Obama... don't make me say McCain was right

on another point lets talk about the WMD's the original reason for the invasion, of which none turned up. We had inspectors in the country doing their job there was no need at that point to invade.

We also have Bush as will Mccain kicking out talented gays who can intercept and decode arabic languages being kicked out due to just being gay. these types of actions are not putting country first they are putting religion and their views first.
What the fuck are you talking about? You're "not voting for him?" That's how you take him to task for this disaster?

Jesus f'in Christ - you are a real piece of work, Damo. I mean where are the threads like this for McCain; I mean where are your "LOL's" when people criticize McCain for his war failures & misjudgments; I mean where is your jocular kidding around with Superhack about McCain not even getting close to what Obama said yesterday, with an admission on a WAR, and not just a surge?

You're beyond hope. You don't even realize how much of a pathetic hack you are.
Says the kettle to his reflection.

Seriously? This is your position? I'm a "hack" because I back up what I say with action...

I want this fixed, so that never again we will have a Senator who votes us into war with a set up excuse he tries to use while running on a mini-surge for the war. I support candidates that appreciate this. Like Steve Ward, or Mike Coffman, I am not moving from the position regardless of what you like to pretend.

Yes, I am a republican. But I am not any sort of "hack", I take my beliefs and put them directly into action by taking an active role in the party.

Thankfully I get to vote for Mike, who when asked if he supported the WPA directly, by myself sitting less than two feet from him, answered directly that he did not and that he would oppose the continuation and work to repeal that inane excuse that the Congress handed themselves.

I do not need your inane assumptions nor even recognition from you to know that I am doing what I need to in order to support my beliefs.
Call me crazy, but I don't believe you speak for God. I also don't believe your numbers, you lie a lot, in case no one has noticed. Besides, over 50 million people are now free, liberated from tyrant third-world fanatics who believe women are equal to sheep and goats...literally!

As for crawling to God for forgiveness... it's going to take a lot of crawling for you to make up for the 40 million unborn lives you're responsible for, so I wouldn't worry too much about Dixie, if I were you.

huh, what you smokin, I want some!
Besides, over 50 million people are now free, liberated from tyrant third-world fanatics who believe women are equal to sheep and goats...literally!

That certainly is a good thing, and we should thank our brave men and women on the front lines doing their part. But this is another bush lie who said that he's not into nationbuilding. Personally its not our responsibility to police the world. We cant do that alone and we cant pay for it alone. There are injustices going on in the world far worse than Iraq. Look at china's human rights violations. Look at Georgia and Russia.
the left wont be happy until we either lose, or until they are in charge ...end of story
"Thats the kind of commander in chief I want running the white house. someone who will use our military as a last resort."

Maybe we can get a show of hands out of the "surge success outweighs boneheaded decision to go to war in the 1st place" crowd on this thread:

Can we agree on that one, simpletons, or are you all still down with the Bush doctrine?

Is Afghanistan a "last resort?"

Is Pakistan a last resort?

I was against the Bush wars as I am against the impending Obama wars.

Can you say that?
Call me crazy, but I don't believe you speak for God. I also don't believe your numbers, you lie a lot, in case no one has noticed. Besides, over 50 million people are now free, liberated from tyrant third-world fanatics who believe women are equal to sheep and goats...literally!

As for crawling to God for forgiveness... it's going to take a lot of crawling for you to make up for the 40 million unborn lives you're responsible for, so I wouldn't worry too much about Dixie, if I were you.

No this is reliable shit, I got it straight from the conduit himself, Bush. You’re in a lot of trouble and so is George. I hope you’re not one of those heavy sweaters…it’ll only be worse for you if so.
the only thing the left has done with this war is use it for political gain...
Is Afghanistan a "last resort?"

Is Pakistan a last resort?

I was against the Bush wars as I am against the impending Obama wars.

Can you say that?

We are alreayd in Afghanistan and I don't think Obama has said he's actually going to invade Pakistan...though I have concerns about that situation, on many counts. From an attack here being orchestrated from there (warriors o the other side do exist), to the US launching a preemptive strike. I could be crazy, but I believe Obama is going to find a better way there. I KNOW what McCain is going to do.
We are alreayd in Afghanistan and I don't think Obama has said he's actually going to invade Pakistan...though I have concerns about that situation, on many counts. From an attack here being orchestrated from there (warriors o the other side do exist), to the US launching a preemptive strike. I could be crazy, but I believe Obama is going to find a better way there. I KNOW what McCain is going to do.

what are obamas options ? what d you think he will do? what do you think he should do.
"Thats the kind of commander in chief I want running the white house. someone who will use our military as a last resort."

Maybe we can get a show of hands out of the "surge success outweighs boneheaded decision to go to war in the 1st place" crowd on this thread:

Can we agree on that one, simpletons, or are you all still down with the Bush doctrine?

Oncie... no one agrees with you, if they do, they should seek medical help immediately. IF Iraq was the wrong thing to do, Congress would have overwhelmingly rejected it instead of overwhelmingly supporting it. The problem you have is understanding things in context of reality, you want to look at things in retrospect instead. At the time, our intelligence indicated some pretty severe shit, and we had to assume the intelligence was right, because it's all we had to go on. Hesitating to second-guess your intelligence, can be catastrophic, and even fatal. It's kind of like, when they have a fire alarm go off at your Home for the Retarded... does the fire department assume some retard just pulled the fire alarm again, or do they actually have to respond? Well, they have to respond, because their 'intelligence' indicates a problem, and they can't afford to ignore it.
atleast we have a mutial opinion about each other

It is expected that mindboggling stupid people don't care for people with brains.

Haven't read much intellect coming from you sir .. usually just a teenage doobie provoked comment that I normally ignore.

Please .. bless me with a show of intelligence .. try the Georgia/Russian conflict .. or would you prefer to talk about the wonders of the past 8 years.

Don't run Gomer .. let's hear some of that vaunted right-wing intellectual prowess. :)

got my popcorn waiting ..
It is expected that mindboggling stupid people don't care for people with brains.

Haven't read much intellect coming from you sir .. usually just a teenage doobie provoked comment that I normally ignore.

Please .. bless me with a show of intelligence .. try the Georgia/Russian conflict .. or would you prefer to talk about the wonders of the past 8 years.

Don't run Gomer .. let's hear some of that vaunted right-wing intellectual prowess. :)

got my popcorn waiting ..

gee arnt we arogent
We are alreayd in Afghanistan and I don't think Obama has said he's actually going to invade Pakistan...though I have concerns about that situation, on many counts. From an attack here being orchestrated from there (warriors o the other side do exist), to the US launching a preemptive strike. I could be crazy, but I believe Obama is going to find a better way there. I KNOW what McCain is going to do.

We are already in Iraq .. but that was never a last resort, nor was Afghanistan.

Pakistan is about to boil over as we continue to murder innocent civilians there.

U.S. Airstrikes Kill Pakistani Troops

Just one of many incidents and the backlash is growing and OBAMA supports this.
Awwwww, they always have to make the "doobie" comments, come one can't ya do better than that?
Many great minds smoke pot, it enhances some people's thoughts, Carl Sagan loved it!
No this is reliable shit, I got it straight from the conduit himself, Bush. You’re in a lot of trouble and so is George. I hope you’re not one of those heavy sweaters…it’ll only be worse for you if so.

WOW... Do you think George might actually LOSE the election?
