Obama... don't make me say McCain was right

Yeah, there is so much, so let’s keep it simple: Bush lied. No Wmd’s. Over a million people dead, many in their youths, for nothing. And you and SF want to watch Obama crawl, when the people who should be crawling for forgiveness, to GOD, are you, he, and John McCain.
The surge worked? That is obscene.

Thank you. A little perspective is always nice.
Pretty arrogant, Damo. I'm pretty sure that Obama was referring to his colleagues in Congress, and not to this board & some poster named "Damocles."

What a fucking idiot you are.
Seriously? Your position is that Obama doesn't think that there are people outside of Congress and that everybody else is "nobody"?

I think you need to restate this one.
he admitted he was wrong,
makes him a bigger man than Mcfossil.
Now he's right on the strategy of no war and wrong on the tactic of surge.
Somebody give him the memo for the AFghan timetable.
Have you taken McCain to task for not admitting he was wrong, or that Obama was right?
What part of I am not voting for him stated directly makes you think that I have not "taken McCain to task"? Are you really that obtuse?
The surge and the soldiers are awesome, but let's be honest here, so is the payoffs to the Sunni triangle and the truce with Al Sadr...

More troops have always been needed, but let's also look at the other factors in play here.

Without question the truce with Al Sadr and the uprising of Sunnis against Al Queda have also played big roles in the progress. As has the governments crackdowns on rouge militias.... regardless of sect.

I don't think anyone would discount any of the above that you mentioned. But I do believe all (including the surge) were interlinked. Would Al Sadr have initiated the truce had the surge not occurred? Would the uprising have continued had the surge not supported it? Would the surge have worked had Al Sadr kept fighting???

They all seem to be tied together and I do agree that the surge would not likely have worked without the other two... especially the Sunni uprising against Al Queda.
Pretty arrogant, Damo. I'm pretty sure that Obama was referring to his colleagues in Congress, and not to this board & some poster named "Damocles."

What a fucking idiot you are.

Given that one of his colleagues in Congress is McCain... then he is still wrong to suggest that.
What part of I am not voting for him stated directly makes you think that I have "taken McCain to task"? Are you really that obtuse?

What the fuck are you talking about? You're "not voting for him?" That's how you take him to task for this disaster?

Jesus f'in Christ - you are a real piece of work, Damo. I mean where are the threads like this for McCain; I mean where are your "LOL's" when people criticize McCain for his war failures & misjudgments; I mean where is your jocular kidding around with Superhack about McCain not even getting close to what Obama said yesterday, with an admission on a WAR, and not just a surge?

You're beyond hope. You don't even realize how much of a pathetic hack you are.
"As for McCains position on the war... as you know I think it was inevitable that we go. While I did not like the timing of it as it could have easily waited until after Afghanistan, I do not hold those who voted to go to war as being wrong just because Bush fucked it all up. I know you will see this as some sort of excuse or copout... but other than the timing, I don't think it was a mistake to vote for it."

See how hard it is for you? You'd never be able to swing what Obama did yesterday. NEVER. We disagree about inevitability, and could argue about that from here to Sunday, but let's say I accept that. You would only go so far as to say that the you "did not like the timing?"

The timing was fucked. Completely fucked. Admit it.

Ok... the timing was fucked. As I stated, that was the part where they really screwed the pooch. But I figured if I typed the word fucked, then Darla would go on and on about how enraged I was....
See? It's never enough for you guys. This is such BS, Freak, and it's the reason politicians - ALL politicians - speak as they do.

LOL... I always love it when you completely back a Pinhead liberal in a corner with no way out... suddenly, they abandon their own and put on the "ALL POLITICIANS ARE SCUM" hat of cynicism. It never fails! As long as things are looking up for Dems, they speak of Pelosi and Reid as Real American Heroes, unable to do no wrong... but the minute things start heading south, they abandon them and start bashing ALL politicians!
What the fuck are you talking about? You're "not voting for him?" That's how you take him to task for this disaster?

