Obama betrays the Liberals.


Radical liberal
As a Liberal pacifist I am outraged. He promised to put an end to these wars.Instead He expanded the war in Afghanistan and is doing nothing to bring the troops home from Iraq. Like he promised.
Obama threads are really boring. I really have to extend a big middle finger to Canadian Child for popping up today and exacerbating an already frustrating problem.

Can we reduce the load of Obama attack threads peoplez/plebes??? I propose plea bargaining.
Obama threads are really boring. I really have to extend a big middle finger to Canadian Child for popping up today and exacerbating an already frustrating problem.

Can we reduce the load of Obama attack threads peoplez/plebes??? I propose plea bargaining.
What do you expect? He's the president.Therefor he's going to be the center of attention.Besides I want to know when hes going to do what he promised and end these stupid wars.
What do you expect? He's the president.Therefor he's going to be the center of attention.Besides I want to know when hes going to do what he promised and end these stupid wars.
I agree. I'm frustrated with that myself. However, it's not that easy. He can't just walk away from Bush's war and leave utter chaos but he does need to figure something out and soon.
I guess calling it "Bushs war" is suppose to take the responsibility off the little man-child in chiefs shoulders for any decisions he makes...how cute..

and this President hasn't only just betrayed the poor wittle liberals, he's betrayed the whole country..

he should RESIGN.
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I guess calling it "Bushs war" is suppose to take the responsibility off the little man-child in chiefs shoulders for any decisions he makes...how cute..

and this President hasn't only just betrayed the poor wittle liberals, he's betrayed the whole country..
Another comment from one of the bumbling fuck ups who got us into this mess in the first place. Why do you hate America Meme?
As a Liberal pacifist I am outraged. He promised to put an end to these wars.Instead He expanded the war in Afghanistan and is doing nothing to bring the troops home from Iraq. Like he promised.

dude, we told you he was lying before the election....you were the ones stupid enough to vote for him, don't look at us..........
The Bear rocks the fuck out of this place. He may be almost as liberal as me.
I too feel the same way, he played us in the anti-war crowd. But, he is finally getting off the appease the fat old white republican tools he was acting afraid of. He needs to GTF out to get reelected. And we all know politicians would blow thier granddad to get reelected.
Anyone that thought Obama would end the Afghanistan war simply wasn't paying any attention to what Obama was saying about it on the campaign trail. He made it quite clear that he intended to send more troops to Afghanistan if he were elected. From July 2008:

KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama said Sunday that United States needs to focus on Afghanistan in its battle against terrorism.
Sen. Barack Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai meet Sunday in Kabul.

"The Afghan government needs to do more. But we have to understand that the situation is precarious and urgent here in Afghanistan. And I believe this has to be our central focus, the central front, on our battle against terrorism," Obama said Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation."

"I think one of the biggest mistakes we've made strategically after 9/11 was to fail to finish the job here, focus our attention here. We got distracted by Iraq," he said.

Obama said troop levels must increase in Afghanistan.

"For at least a year now, I have called for two additional brigades, perhaps three," he told CBS. "I think it's very important that we unify command more effectively to coordinate our military activities. But military alone is not going to be enough."


Obama has made Afghanistan a key focus of his foreign policy, saying he would make it the central front in the "war on terror" if elected.


On Iraq, at the tail end of the Bush Administration an agreement was reached with the Iraqis concerning the withdrawal of American troops. At the time the agreement was reached, Obama the candidate again made quite clear that he supported the timelineObama the president has committed to meeting that withdrawal timeline:

CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. - Even as President Barack Obama on Friday promised to end the combat mission in Iraq in 18 months, he and others — from his defense chief to powerful lawmakers — danced around some of the specifics about dates and troop numbers.

Six years after an invasion he opposed and six weeks in office, Obama drew a finish line for the Iraq war, setting a date for the end of the combat mission and vowing to follow that by pulling all troops out by the end of 2011 as per an existing accord with Iraq.

"Let me say this as plainly as I can: by August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end," he said in a speech at the Marine Corps base at Camp Lejeune. "As we carry out this drawdown, my highest priority will be the safety and security of our troops and civilians in Iraq."

Basically, Obama the president is simply doing what Obama the candidate said he would do regarding the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Anyone who thought Obama would do something other than what he is doing now simply wasn't paying attention.
That doesn't make him not a warhawk.
Killing Afghani's who had zip to do with 911 is wrong.

Look, I don't agree with Obama sending more troops into Afghanistan but he's not "betraying liberals" by doing so. He has said all along that he would send more troops there.
What do you expect? He's the president.Therefor he's going to be the center of attention.Besides I want to know when hes going to do what he promised and end these stupid wars.
When did Obama say he was going to end the "war" in Afghanistan? During the campaign he called it a "war of necessity" and said he was going to use the drawn down troops from Iraq to bring success to Afghanistan.
When did Obama say he was going to end the "war" in Afghanistan? During the campaign he called it a "war of necessity" and said he was going to use the drawn down troops from Iraq to bring success to Afghanistan.

He said that shit to impress moderates and repubs who didn't favor Bush or the fossil.
That doesn't make him right, if he's doing a Bush in Afghanistan anti-war liberals are going to bitch.

He has not run this war like Bush you fool.

Go listen to the things he has done to gain the peoples trust in Afganistan.
He has not run this war like Bush you fool.

Go listen to the things he has done to gain the peoples trust in Afganistan.

you blind lemming, if we had a republican in office you most certainly wouldn't be cheerleading this war in Afghanistan.

I wouldn't send my kids if Obama personally came to ask them, maybe your ok with your kid dying over thier cause Obama's a democrat.
He's still a WARHAWK. Please read something, progressive democrats are against the Afghan war.