Obama Begins VP Search....

Bravo let me tell you something you really need to know about me; nobody hates right wingers more than me. Ask around. I have zero in common with you pukes, so don’t go looking for common ground or thinking that I would be voting for McCain because I get pissed off about some of the things I read. I’m a writer. I work my angst out by writing. Including on here, where I can be more open, for instance, saying things like, I hate right wing pukes.

You’d have more luck with Desh or even Care, who are sometimes nice to people like you. I am never nice to people like you.

There’s no space here for you to stick a wedge into.

I wouldn't dream of considering finding common ground with a brain-dead slug like you....my self esteem wouldn't allow it....so have no fear....

But if my questions scare you, just fuck off....you don't have to reply... :321:
Bravo let me tell you something you really need to know about me; nobody hates right wingers more than me. Ask around. I have zero in common with you pukes, so don’t go looking for common ground or thinking that I would be voting for McCain because I get pissed off about some of the things I read. I’m a writer. I work my angst out by writing. Including on here, where I can be more open, for instance, saying things like, I hate right wing pukes.

You’d have more luck with Desh or even Care, who are sometimes nice to people like you. I am never nice to people like you.

There’s no space here for you to stick a wedge into.

bravo pwnt.
Originally Posted by Cypress:
Care, I'm dissapointed with all the over the top Hillary versus Obama bashing that goes on. So, I know what you're saying. Neither Hillary nor Obama were my favored choices, so I've been able to maintain a little neutrality. I think you're right, that the dogpiles on Clinton have sometimes been over the top, and uncalled for. I also think the Clinton's play dirty and hard. I always knew that about them. A lot of politicians play dirty and hard. I wish every one campaigned like Bernie Sanders, or Russ Feingold, but it ain't gonna happen.

I wasn't demanding that Clinton drop out three months ago. Its' her right to stay in a competitive race. I really wish she hadn't engaged in some of the tactics she did. Some of them were over the top. That's not to say Obama hasn't played hard. But, I really hated the fear mongering, and the three o'clock in the morning ads she ran. It was much too Rovian for me. But, it didn't make me hate her guts. She played dirty. Oh well. That's what the Clinton's have always done. Its probably the reason they kicked republicans asses. I get pissed of at her. I get pissed at her war resolution vote. I get pissed at the way it took four years for her to admit her vote was wrong. I get pissed at some of her campaign tactics. I get pissed that she might be hurting democratic prospects in the Fall. But, when you get right down to it, I don't think she's any worse of a Democratic Senator than Joe Biden or Diane Fienstein. I'm not going to spend my life hating her guts. I don't know if it's the best idea to have her on the VP slot. I don't even know if she'd want it. I would think being a senator is better than being VP

I was not an Obama supporter nor a Hillary supporter when this race began.

I was a Gore supporter, then a biden supporter then Edwards wormed in there somewhere..... :)

After my favs were no longer there I started to pay attention...still not "picking" sides and let the race go on...

I then, through the debates, thought that Hillary was the Stronger candidate...but was mesmerized by Obama and his charm.

I did not become a Hillary supporter until the Obama camp started bashing her left and right....and the media decided for all of us, that Obama would be the winner of this primary, LONG BEFORE she could have been counted OUT....

Also, as an adult voter, I thought all of this Hope and change CRAP was just that, crap...and simply NOT TRUE, because it was apparent that Obama WAS THE INSIDER and NOT Hillary as all thought.... He has the Kennedy family, Kerry, Dean, all the insiders of the political Democratic Arena, on his side...it ain't hillary that is the insider, but Obama....and as I have asked many times, WHAT IS IT that makes Obama the Candidate of Change?

So all that silly mumbo jumbo to get the youth vote on board, is hollow to me...I just don't see it.... I see the same old, same old, with Obama and Hillary....neither can hold the high ground....and to be "fooled" in to thinking something will really change with Obama as the candidate verses Hillary as the Candidate, is setting oneself up for a HUGE disappointment in my humble opinion.


