Obama Booed at All-Star Game In St. Louis

2012 is along way away.
How bout the policy of jailing 800,000 pot smokers, that prohibition was born out of racism against blacks and mexicans in the 30's.
Barney Frank and Ron Paul are trying to reverse the most evil policy against our own citizens EVER.

there's still a long way to go but there's talk of getting a pro-weed propostion on the ballot in Cali.
Looks like many people are not happy with the ride they are being forced to take on the Hope and Change Express

BYW, his baseball throwing skills are matched only by his bowling skills

YouTube - Obama Booed at All-Star Game In St. Louis
Dude, what amplifier were you using? Did to much acid in the 60's and hearing phantom noises now? Are other people talking to you inside your head? Well remember what my name sake Ian Hunter said "You're never alone with a schizophrenic!". At least you'll always have a dinner date! :)
Dude, what amplifier were you using? Did to much acid in the 60's and hearing phantom noises now? Are other people talking to you inside your head? Well remember what my name sake Ian Hunter said "You're never alone with a schizophrenic!". At least you'll always have a dinner date! :)

I have noticed how liberals seem to tune out what they do not want to hear. They are devoid of reality and seem to think Obama is still wildly popular and only racist white Republicans oppose his aganda

The boos are there, as well as the reaction of the golf cart driver.
actually, Barney Frank recently suggested repeating the most evil policy.....loaning money to people incapable of paying it back....

and he was also on record as saying there was NO PROBLEM with Fannie and Freddie when Pres Bush (and McCain) wanted to tighten credit requirements before the meltdown
Any specific policies you want to mention? I'm not coming from a pro-Bush perspective I'm coming from a free market perspective and to me someone (for example) claiming we need government running health care holds no higher superior moral or policy high ground.
That's a strawman. I believe in the freemarket to but it's not the "Be All" solution to everything. The market is very good at some things, not so good at other. National defense would be a good example of something that the free market woudln't be so good at. Instead we implement a nationalized/socialized system for national defense which includes the appropriate free market elements in support. Why couldn't a similiar approach work for a problem which just as big as national defense like health care?

Obviously the free market approach alone is not working as well as we need it too.
A mostly white crowd?

I have noticed how liberals seem to tune out what they do not want to hear. They are devoid of reality and seem to think Obama is still wildly popular and only racist white Republicans oppose his aganda

The boos are there, as well as the reaction of the golf cart driver.

Dude, not that there's anything wrong with being a liberal, but I"m a moderate/centrist. Why is it that extremist like you have to marginlize those who dont' share in your extremism?

The sad truth is, is that your own ineptitude has marginilized your selves to irrelevence. Ironic when you consider that marginalizing others is the only political tool you extremist have instead of facts, truth and ideas that actually work.
Dude, not that there's anything wrong with being a liberal, but I"m a moderate/centrist. Why is it that extremist like you have to marginlize those who dont' share in your extremism?

The sad truth is, is that your own ineptitude has marginilized your selves to irrelevence. Ironic when you consider that marginalizing others is the only political tool you extremist have instead of facts, truth and ideas that actually work.

Oh no you don't...you all do as much marginalizing as anyone..
just look in this post, you call people with different views...extremist..
you can get off that high horse now..
Oh no you don't...you all do as much marginalizing as anyone..
just look in this post, you call people with different views...extremist..
you can get off that high horse now..
Pointing out that someone who has extreme views is an extremist is not marginlization. It is the far right extremist who lack ideas but marginalize those who do not share their unworkable ideologies and then dance around like the emporor with no cloths.

If it walks like a duck and quaks like a duck, it's a duck.
Pointing out that someone who has extreme views is an extremist is not marginlization. It is the far right extremist who lack ideas but marginalize those who do not share their unworkable ideologies and then dance around like the emporor with no cloths.

If it walks like a duck and quaks like a duck, it's a duck.

yea mans, we has nos kins os ides...yus alls iss ways soopeerer ins thets..
there's still a long way to go but there's talk of getting a pro-weed propostion on the ballot in Cali.

Like many things you guys in Cali lead the nation.
War- Ammatto's bill 390
war Cali being the coolest place in the country by far.
2010 much closer, and the approval ratings for the Dem run Congress is about where Bush was when he left office

How is racism against blacks still a problem after the country elected Obama? Libs play the race card now more then ever despite the election results

So enforcing our laws is now "evil"?

your more retarded than I would have guessed with the racism is over since we elected Obama. And I thougt you were pretty damn retarded.:eek:
Again, why do you have to go back to Bush and duck talking about Obama? Was that not your #1 reason for voting for Obama? The "change" he was going bring?

Obama says excessive spending got us in the economic mess we are in - buit his excessive spending will get us out? That statement defies logic - but so do the basic principals of liberalsim

AMAZING...did you crib every one of those points from Rush or were you able to come up with any all by yourself??
2010 much closer, and the approval ratings for the Dem run Congress is about where Bush was when he left office

How is racism against blacks still a problem after the country elected Obama? Libs play the race card now more then ever despite the election results

So enforcing our laws is now "evil"?

Another one straight from El Rushbo..."racism is dead since we elected Obama"....yeah...except for those two female firefighters in Houston, one of whom is black, who were greeted with sexist and racist graffiti upon arriving at their new firehouse.

Yep, Rush was right...racism is dead.