Obama Booed at All-Star Game In St. Louis

all I can say, he throws like a sissy..

He is as good a pitcher as he is a bowler

Did you see the golf cart driver when Obama walked up to shake hands with Stan Musial?

The guy looked straight forward and did not want to acknowledge him.

Finally, Obama reached over to shake his hand, and hr quickly shook it.
He is as good a pitcher as he is a bowler

Did you see the golf cart driver when Obama walked up to shake hands with Stan Musial?

The guy looked straight forward and did not want to acknowledge him.

Finally, Obama reached over to shake his hand, and hr quickly shook it.

Oooooh....damning evidence!

The country is turning against him in droves!
Still, the majority of the country approves of what he's doing. No President stays at their initial levels. I know it nags at you that he's not down in the 20's, but what can I tell ya.

Sorry to bring up Bush; I know that must nag at you also. Won't happen again.
Why would that "nag" at anybody? Bush was at just about the same level at the same point in his Presidency.
at least he's popular overseas.....

[ame="http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=60359151"]Obama Snubbed By Russian Diplomats Video by Pattifab - MySpace Video@@AMEPARAM@@http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=60359151@@AMEPARAM@@mediaservices@@AMEPARAM@@myspace@@AMEPARAM@@services/media/embed@@AMEPARAM@@aspx/m@@AMEPARAM@@60359151[/ame]
That's it, Damo. Take issue with my post, after the other BS that has been posted here.

Good job.
Issue? I simply asked a question.

Why do you think it should "nag" somebody that Obama is in the 50s now, just like Bush was at the same time in his Presidency?

Now, had I insulted you or said something attacking you personally I might see the "take issue" thing, but come on...
I'll go on record saying he'll need to be alot lower than 50% to lose to any of the weak ass politicians on the right.
I'll go on record saying he'll need to be alot lower than 50% to lose to any of the weak ass politicians on the right.

I heard the same thing about Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, and Kerry

Of course when Obama does drop below 50% his supporters will probably play the race card, and say the voters are way to stupid to understand the complex issues Obama is dealing with

And of course they will also use their old stand by excuse "It's Bush's fault"
He will be there soon with his insane policies. I doubt if the voters ken his "change" would be record deficits, record spending, increasing unemployment, government takeover of private companies, government run healthcare where you are fined if you do not take it, tax increaes across the board, and record amounts of pork to be used as political payoffs

Perhaps you want to live in a government run nanny state but a growing number of people do not
Where do you Bush supporters get off calling others policies insane? You incompetents could fuck up a wet dream and have been wrong on not most, but virtually all policy issues. Can you say "Credibility Gap"?
Where do you Bush supporters get off calling others policies insane? You incompetents could fuck up a wet dream and have been wrong on not most, but virtually all policy issues. Can you say "Credibility Gap"?

Any specific policies you want to mention? I'm not coming from a pro-Bush perspective I'm coming from a free market perspective and to me someone (for example) claiming we need government running health care holds no higher superior moral or policy high ground.
Where do you Bush supporters get off calling others policies insane? You incompetents could fuck up a wet dream and have been wrong on not most, but virtually all policy issues. Can you say "Credibility Gap"?

Again, why do you have to go back to Bush and duck talking about Obama? Was that not your #1 reason for voting for Obama? The "change" he was going bring?

Obama says excessive spending got us in the economic mess we are in - buit his excessive spending will get us out? That statement defies logic - but so do the basic principals of liberalsim
2012 is along way away.
How bout the policy of jailing 800,000 pot smokers, that prohibition was born out of racism against blacks and mexicans in the 30's.
Barney Frank and Ron Paul are trying to reverse the most evil policy against our own citizens EVER.
2012 is along way away.
How bout the policy of jailing 800,000 pot smokers, that prohibition was born out of racism against blacks and mexicans in the 30's.
Barney Frank and Ron Paul are trying to reverse the most evil policy against our own citizens EVER.

2010 much closer, and the approval ratings for the Dem run Congress is about where Bush was when he left office

How is racism against blacks still a problem after the country elected Obama? Libs play the race card now more then ever despite the election results

So enforcing our laws is now "evil"?