Obama... don't make me say McCain was right

My brother in law was the worst, kept telling me I lived in a fantasy land and I would be proven wrong. I bet he doesn't want to see me at the reunion next year!
Oh that isn't the only thing that pointed to the Bush intel being wrong, good grief, but the inspections were working, or did they find those blasted WMD and we know the trailers were just pure fabrication. They have pretty much come to terms with all of this, why don't you. Plus, it was illegal! Plain and simple!

i have... but who fabercated all this..
My brother in law was the worst, kept telling me I lived in a fantasy land and I would be proven wrong. I bet he doesn't want to see me at the reunion next year!

well, i am flabergasted, i didnt trust or gov to much to begin with, it has only got worse. and i dont see anyone in politics tring to change that. atleast for real.
He intel hunted at the CIA and FBI...he gathered what he liked and fed it to Rummy, Wolfowitz, Bush, Condi and Powell. Wolfowitz said it was the only reason they could agree upon! to invade Iraq.

So sad...

Hans Blix reported in 2003 to Congress that the inspectors had unfettered access to every single suspected weapons site.

Are you going to distort this shit for the rest of your life? Are you doomed to a life of lies now? I kind of feel bad for you, and then I remember that you cheerleaded the deaths of hundreds of thousands....

Take a moment to consider WHY he made this report. It is because the UN had certainly been 'fettered' in their access to known weapons facilities. For months and months, Saddam seemed to be playing a shell game with his weapons, obfuscating, delaying, postponing planned inspections, diverting UNSCOM in any way he could.

Shortly before Blix made the report you mention, the US placed several battleships in the Persian Gulf, and had 150,000 troops ready to deploy into Iraq if they did not comply with the UN. It was only then, Saddam started to cooperate with UNSCOM, and he was still trying to play cutsie. When asked to produce all his records of his weapons program, he trotted out 20-year-old information we already had, and made no mention of the nearly 80k liters of Sarin and VX gas he was known to have in 1995. To this day, we still don't know what happened to it, but it's probably buried somewhere, and will be discovered one day, when it starts polluting the water tables or killing unsuspecting farmers who dig it up.
Take a moment to consider WHY he made this report. It is because the UN had certainly been 'fettered' in their access to known weapons facilities. For months and months, Saddam seemed to be playing a shell game with his weapons, obfuscating, delaying, postponing planned inspections, diverting UNSCOM in any way he could.

Shortly before Blix made the report you mention, the US placed several battleships in the Persian Gulf, and had 150,000 troops ready to deploy into Iraq if they did not comply with the UN. It was only then, Saddam started to cooperate with UNSCOM, and he was still trying to play cutsie. When asked to produce all his records of his weapons program, he trotted out 20-year-old information we already had, and made no mention of the nearly 80k liters of Sarin and VX gas he was known to have in 1995. To this day, we still don't know what happened to it, but it's probably buried somewhere, and will be discovered one day, when it starts polluting the water tables or killing unsuspecting farmers who dig it up.

Folks, take a good look. You won't see this kind of thing outside of fetish clubs - this kind of attention to detail, and time, put into creating an elaborate fantasy world.
fuck you you douchebag. I can't get married so how do you expect me to know all the terminology thats associated with it... :clink:


yeah, that 'is she his fiance or is she his wife' thing is pretty complex. My apologies for assuming the gay community (which continues to fight for the right to marry) would understand those complex marital terms.

The surge and the soldiers are awesome, but let's be honest here, so is the payoffs to the Sunni triangle and the truce with Al Sadr...

More troops have always been needed, but let's also look at the other factors in play here.
Exactly froggie and none of the people who are lining up to blow McCain will EVER acknowledge that paying insurgents to quit attacking us had ANYTHING to do with the over success of the mission. When the mission started there was nothing in the information on the Surge that said, "Oh by the way Mr and Mrs taxpaying american, we are going to buy off those people that have been shooting at us to quit shooting at us and shoot at the other people shooting at us." I sincerely believe that IF we had been given advanced notice that we would be paying what is no more than protection money to the people that were shooting at us, lots of Americans would have insisted that the Iraqi government pay them and get our troops the fuck out of harms way. But no, lets all PRETEND it was JUST the surge that cause the reduction in violence and troop deaths. We'll come back to the real world after these messages from Ambian.
Exactly froggie and none of the people who are lining up to blow McCain will EVER acknowledge that paying insurgents to quit attacking us had ANYTHING to do with the over success of the mission. When the mission started there was nothing in the information on the Surge that said, "Oh by the way Mr and Mrs taxpaying american, we are going to buy off those people that have been shooting at us to quit shooting at us and shoot at the other people shooting at us." I sincerely believe that IF we had been given advanced notice that we would be paying what is no more than protection money to the people that were shooting at us, lots of Americans would have insisted that the Iraqi government pay them and get our troops the fuck out of harms way. But no, lets all PRETEND it was JUST the surge that cause the reduction in violence and troop deaths. We'll come back to the real world after these messages from Ambian.

I couldn't get past your first line. He looks like a creepy old grandpa pedophile with a melting face. And he hires young, very attractive blonde women to go on tv and peddle their asses for him. Honestly, the whole thing makes me sick.