Obama... don't make me say McCain was right

Exactly froggie and none of the people who are lining up to blow McCain will EVER acknowledge that paying insurgents to quit attacking us had ANYTHING to do with the over success of the mission. When the mission started there was nothing in the information on the Surge that said, "Oh by the way Mr and Mrs taxpaying american, we are going to buy off those people that have been shooting at us to quit shooting at us and shoot at the other people shooting at us." I sincerely believe that IF we had been given advanced notice that we would be paying what is no more than protection money to the people that were shooting at us, lots of Americans would have insisted that the Iraqi government pay them and get our troops the fuck out of harms way. But no, lets all PRETEND it was JUST the surge that cause the reduction in violence and troop deaths. We'll come back to the real world after these messages from Ambian.

well, since I am not lining up to blow McCain, I assume you were not talking about me.... especially given that I agreed with her.
Without question the truce with Al Sadr and the uprising of Sunnis against Al Queda have also played big roles in the progress. As has the governments crackdowns on rouge militias.... regardless of sect.

I don't think anyone would discount any of the above that you mentioned. But I do believe all (including the surge) were interlinked. Would Al Sadr have initiated the truce had the surge not occurred? Would the uprising have continued had the surge not supported it? Would the surge have worked had Al Sadr kept fighting???

They all seem to be tied together and I do agree that the surge would not likely have worked without the other two... especially the Sunni uprising against Al Queda.

The above is for our good friend the trial liar.... just so you know not ALL McCain supporters are as obtuse as you would like to pretend.
I don't know where Obama went to school (yes I do), but I guess he never learned that every action has a equal and opposite reaction---military included, espically when it comes to a no army type of gorilla fighting. You just over power them with numbers. Who could not see the result of that? It is common sense.

Learn to leave the grey area. start thinking clearly please.