I understand what you're saying care, and I can empathize. I personally haven't tried to get too emotionally invested in either candidate. I listen to a radio station in the morning, where it's all clinton bashing all the time. It's not helpful. I think some of the dogpiling on clinton was totally unmerited. On the other hand, she played hard and sometimes very dirty. Did some very objectionable things. Both of them did, at times. I try not to have a heart attack about it. I think Obama was above the fray most of the time, from what I saw. Which is cool. But, politics is politics. Sometimes its nasty and dirty. I just hope everyone can get past this. The Gore-Bradley partisan divide was toxic, but they ended up coming together.

I think the most sleaze I've seen is not from Obama or Clinton themselves, but from their partisan supporters in cyberspace (not here, but elsewhere). It's been positively toxic. I think everyone will calm down eventually. I hope.

I have never in my life, outside of Bushites, seen a more sensitive bunch of babies in my entire life....this is how i do view you...as a group...tooooo emotionally involved and making every little thing said an issue...

There was nothing wrong in what she said regarding her husband and Robert Kennedy still being in the Primary in the month of June of which he later was assasinated.

yes, YOUR SIDE has TRIED its hardest to make this ANOTHER one of your silly, immature to say the least.... attacks, just so YOU can gain a political advantage over it BAC...and to pretend this offended you is just plain ridiculous and a far reach and twist for you to make this about Hillary WISHING OR THINKING that Obama could be or should be, killed.

Shame on YOU!

Robert Kennedy Jr, the son of Robert Kennedy came out in Hillary's defense immediately and said he totally understood where she was refering to the TWO JUNE primaries where the nominee was not even picked yet or had enough votes to win the nomination....and guess what, She was correct.

I can't view the tape of Hillary because i only have dial up, so it will take quite a while before it downloads.... but if what she said is it is clear that these Florida elections are not going to count.....where did she say this, what was the circumstance? That could have just been a fact that she was stating at the time she was saying it.... CONTEXT DOES MATTER, you know....?

And even so, saying that it is clear that they are not going to count, is just stating a fact, not stating her position on it....for goodness sakes?

I don't get you guys ONE ITTY BITTY BIT....Obama, he's an alright guy....but YOU....you are just vicious, BITTER people to me....and to alot of Democrats and your candidate just may lose the election, because OF YOU...his "follower".... and race won't be the reason, but viscious, vile, twist and turning, race calling followers, will be....mark my words....UNLESS, you let Hillary campaign like crazy FOR Obama...BUT NOOOOOOOOOO.....you have tried nothing but to scorn her....well you, and others like you, have done a huge disservice to your Party and this race between Obama and McCain, is actually going to be a race, and NOT the blowout one would expect....

Now, I am NOT a supporter of Hillary taking a vp slot, but I certainly know enough about politics to KNOW that YOU AND OBAMA are going to need her like you never believed, to get people to vote for Obama, who Obama has INTENTIONALLY IGNORED....I would not continue to bite off your nose, inspite of your face.....or the Democrats, will win congress seats, but the presidency will be in question....imho....not so much with Dems voting for MCCain, cuz i can't see that, but for Dems not going to the poll to vote for Obama, I can see that....if this meaness, cockyness, and arrogance on your side continues BAC.


P.S. CAN ANY Obama supporter, including yourself, tell me what CHANGE Obama is about...how HE IS NOT AN INSIDER, with the Kennedys and the Kerry's and the Pelosi's and the Dean's all supporting him? All the insiders?

What a joke!

Why don't you just go vote for Bush again Care? It's obvious you've become a Republican.
Why don't you just go vote for Bush again Care? It's obvious you've become a Republican.

Water please don’t tell me you’ve gone over too? Is anyone who doesn’t find Obama to be the best candidate in the whole wide history of the world, a republican who isn’t welcome in the Democratic party?

What are we creating here, a political party, or a cult?
"I did not become a Hillary supporter until the Obama camp started bashing her left and right....and the media decided for all of us, that Obama would be the winner of this primary, LONG BEFORE she could have been counted OUT...."

