Obama Begins VP Search....

I’m not accusing you of being a sexist, nor Onceler, I don’t believe that either of you are. However, I think that calling Care a whiner who should take her hissy fit and her marbles and go home, was unfortunate phrasing. I also think that very few men, of any color, or any ideaology have stopped and thought, or bothered to acknowledge what it would have meant to have a woman president. And I think that it’s time to stop beating the Hillary horse. No good can come from it. Let it go. She lost. Let’s show a little grace. We don’t have to reject her three times. She’s a politician, she pulled a few smelly moves, all of which will pale in comparison to the general, because the republicans do not have a liberal base they have to fear offending.

Again we disagree.

I attempted to be very civil with Care .. even telling her that I see her as an honest and sincere person whom I respect. I answered her every question with civility and support for my position .. until this ...

"There was nothing wrong in what she said regarding her husband and Robert Kennedy still being in the Primary in the month of June of which he later was assasinated.

yes, YOUR SIDE has TRIED its hardest to make this ANOTHER one of your silly, immature to say the least.... attacks, just so YOU can gain a political advantage over it BAC...and to pretend this offended you is just plain ridiculous and a far reach and twist for you to make this about Hillary WISHING OR THINKING that Obama could be or should be, killed."

First, there was a lot of shit wrong with what she said including its inaccurate historical context .. and civility went right out the window.

I'm "pretending" to take offense? You mean like I'm lying? Are all blacks lying about being offended?

"Silly", "immature" .. are those things attributable to men?

There's no end to this kind of stupidity.

This election is about issues not women or blacks .. and those who profess that are doing a disservice to this moment. They are in fact, standing in the way of progress for both.
Hillary made the referance more than once, she did it several times, this time she was tired and said it too blantently and the true meaning of the referance was outed.
Again we disagree.

I attempted to be very civil with Care .. even telling her that I see her as an honest and sincere person whom I respect. I answered her every question with civility and support for my position .. until this ...

"There was nothing wrong in what she said regarding her husband and Robert Kennedy still being in the Primary in the month of June of which he later was assasinated.

yes, YOUR SIDE has TRIED its hardest to make this ANOTHER one of your silly, immature to say the least.... attacks, just so YOU can gain a political advantage over it BAC...and to pretend this offended you is just plain ridiculous and a far reach and twist for you to make this about Hillary WISHING OR THINKING that Obama could be or should be, killed."

First, there was a lot of shit wrong with what she said including its inaccurate historical context .. and civility went right out the window.

I'm "pretending" to take offense? You mean like I'm lying? Are all blacks lying about being offended?

"Silly", "immature" .. are those things attributable to men?

There's no end to this kind of stupidity.

This election is about issues not women or blacks .. and those who profess that are doing a disservice to this moment. They are in fact, standing in the way of progress for both.

Well, I tend to believe, because Hillary has made those comments more than once, that there is something there. But others disagree, including Bobby Kennedy Junior. All I am saying is that these disagreements, which are minor compared to other larger issues, shouldn’t be driving a wedge between the two camps, but they are, and I think it is in large part due to the less-than-gracious behavior of Obama supporters towards Hillary supporters, and again, this is throughout the internet not here. I have seen some of the most sexist things I have ever read posted on the Huffpo and on the NY Times website, by alleged Obama supporters. Again, for all I know they are paid republican operatives, but…they can’t all be.
Hillary made the referance more than once, she did it several times, this time she was tired and said it too blantently and the true meaning of the referance was outed.

Let it go Desh, please. Maybe she wishes Obama dead. Maybe not. Let’s say she does. I wish we could all stop pretending we are so naïve that we actually refuse to believe that the kind of power you are talking about here, and the kind of personality who seeks it, would quibble at its cost. As if, Mitt Romney would be broken-hearted if McCain drops dead, and didn’t suspend rather than end his campaign with the calculation that the old bastard might kick-off in mind. These people are achieving the most powerful position in the world. If we want to keep beating this outrage about Hillary’s comments, what we are doing, once again, is contributing to the myth of the black widow spider. Just stop. There are no angels in this game. My God wars have been started for political benefit, the cost in lives unknowable and unknown. That’s what is at stake here.
I think you may have just caught the depth of this Darla.

