Obama... don't make me say McCain was right

"Oncie... no one agrees with you"

No one agrees with me that the war was wrong?

Dixieland is such a weird place. Is this where I post those polls showing majorities of Americans believing that Iraq is a mistake, and you discredit them, even though you pre-emptively accused all of us of getting ready to discredit all of the polls that show Palin (& her sidekick McCain) with a big lead next week?
Good comeback

I have found that people who think highly of their own intelligence ought to realize that their knowledge is but a grain of sand on the beach...no one knows everything, we each have our areas of intelligence, I believe there are eight classified at this time, but Americans seem to focus only on education, such a shame for our children!
Oncie... no one agrees with you, if they do, they should seek medical help immediately. IF Iraq was the wrong thing to do, Congress would have overwhelmingly rejected it instead of overwhelmingly supporting it. The problem you have is understanding things in context of reality, you want to look at things in retrospect instead. At the time, our intelligence indicated some pretty severe shit, and we had to assume the intelligence was right, because it's all we had to go on. Hesitating to second-guess your intelligence, can be catastrophic, and even fatal. It's kind of like, when they have a fire alarm go off at your Home for the Retarded... does the fire department assume some retard just pulled the fire alarm again, or do they actually have to respond? Well, they have to respond, because their 'intelligence' indicates a problem, and they can't afford to ignore it.

No seriously, have you had any kind of a mental examination over the past year? You are batshit nuts mister. If the tests came out negative? They mixed up your results with someone else.
thats the most open ended answer i have ever heard.

so what is every single options

The idea is, you want a leader who is going to bend over backwards to avoid war, if at all possible. In Bush, we got the opposite; we got a guy who made the decision to go to war very early on, and then pieced together every bit of info he could, and exaggerated & lied about what he could, to make the case for that war.

In the case of Iraq, there was never convincing evidence of an IMMINENT threat to America, and there was still an option on the table to determine that: inspections. They were working.
i feel that this war whould had a lot more success if all the people inour gov had worked togeather, wheather or not they supported the war is mute, what they did after the fact is what is disturbing. both sides of the isle were look for political gain first. that was the biggest problem that created the problems that we have seen ove the 8 years if not more.
The idea is, you want a leader who is going to bend over backwards to avoid war, if at all possible. In Bush, we got the opposite; we got a guy who made the decision to go to war very early on, and then pieced together every bit of info he could, and exaggerated & lied about what he could, to make the case for that war.

In the case of Iraq, there was never convincing evidence of an IMMINENT threat to America, and there was still an option on the table to determine that: inspections. They were working.

But, why?
i feel that this war whould had a lot more success if all the people inour gov had worked togeather, wheather or not they supported the war is mute, what they did after the fact is what is disturbing. both sides of the isle were look for political gain first. that was the biggest problem that created the problems that we have seen ove the 8 years if not more.

Dude.. smoke another one. These douchebags in office all voted together on just about everything dealing with the war. They just bitched about it then backed down when they had the chance to do something. Fucking pussies.
The idea is, you want a leader who is going to bend over backwards to avoid war, if at all possible. In Bush, we got the opposite; we got a guy who made the decision to go to war very early on, and then pieced together every bit of info he could, and exaggerated & lied about what he could, to make the case for that war.

In the case of Iraq, there was never convincing evidence of an IMMINENT threat to America, and there was still an option on the table to determine that: inspections. They were working.

ya i agree they worked for almost a decade. 9-11 changed the status quo for many, if not most americains, iraq who constintly threated us, was not an imidit threat. i think most people who did and some who still do support the war didnt want to wait until it was an imminet threat. the fact that we went to war early in some peoples minds, well thats what the polls showed thats what americains wanted. i hate polls.
nothing much. just hangin out took a 1/2 day today so im just having some wine and hangin out here. I hope all is well with you. did you get married yet?
Dude.. smoke another one. These douchebags in office all voted together on just about everything dealing with the war. They just bitched about it then backed down when they had the chance to do something. Fucking pussies.

i would if i had one:rolleyes:
"Oncie... no one agrees with you"

No one agrees with me that the war was wrong?

Dixieland is such a weird place. Is this where I post those polls showing majorities of Americans believing that Iraq is a mistake, and you discredit them, even though you pre-emptively accused all of us of getting ready to discredit all of the polls that show Palin (& her sidekick McCain) with a big lead next week?

On an issue like war, polls are meaningless. No one "likes" war, goofball! Do you honestly and sincerely believe, the right wing is just giddy and tickled to send boys off to die in a foreign country? Do you think we get some sick pleasure out of seeing flag-draped coffins returning to America? Is that your take? It almost seems you think we get some satisfaction and joy out of this... that we want and desire young men and women to die in a war, even if it's not popular. Newsflash: WE DON'T!

We can't fight wars based on retrospect. If we had known at the time, there was no threat from Saddam, we could have waited, war was not immediately necessary and could have been avoided, but we didn't know this, had no way of knowing it, and every indication was, he was building an arsenal of deadly weapons to use against his enemies, including us, if he could. Turned out, our intelligence was inaccurate, and we could have avoided war at this time... but here's the deal from my perspective... Saddam wasn't going to "change" he obviously never heard Obama speak, so he had no inclination to "change" anything, ever! Eventually, he would have required being dealt with, one way or another. So, maybe we could have avoided war in 2001, but that doesn't mean we would have never needed to take action against him. Things weren't going to get better, Saddam wasn't going to change. That's reality here, and you should at least try to accept it.

We can argue (again) about the 'rightness' or 'wrongness' of the war. The bottom line is, at the time, we felt it was right and took appropriate action. Congress approved it overwhelmingly, and we went to war based on the information at hand at the time, not information from 3 years into the future. If we had a crystal ball and could predict what was to come, maybe we wouldn't have gone, but we did. That said, you can't look back and say it was "wrong" because of information which we didn't have at the time.