How did the Obama camp start bashing her "left & right?" Was any of it worse than what the Hillary camp was lobbing his way? Must have missed that.

If Obama lost 10 primaries in a row in February, the race would have been done. It is only very recently that the media has started to characterize the race as over; your version of this is just not accurate....
Water please don’t tell me you’ve gone over too? Is anyone who doesn’t find Obama to be the best candidate in the whole wide history of the world, a republican who isn’t welcome in the Democratic party?

What are we creating here, a political party, or a cult?

Yeah, there's a cult .. of Clintonistas.
Why don't you just go vote for Bush again Care? It's obvious you've become a Republican.
I don't get in to the "group think, Mob Mentality" Watermark... ;), I wouldn't fit with the Bushites or the Obamaites I'm afraid....not in to cults, no one on this earth is a Messiah or a Messiahess to me!!!! my feet are firmly on the ground! Too bad I can't say the same for alot of my friends here like you!!!!!! Go have your fun Watermark, support your guy, get all excited....it's good to see....but I take the Presidency of the United States in a much more methodical, and serious manner at my age.....

I have never voted for Bush and will never vote for Mccain, and will never be a Republican....I have been a Democrat longer than you have been alive...:eek:sadly! lol

"I did not become a Hillary supporter until the Obama camp started bashing her left and right....and the media decided for all of us, that Obama would be the winner of this primary, LONG BEFORE she could have been counted OUT...."

How did the Obama camp start bashing her "left & right?" Was any of it worse than what the Hillary camp was lobbing his way? Must have missed that.

If Obama lost 10 primaries in a row in February, the race would have been done. It is only very recently that the media has started to characterize the race as over; your version of this is just not accurate....

Simply not true Onceler! Just do a google on Hillary pressured to quit, and the articles start showing up in February, heavily in February....by March/April every black voter that called in on c-spans washington journal was filled with visceral, evil, rude, and sexist statements about Hillary...MOB LIKE....now, i know you have really never been a fan of any Clinton, but certainly you are not blinded too? To the point of ONLY SEEING your candidate's side and not seeing the negativeness from your own side Onceler?

I see a set up, from the republican side of the aisle, and some pretty foolish Obama supporters that did not see it....

Baiting the race issue and taking some of the Clinton's statements and twisting and turning them with THE BEST OF THE BUSHITES, Dixie like :)

The Obamaites bought in to it, and the repubs got what they wanted, a divided democratic party...a possibility now, of a republican win in November.....where there should not be one at all....the repubs are over joyed and people like BAC will make this happen....is how I see it, unless something majorly changes.... it's just a little warning from my feminine 6th sense....

Simply not true Onceler! Just do a google on Hillary pressured to quit, and the articles start showing up in February, heavily in February....by March/April every black voter that called in on c-spans washington journal was filled with visceral, evil, rude, and sexist statements about Hillary...MOB LIKE....now, i know you have really never been a fan of any Clinton, but certainly you are not blinded too? To the point of ONLY SEEING your candidate's side and not seeing the negativeness from your own side Onceler?

I see a set up, from the republican side of the aisle, and some pretty foolish Obama supporters that did not see it....

Baiting the race issue and taking some of the Clinton's statements and twisting and turning them with THE BEST OF THE BUSHITES, Dixie like :)

The Obamaites bought in to it, and the repubs got what they wanted, a divided democratic party...a possibility now, of a republican win in November.....where there should not be one at all....the repubs are over joyed and people like BAC will make this happen....is how I see it, unless something majorly changes.... it's just a little warning from my feminine 6th sense....


Well what part of the problem is that, few understand you are talking about Obama supporters and not the Obama campaign. So they are trying to figure out, well, what did Obama say that was so sexist? And then too, they will feel as if, how can you let what "a few" dumb people on tv or on the internet say change your vote?