There is only one camp that gains from a democratic war ohn its self.

Rushacrats are the people who are doing this and making her numbers look as good as they are.
"Yes, many of these people, on all three sides, and in all three camps, are just quite simply, dummies"

Not to parse, but what is the difference between "many" and "much?" Couldn't I say, using your logic, that you just called all black Obama voters dummies?

Sorry - I know I'm being pissy.

It’s ok, I already admitted that you are being pissy.
It's kind of ironic that Ferraro is calling attention to the "terribly sexist" Obama campaign when she made such a big deal before about how anyone who attacks his campaign is immediately called a racist (even though her remarks in that exchange WERE about race).

The examples she lists are pretty thin; saying Hillary is "likeable enough"? How is that sexist?

Now this fool is saying she might vote for McCain because Obama is sexist?

If there is one fool who has been exposed in all of this, it's this fool.

And all this crap about he's losing hordes of women is bullshit.

Careful - is calling a woman a "fool" considered sexist?

Maybe I was even being sexist when I said her remarks were "ironic."
I already expressed my outrage about this Ferarro thing over a week ago when her comments were first reported. If I have to put on my outrage hat again since Desh dug it up as happening this morning, which it did not, then I guess I can do that.

For the record I think that Ferraro herself is probably a racist, and I also think she’s an idiot.
The reason I've gone from posting threads about her strengths to now absolutely hating her, as you know, has nothing to do with her gender. Frankly, I hate her in spite of her gender.

This wasn't the first time she'd made that exact remark and it wasn't the first time she was criticized for it. I'm willing to bet Hillary is as smart as I am and far more knowledgeable about the inner workings of the Democratic Party .. so she knows this has never been an effective or even honest defense, or historical interpretation. She said this with intent.

I'm willing to bet Hillary is as smart as I am ???

I'm willing to bet Hillary is as smart as I am ???

NO SHIT? Are you really willing to bet that Hillary is as smart as you???

What a fuckin' joke.....the arrogance is astounding...

Wordsmithing is what the Clintons do, and they do it better than most. It has been the source of their political power. In truth, republicans have been telling the left this for years. .. Yeah, I know, but they were right. The one great pleasure the right can enjoy today is watching the Democratic Party discover the Clintons.

Was the intent of the RFK remard meant as a clarion call to would-be assassins? Who knows, .. but what is known is the Clintons are smart enough to know it might be interpreted as one. They are smart enough to know that any mention of assassination, especially in a historically distorted and ineffective excuse, would enrage the progressives within the party .. they know because they'd already been told when she made it the first time.

At the bottom of this democrats had better seriously ask themselves how did the Clintons go from half a million dollars to over a hundred million so quickly? .. and that hundred million is all we've been told about.

Democrats are waking up to what the Clintons represent, and it ain't pretty.
I think that what has been forgotten is just how this campaign started. Hillary Clinton was in a unique position because she was a woman. And the biggest, loudest and most frequent question being asked about this primary was “will voters buy a woman as commander in chief during a time of war”. We will never know how many of those votes she made because as a woman, she had to prove she could be “man enough” to be commander in chief. That is what all the pundits were questioning when this race begun, and oh how quickly we forget. Obama never had to prove that. Never had to pass that litmus test. So she made those votes to be the man. Meanwhile, lets not forget that Obama hasn’t exactly been a paragon of bravery, mister skipped the Moveon vote, skipped the kyle-lieberman vote, and when has he voted to cut off funding for this war? The truth is, there has been little if any difference in their voting records on this war. Rhetoric aside, their votes have been identical. But since Obama did make that speech against the war before it started, (though he escaped having to vote on it), and since he voted for banning the use of cluster bombs on civilians, I have went with him. So small of a thing we have to hang our votes on, no? Wow, he voted against using cluster bombs on children! For this, I am supposed to be grateful. You might think that any human being would vote against that. What a world we have created and now have to reside in.

