Obama... don't make me say McCain was right

Seeing flag draped coffins? When did we get to see those? Only when some picture leaked. Bush is in denial about the war dead!

There was no way of knowing the war wasn't necessary? Well, Darla, Cypress, Don Q and myself way back then said it wasn't necessary, but we were condemned for our views.
People didn't educated themselves on Bush and his buddies, they wanted him and they got him! Saudis and all...
dixie, being the most conservative person i want to send you a u2u and ask you a question brb.

Yes, a lot of them are closet cases and suffer from a dehabilitating terror of spiders, and no, you don’t need Dixie to verify that for you.
"We can argue (again) about the 'rightness' or 'wrongness' of the war. The bottom line is, at the time, we felt it was right and took appropriate action. Congress approved it overwhelmingly, and we went to war based on the information at hand at the time, not information from 3 years into the future. If we had a crystal ball and could predict what was to come, maybe we wouldn't have gone, but we did. That said, you can't look back and say it was "wrong" because of information which we didn't have at the time."

I knew at the time that it was the wrong decision, that we still had options, and that it would be a disaster if we went.

It's nice to hear you finally admit that I was right, in retrospect. Everyone knows we can't change it now, btw; I tried telling you that then, as well.
"We can argue (again) about the 'rightness' or 'wrongness' of the war. The bottom line is, at the time, we felt it was right and took appropriate action. Congress approved it overwhelmingly, and we went to war based on the information at hand at the time, not information from 3 years into the future. If we had a crystal ball and could predict what was to come, maybe we wouldn't have gone, but we did. That said, you can't look back and say it was "wrong" because of information which we didn't have at the time."

I knew at the time that it was the wrong decision, that we still had options, and that it would be a disaster if we went.

It's nice to hear you finally admit that I was right, in retrospect. Everyone knows we can't change it now, btw; I tried telling you that then, as well.

Hey, where's my 'atta boy for being right too?
It is because you wouldn't listen, you all thought the left were loonies on this subject.
There were people telling you, but Bush got rid of them or the MSM ridiculed them. There were voices out there, The Nation magazine, one big voice! And none of you cared to listen. Liberals were once again the new communist! And we were all crazy and unAmerican. That one hurt the most!

Let me address this fabrication of a lie....

I realize many of you Pinheads are too retarded to fully understand what the UNSCOM team was responsible for, and what they did. At first glance, an idiot who knows nothing about UNSCOM or the UN, might think that "inspectors" were people the UN sent into Iraq to "look for WMD's" we thought Saddam possessed. Am I right? Well, this is an inaccurate view of UNSCOM and the mission they were assigned by the UN. They did not have the means or capability to search for anything in Iraq.

I've said before, these were not "inspectors" like Inspector Gadget, or Inspector Clouseau, they were not investigative inspectors at all. They were more like USDA meat inspectors or OSHA inspectors. There job was to simply go to Iraq and confirm the status of Saddam's weapon programs, which we knew he had. They weren't there to "find" anything, or even look for anything, they were there to verify and confirm whether he had destroyed what we knew he had, and that was it. Saddam played dumb... who me? making WMD's? what WMD's? No WMD's here! Well, Saddam, where did you destroy the ones you had, that we tagged in 1995? Oh, I forget... can't recall... don't know... beats me! Okay Saddam, surely you have some records of this, can we see them? Nope, no records, we didn't document anything... no WMD's here... you can go now... THAT was what the UNSCOM team was faced with in Iraq, complete and utter defiance and refusal to cooperate. It was NEVER the job of UNSCOM to "find" WMD's in Iraq! NEVER!
Seeing flag draped coffins? When did we get to see those? Only when some picture leaked. Bush is in denial about the war dead!

There was no way of knowing the war wasn't necessary? Well, Darla, Cypress, Don Q and myself way back then said it wasn't necessary, but we were condemned for our views.
People didn't educated themselves on Bush and his buddies, they wanted him and they got him! Saudis and all...

yes, i was probably one of em too, i leared alot in the last decade. but not from people condeming me aswell. this goverment needs big change and i dont think anyone from the repub or the dems will be willing to give america that
Oh that isn't the only thing that pointed to the Bush intel being wrong, good grief, but the inspections were working, or did they find those blasted WMD and we know the trailers were just pure fabrication. They have pretty much come to terms with all of this, why don't you. Plus, it was illegal! Plain and simple!

Let me address this fabrication of a lie....

I realize many of you Pinheads are too retarded to fully understand what the UNSCOM team was responsible for, and what they did. At first glance, an idiot who knows nothing about UNSCOM or the UN, might think that "inspectors" were people the UN sent into Iraq to "look for WMD's" we thought Saddam possessed. Am I right? Well, this is an inaccurate view of UNSCOM and the mission they were assigned by the UN. They did not have the means or capability to search for anything in Iraq.

I've said before, these were not "inspectors" like Inspector Gadget, or Inspector Clouseau, they were not investigative inspectors at all. They were more like USDA meat inspectors or OSHA inspectors. There job was to simply go to Iraq and confirm the status of Saddam's weapon programs, which we knew he had. They weren't there to "find" anything, or even look for anything, they were there to verify and confirm whether he had destroyed what we knew he had, and that was it. Saddam played dumb... who me? making WMD's? what WMD's? No WMD's here! Well, Saddam, where did you destroy the ones you had, that we tagged in 1995? Oh, I forget... can't recall... don't know... beats me! Okay Saddam, surely you have some records of this, can we see them? Nope, no records, we didn't document anything... no WMD's here... you can go now... THAT was what the UNSCOM team was faced with in Iraq, complete and utter defiance and refusal to cooperate. It was NEVER the job of UNSCOM to "find" WMD's in Iraq! NEVER!


Hans Blix reported in 2003 to Congress that the inspectors had unfettered access to every single suspected weapons site.

Are you going to distort this shit for the rest of your life? Are you doomed to a life of lies now? I kind of feel bad for you, and then I remember that you cheerleaded the deaths of hundreds of thousands....
It is because you wouldn't listen, you all thought the left were loonies on this subject.
There were people telling you, but Bush got rid of them or the MSM ridiculed them. There were voices out there, The Nation magazine, one big voice! And none of you cared to listen. Liberals were once again the new communist! And we were all crazy and unAmerican. That one hurt the most!

i dont ever recall calling anyone unamericain or a commie and being seirous at the same time. but that dosnt mean it didnt happpen. and if i recall the name calling wasnt a oneway street. both sides are rather vicious and not just here. i feel that created more problems then anything else... there just isnt any respect left...or love for that matter