Obama is wrong on Afghanistan

Who are we trying to defeat in Afghanistan .. terrorism?

Just more military misadventures without the slightest consideration for the blowback that comes when things go wrong.

This can end up with wider escalation and consequences than Iraq.

Where the fuck is the change?

In Hillary, a woman in the presidential position who is not weak, and will not be guided and pushed around by the Political male heads running the DNC??? :p

"In Hillary, a woman in the presidential position who is not weak, and will not be guided and pushed around by the Political male heads running the DNC???"

Who is this Hillary you speak of? I have only heard of Hillary Clinton...
"In Hillary, a woman in the presidential position who is not weak, and will not be guided and pushed around by the Political male heads running the DNC???"

Who is this Hillary you speak of? I have only heard of Hillary Clinton...



And good morning to you onceler!

You never liked the bitch nor her husband that much.....i thoroughly understand this!!!! lol

I was just trying to tease BAC...who at one time thought Obama walked on water compared to Hillary, and me visa a versa....who always thought Obama was NOT CHANGE, and just a pawn of the DNC...which it is turning out to be as i thought....sadly though, I was hoping to be wrong on my judgement, and so far with all of the flipflops and lockstep in line with his DNC advisors, it appears that my instinct was correct....at least thus far....and of course, imo....He's no Change.

Bac we have a country that can not just pull away from the war on terror.

The way out of all of this is through Afganistan. Obama is reasuring the people who bought the war on terror myth that it will be extinguished. You take the troops home via Afganistan by stablizing the country as much as possible and then you leave. The so called war on terror can only truely be fought with a good intell and prevention efforts. This whole load of crap of it as a conventional war is polluting the minds of most Americans. Obama has to do whatever he does in such a way that Americans truely feel protected while they are being protected.

I really dont undertstand why you beat on Obama for doing the things he has to do to get elected by the American people?


And good morning to you onceler!

You never liked the bitch nor her husband that much.....i thoroughly understand this!!!! lol

I was just trying to tease BAC...who at one time thought Obama walked on water compared to Hillary, and me visa a versa....who always thought Obama was NOT CHANGE, and just a pawn of the DNC...which it is turning out to be as i thought....sadly though, I was hoping to be wrong on my judgement, and so far with all of the flipflops and lockstep in line with his DNC advisors, it appears that my instinct was correct....at least thus far....and of course, imo....He's no Change.


I agree you that Obama is just more of the same, but I do not agree that Hillary would have been any better.

First, it is the DLC, not the DNC, that has led this party to disaster and embarrassing election losses .. and, my good sister, the Clintons are the embodiement of the DLC. It is nothing without the Clintons.

Hillary would have pursued the same course Obama is on .. or even worse, she would be going after Iran.

The problem with American politics doesn't exist within the candidate, it exists within the American people. This has never been more evident in my life. We deserved George Bush.

The problem you're having is in thinking that gender makes a difference. .. It doesn't .. no differently than race makes no difference. They all dance to the same puppetmasters.

American foreign policy is made in Israel and Hillary Clinton was more connected and controlled by Israel than ANY candidate, democrat or republican.

Your gender blinders won't let you see that my good sister.
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Obama is NOT going to escalate the Afgan war guys.

Hillary took so much Lobby money she would have owed even more favors than McSame.
I agree you that Obama is just more of the same, but I do not agree that Hillary would have been any better.

First, it is the DLC, not the DNC, that has led this party to disaster and embarrassing election losses .. and, my good sister, the Clintons are the embodiement of the DLC. It is nothing without the Clintons.

Hillary would have pursued the same course Obama is on .. or even worse, she would be going after Iran.

The problem with American politics doesn't exist within the candidate, it exists within the American people. This has never been more evident in my life. We deserved George Bush.

The problem you're having is in thinking that gender makes a difference. .. It doesn't .. no differently than race makes no difference. They all dance to the same puppetmasters.

American foreign policy is made in Israel and Hillary Clinton was more connected and controlled by Israel than ANY candidate, democrat or republican.

Your gender blinders won't let you see that my good sister.

Iran is the only real "threat" we as a country have over there in the middle east... yes Iran....they can baracade the oil that feeds us....sadly.