And now that Hillary proved she can be as murderous as any man, which it was demanded of her that she prove! she’s being painted as the calculating, black widow spider, the very embodiment of all that is evil. I am really gagging on this, and I am not happy with what I am seeing.

Meanwhile another thing that is being forgotten is, it worked! It won’t get her the nomination because the base is more anti-war than the general electorate, but it worked with them. The general electorate does buy her as CIC. Polls are showing, consistently, that she beats McCain in a general, and in some states, by a larger margin than Obama! So, just whose psychosis is this, hers, or the American people’s? Whose fault is it that a woman had to prove she was willing to smile while she killed, just like the boys on the hill, as the song goes, hers, or ours?

I would say that America should look at itself in the mirror. All of the answers are there, including the answer to the question; did Hillary mean to imply someone could kill obama? That’s where all of the answers can be found. In America’s mirror.

You how sometimes you get into good conversations with other adults and you forget that there may be children in other parts of the house?

That's what happened here, that's all.

You weren't in the room when we were talking so there was no need to talk like we were children.

However, now that you are in the room .. my comment was meant to imply that if I could figure it out, then certainly she could. Who would be dumb enough to claim they're smarter than Hillary Clinton .. to what end?

But I can see how a child would assume it had something to do with "arrogance."
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I think that what has been forgotten is just how this campaign started. Hillary Clinton was in a unique position because she was a woman. And the biggest, loudest and most frequent question being asked about this primary was “will voters buy a woman as commander in chief during a time of war”. We will never know how many of those votes she made because as a woman, she had to prove she could be “man enough” to be commander in chief. That is what all the pundits were questioning when this race begun, and oh how quickly we forget. Obama never had to prove that. Never had to pass that litmus test. So she made those votes to be the man. Meanwhile, lets not forget that Obama hasn’t exactly been a paragon of bravery, mister skipped the Moveon vote, skipped the kyle-lieberman vote, and when has he voted to cut off funding for this war? The truth is, there has been little if any difference in their voting records on this war. Rhetoric aside, their votes have been identical. But since Obama did make that speech against the war before it started, (though he escaped having to vote on it), and since he voted for banning the use of cluster bombs on civilians, I have went with him. So small of a thing we have to hang our votes on, no? Wow, he voted against using cluster bombs on children! For this, I am supposed to be grateful. You might think that any human being would vote against that. What a world we have created and now have to reside in.

And now that Hillary proved she can be as murderous as any man, which it was demanded of her that she prove! she’s being painted as the calculating, black widow spider, the very embodiment of all that is evil. I am really gagging on this, and I am not happy with what I am seeing.

Meanwhile another thing that is being forgotten is, it worked! It won’t get her the nomination because the base is more anti-war than the general electorate, but it worked with them. The general electorate does buy her as CIC. Polls are showing, consistently, that she beats McCain in a general, and in some states, by a larger margin than Obama! So, just whose psychosis is this, hers, or the American people’s? Whose fault is it that a woman had to prove she was willing to smile while she killed, just like the boys on the hill, as the song goes, hers, or ours?

I would say that America should look at itself in the mirror. All of the answers are there, including the answer to the question; did Hillary mean to imply someone could kill obama? That’s where all of the answers can be found. In America’s mirror.

Is Hillary being treated "fairly" the msm???
Does her position on issues get "spun" alittle???
Is her image being distorted by the media???
Is Hillary being treated "fairly" the msm???
Does her position on issues get "spun" alittle???
Is her image being distorted by the media???

Bravo let me tell you something you really need to know about me; nobody hates right wingers more than me. Ask around. I have zero in common with you pukes, so don’t go looking for common ground or thinking that I would be voting for McCain because I get pissed off about some of the things I read. I’m a writer. I work my angst out by writing. Including on here, where I can be more open, for instance, saying things like, I hate right wing pukes.

You’d have more luck with Desh or even Care, who are sometimes nice to people like you. I am never nice to people like you.

There’s no space here for you to stick a wedge into.