We live in a pornified society where it is still alright to degrade women openly and daily. I have seen some very outrageous comments too Care, the one which sticks out most, is the "the bro before the ho". I've seen that more than once. And I think back to all the writing of black feminist intellectuals that I have read about the civil rights movement and the sexism they suffered through it, and the suffrage movement and the racism they suffered through it, and I think that surely being a black woman is the most ripping of all. The bro before the ho. Surely that is a life's motto; my friends before my whore. And men of all colors can be and often are, disgusting pigs, and so that is what we as women, have in common, and why we can often, two strangers, understand each other with only one glance. I don't claim to be a spokesperson for black women. I can only guess that many of them, moved to Obama when Hillary made some racially charged plays, which I do think that she did. Obama hasn't made any gender-charged plays, and I think that's why the black woman vote has played out the way that it has.

I've felt exactly as you do, and I don't blame you for it. I just got to a place where I took a good look at Obama who I always preferred to Hillary (because I am a peace activist, really, that is my overriding issue), and I didn't see any sexism, and I doubted he could be a sexist married to Michelle, who I think is a strong woman who doesn't suffer fools, at all. And I have been able to compartmentalize him, and some of his supporters. Because you know, we do live in this pornified society, and men don't get it, and they never really can. There are exceptions. I've known one in my whole life. That doesn't mean there aren't a lot of good men, who aren't really sexist. But it doesn't mean that those good men really grasp it either. They don't. They don't even look around and see that as racism is dying out with the younger generation, sexism is doing no such thing! Ho's, rampant violent pornography...young guys still openly mocking and degrading women, something that they truly would never think of doing to a black man, because racially, I think this last generation has finally evolved, but women? Still hos.

And that's what we have here. And I have been torn into two pieces over it. And if I didn't in my mind, every day, see the children dying on the streets of Iraq, starving in Afghanistan, no legs in Lebanon, I would probably have gone to the wall for Hillary. It's been the toughest, hardest decision, and no man on this board will ever get it, and so I will be a Clinonista, and a bitch, and maybe in some quiet room somewhere, the word they won't type and only think; a whore.

But at my age, thank God, you get to the point where you answer to only one place and that place is in no man's eyes,, but in your own.

I choose Obama. But I'll say what I want to about this race, about Hillary Clinton who is not the devil, and about the sexism still raging and still harming, in our pornified society.
bac is a brother who is venting for hundreds of years of racism that still exits in many fronts today.
Thank you and this is definately understandable, but how does that explain him making Hillary and Bill the fall guys our entire history? a lttle over dramatic to me.....I will let him answer me, to see if I can discern more...

for the record I agree with him and Obama's biggest achievement might be the great reduction of it.

Yeah but, in the process of eradicating racism, I'd rather not see women, even if they're only white women, so vilified that we can never have a woman president.

I mean, I know I'm nitpicking, but you would think that Hillary Clinton and her supporters have been responsible for every evil since we slaughtered the freaking indians!
Oh, I didn't nominate him for sainthood. I just understand where his stupidity and short fuse come from. He's very close minded.
Care, to me, there is no comparison at all between how the Clinton campaign has been run & how the Obama campaign has been run. One has been mainly high road, and one has been mainly low road, and that is just how it has been. I don't think this makes me "blinded", and I certainly don't think Obama is the "messiah." It's just a straight-up look at both campaigns.

I'm not oblivious to the times that Obama has lowered the tone of the campaign, but to me, it always seems like he does so reluctantly, and only when he has been called out a few times by Hillary's campaign. He has been criticized often for not hitting back hard, and not getting down in the mud more often. Hillary's campaign has used race, has argued that McCain is more qualified than Obama, has used ever metric possible on delegates, has refused to help squash rumors that Obama is a Muslim, has used the Rovian "3 a.m." technique to make Obama seem soft on national security, and has used every opportunity to try to paint Obama as an extremist or plagiarist or whatever the attack du jour has been.

Like I said, I don't think there is any comparison. You said you weren't a Hillary supporter until his campaign started attacking her "left & right." I just don't see it; I don't think the facts support that argument at all.