Jesus f'in Christ - you are a real piece of work, Damo. I mean where are the threads like this for McCain; I mean where are your "LOL's" when people criticize McCain for his war failures & misjudgments; I mean where is your jocular kidding around with Superhack about McCain not even getting close to what Obama said yesterday, with an admission on a WAR, and not just a surge?

You're beyond hope. You don't even realize how much of a pathetic hack you are.

Yep, I recognize this…you have DDS…Damo derangement syndrome. I can spot it because it took me months to kick a bad case of it I had picked up…and I don’t know if it’s gone for good.

Nothing you said here is untrue, it’s only a matter of what effect you allow it to have on yourself. There were times I felt like putting on my really high patten leather boots and kicking him right, you know where just to hear him squeal.
Yep, I recognize this…you have DDS…Damo derangement syndrome. I can spot it because it took me months to kick a bad case of it I had picked up…and I don’t know if it’s gone for good.

Nothing you said here is untrue, it’s only a matter of what effect you allow it to have on yourself. There were times I felt like putting on my really high patten leather boots and kicking him right, you know where just to hear him squeal.

I have started threads bashing both Pelosi & Reid, and have called for their removal from leadership more than once.

So, in short, go fuck yourself, he who can never admit that Bush is wrong.
LOL... I always love it when you completely back a Pinhead liberal in a corner with no way out... suddenly, they abandon their own and put on the "ALL POLITICIANS ARE SCUM" hat of cynicism. It never fails! As long as things are looking up for Dems, they speak of Pelosi and Reid as Real American Heroes, unable to do no wrong... but the minute things start heading south, they abandon them and start bashing ALL politicians!

Here we have a case of the pure republican projectionist. One thing about Dixie you can be certain of - every word he types he is telling you all about himself, so read them carefully.
Here we have a case of the pure republican projectionist. One thing about Dixie you can be certain of - every word he types he is telling you all about himself, so read them carefully.

That is the best observation on this thread so far.

And I do have DDS. It's fills a void, because my CDS is on the wane...
WOW... did Duhla just insinuate Obama was obscene???

Speaking of people who should be crawling to God for forgiveness. You should be at the head of the line Dix. You support the murder of over one million people and counting. God doesn't like that Dixie. I imagine you will find that out.
See? It's never enough for you guys. This is such BS, Freak, and it's the reason politicians - ALL politicians - speak as they do.

He said it was "more successful than anyone could have imagined." What the fuck more do you want? He also elaborated - & this is something I agree with -that the goal posts for "success" on the surge changed, and that the argument has always been that military success cannot substitute for political success.

It's just never enough; where is McCain's admission that he was wrong to support invasion, and that Obama was right?

true dat... being right from the beginning would have saved billions and priceless lives. Being wrong down the road would have been a moot point since there wouldn't have been a down the road. I hope that makes sense.

Thats the kind of commander in chief I want running the white house. someone who will use our military as a last resort.
true dat... being right from the beginning would have saved billions and priceless lives. Being wrong down the road would have been a moot point since there wouldn't have been a down the road. I hope that makes sense.

Thats the kind of commander in chief I want running the white house. someone who will use our military as a last resort.

There you go.
"Thats the kind of commander in chief I want running the white house. someone who will use our military as a last resort."

Maybe we can get a show of hands out of the "surge success outweighs boneheaded decision to go to war in the 1st place" crowd on this thread:

Can we agree on that one, simpletons, or are you all still down with the Bush doctrine?
Speaking of people who should be crawling to God for forgiveness. You should be at the head of the line Dix. You support the murder of over one million people and counting. God doesn't like that Dixie. I imagine you will find that out.

Call me crazy, but I don't believe you speak for God. I also don't believe your numbers, you lie a lot, in case no one has noticed. Besides, over 50 million people are now free, liberated from tyrant third-world fanatics who believe women are equal to sheep and goats...literally!

As for crawling to God for forgiveness... it's going to take a lot of crawling for you to make up for the 40 million unborn lives you're responsible for, so I wouldn't worry too much about Dixie, if I were you.