Obama belongs to Racist Organization...

The CBC is a good thing. I firmly believe that they are trying to do the right thing. I think that just because someone is black does not make them automatically better able to determine what is best for any minority. But it is damn sure more likely.

Now, that being said, any organization that restricts its membership based on race, would be racist.

The problem is, the word "racist" has become one of those words that is used in ONLY a negative way. And so, those who see it this way must deny any organization that does good work must fall under the definition of this word.

Racism is simply excluding people based on race. If the organization's job is to work for a certain race, then having people of only that race is a benefit.

A similar concept would be when they tried to lower they standard for what firefighters must be able to carry. They claimed that the standard was discriminatory against women. The standard was written because of average weights of victims that will need to be carried from a burning building. Since the weight does eliminate almost all women based on their upper body strength, it is, in fact, discriminatory. But since it determines what percentage of the population could be rescued from a fire, it is a distinct benefit.

It's hilarious how willing you are to contort your own thinking to defend racist organizations.
Clearly, the implication here is that the CBC is of the same genus as the KKK or GOP or any other racist organization. It's not, obviously, anything close to being racist in that sense.

Of course, they're merely securing the existence of their people and a future for black children.
Clearly, the implication here is that the CBC is of the same genus as the KKK or GOP or any other racist organization. It's not, obviously, anything close to being racist in that sense.

If usnr is implying that he is clearly an idiot.

I was simply saying that he was correct that the CBC is a racist organization. The problem is with people who have a knee-jerk reaction that all racist organizations are the same.
It's hilarious how willing you are to contort your own thinking to defend racist organizations.

Is that what I am doing. No, I think you need to work on your reading comprehension. I am not defending anything. I am simply saying that racism, in and of itself, is not always the evil that some pretend it is.

If you think that racism is automatically evil then you are calling the CBC evil. I make no such distinctions based on something so trivial.

If they use race as a determining factor in who they have (or don't have) in their group, then they are racist. That is a simple fact.
If usnr is implying that he is clearly an idiot.

I was simply saying that he was correct that the CBC is a racist organization. The problem is with people who have a knee-jerk reaction that all racist organizations are the same.

I was/am not implying anything nor am I comparing the CBC to any other organization, they are rather unique... I simply stated the fact that the CBC was/is practicing racial discrimination and that I didn't feel it appropriate for a Presidential candidate to belong to such an organization.

The Obama defenders have to create illegitimate arguments and strawmen to justify their position that racial discrimination is OK, depending on who is practicing it.

It's the definition of hypocrisy for anyone to claim that Obama is the post-racial candidate and his detractors are racist when they bring to light unsavory characters or positions from his past, when in fact he belongs to a racist organization.

And of course, I must be racist to think this... look at the insults and name calling simply because I don't bow at the alter of the one?
