of this election which doesn't have shit to do with you.

Neither you or Care have even remotely attempted to address real questions and that's your prerogative not to .. but I don't do prima donnas. If you'd like to discuss issues and/or why Clinton lost this election, I have no problem with that.
I never called you one name, but you have been calling me names starting with twisted sister, and ending with calling me a fool who was getting support from republicans (damo) on a thread yesterday, and you continued that today. And the idea of you complaining about any person interpreting your steaming anger, is ludicrous since you have done nothing but put others into categories.

If Obama is elected, it will be despite men like you who were real quick to say there’s a place for you on this bus bitch, and it’s prone, straight out of the Stokely handbook.

You’re so angry that I don’t even want to read your posts anymore. So, knock yourself out calling me names, I really don’t care bac, I just hope you and yours don’t put John McCain in the white house.

But this white bitch, who ain’t shutting up and getting prone for nobody, thinks you may.
I never called you one name, but you have been calling me names starting with twisted sister, and ending with calling me a fool who was getting support from republicans (damo) on a thread yesterday, and you continued that today. And the idea of you complaining about any person interpreting your steaming anger, is ludicrous since you have done nothing but put others into categories.

If Obama is elected, it will be despite men like you who were real quick to say there’s a place for you on this bus bitch, and it’s prone, straight out of the Stokely handbook.

You’re so angry that I don’t even want to read your posts anymore. So, knock yourself out calling me names, I really don’t care bac, I just hope you and yours don’t put John McCain in the white house.

But this white bitch, who ain’t shutting up and getting prone for nobody, thinks you may.

"Don't get it twisted sister" .. that's calling you a name?

"White bitch"?

Whatever you do, please don't read my posts .. I can't handle your reinterpretation to fit your your preconcieved victimhood.

Still can't handle the questions .. and that's cool too.
blackpanther you name call with the best of them and then jumb your high horse when called on it.
Clintonista's LOFL, I for Obama big time. But I don't believe for a Nano second if you switched the stances and campains that you'd be supporting the black Clinton as tooth and nail as your supporting Obama. I bet the overwhelming majority of posters would agree.
blackpanther you name call with the best of them and then jumb your high horse when called on it.
Clintonista's LOFL, I for Obama big time. But I don't believe for a Nano second if you switched the stances and campains that you'd be supporting the black Clinton as tooth and nail as your supporting Obama. I bet the overwhelming majority of posters would agree.


You funny.

"The black Clinton" .. stupid, but funny.

If Obama had supported the war and didn't regret it, I wouldn't be supporting him at all. But because you, Darla, and Care know what all black people think you can believe what you will. Doesn't matter that the white Clinton got about the same percentage of black support the black Obama is getting.

This may come as a surprise to you, but I ain't here to win polls. I don't even begin to assume that the majority of posters agree with me .. nor do I care.

I's gota bran of me own sur but I's try to be mo' suptible to you good folk.
my bullshit meter just exploded.
Hillary would probably get the troups out quicker than Obama. I have no problem with you supporting him mainly cause he's black. Your trumped up critisisms of Hillary are as stupid and juvenille as the republican ones.
my bullshit meter just exploded.
Hillary would probably get the troups out quicker than Obama. I have no problem with you supporting him mainly cause he's black. Your trumped up critisisms of Hillary are as stupid and juvenille as the republican ones.

gosh, thnks you sur.

I's so happy.

"You have no problem with me supporting him because he's black" .. what a racist bullshit comment.

Of course the rest of you support who you do because you're intelligent and you've made intelligent decisions.

my bullshit meter just exploded.
Hillary would probably get the troups out quicker than Obama. I have no problem with you supporting him mainly cause he's black. Your trumped up critisisms of Hillary are as stupid and juvenille as the republican ones.

LOL. Top, whatever they say about you, or I say about you, I have to admit you have balls. No one else will come near this thread, they’re shitting their pants.
you are what you are soul brother, you haven't show much more than an educated panther mentality yet.

And you are what you are .. whatever the fuck that is.

I'm real confident in my education .. how about you?

Is there a point to this or are you just looking for brownie points? .. given how you're so into polls.
LOL. Top, whatever they say about you, or I say about you, I have to admit you have balls. No one else will come near this thread, they’re shitting their pants.

Perhaps they simply don't see the point.

No questions are being answered in this thread, no real discussion being had.
If they are against Hillary for real issues I'm fine.
But these pussies have a clusterfuck of swift boat type complainst.
Spineless jellyfish both of em.
If they are against Hillary for real issues I'm fine.
But these pussies have a clusterfuck of swift boat type complainst.
Spineless jellyfish both of em.

Well, that’s another thing that is becoming a big problem. Too many liberals have been very quick to jump on the right wing bandwagon and use right wing talking points when attacking the Clintons. That’s going to come back and bite the entire democratic party in the ass.

I can make my own arguments against Clinton, and I have done so, without reverting to that. But a lot of liberal websites and liberal opinion writers are doing it. I think it’s so dumb, not to mention lazy. And too, most of that shit is just flat-out false.