Getting alqaeda is important too, but i always felt this was a special ops thing, or one winning over the hearts and minds of the locals, ( or thru

infiltrating them) to help turn on alqaeda, in order to capture bin laden...

This little conversation you guys are having is why Democrats have such a hard time winning elections.

Quit shitting your pants at every subtlty of his campaign people.

He is in the marketing stage that We FORCE our candidates to take part in.
Bac we have a country that can not just pull away from the war on terror.

The way out of all of this is through Afganistan. Obama is reasuring the people who bought the war on terror myth that it will be extinguished. You take the troops home via Afganistan by stablizing the country as much as possible and then you leave. The so called war on terror can only truely be fought with a good intell and prevention efforts. This whole load of crap of it as a conventional war is polluting the minds of most Americans. Obama has to do whatever he does in such a way that Americans truely feel protected while they are being protected.

I really dont undertstand why you beat on Obama for doing the things he has to do to get elected by the American people?

I'm at a loss .. seriously.

Obama is poroposing sending more American soldiers off to die chasing ghosts while killing more innocent people in a war that only has the purpose of looking good and pretending to do something about an iseology that cannot be defeated with a bullet so Obama can get elected and the American people will feel good about themselves.

I'm seriously at a loss.

What happened to antiwar, innoccent people dying, US soldiers and their families, exploding costs of war .. shit like that?

So let me get this right .. I should shut up and just allow more dead bodies to happen so Obama can get elected? I should ony be mad about dead bodies if the right causes them to happen?

Are you aware of the dangers of escalation in Afghanistan? War is not a neat and tidy thing you can keep in a box.

You tell me how the "left" is more intelligent, honest, or concious then those on the right who followed Bush into needless war?
Not shut up Bac but realize that there is no getting elected if you dont make the American people feel safe.

There IS stablizing that needs to be done in Afganistan.

Obama is just doing the phrasing in such a way that it reads on the American spectrum as amove of strength to protect them from the boogey man they have adopted after so many years of propaganda.

You back a fighter and then get angry at him when he has to swing at the opponent?
This little conversation you guys are having is why Democrats have such a hard time winning elections.

Quit shitting your pants at every subtlty of his campaign people.

He is in the marketing stage that We FORCE our candidates to take part in.

Democrats lose elections because they don't have the courage of their convictions the right has .. make that courage period.

Republicans would have never allowed the 2000 election to be stolen from them the way they stole it from the democrats .. and they would have NEVER allowed republican owned and operated voting machine vendors to be the sole proprietor of the vote.

Al Gore's running mate was JOE LIEBERMAN .. who is now stumping for McCain.

With all due respect for your sister, democrats lose because they believe as you seem to believe that you have to elect actors and you have to play at politics, not stand on conviction.
Not shut up Bac but realize that there is no getting elected if you dont make the American people feel safe.

There IS stablizing that needs to be done in Afganistan.

Obama is just doing the phrasing in such a way that it reads on the American spectrum as amove of strength to protect them from the boogey man they have adopted after so many years of propaganda.

You back a fighter and then get angry at him when he has to swing at the opponent?

Obama could get elected without sending more people off to die and kill innocent people.

Let me say that again ...

The stabalizing that need be done in Afghhanistan should be under taken by NATO and the UN. The US IS NOT the world's police force and terrorism is a problem that only the rest of the world can effectively address.

How about we start having real conversations about Israel's impact on terrorism and nuclear profliferation?

Too sensitive of Americans? .. then how about we stop playing as if we really give a damn about terrorism or the rest of the world .. or actually being people of conscience.
The reason the elections where Allowed to be stolen was propaganda my friend.

Two words allowed it to happen "Sore Loserman".

The corporate media only reported the mess as a mess instead of telling the entire truth of what was taking place.

Now you tell me how Democrats effected that by not sticking to principle?
Obama is NOT going to escalate the Afgan war guys.

Hillary took so much Lobby money she would have owed even more favors than McSame.

War ain't like that.

The only certainty is that innocent people will die .. but you have no idea how far it will go.

If US forces suffer a major loss .. what happens?

If Karzai is assassinated .. what happens?

If Russia or China get involved as the US did when we created the Taliban .. what happens?
Obama could get elected without sending more people off to die and kill innocent people.

Let me say that again ...

The stabalizing that need be done in Afghhanistan should be under taken by NATO and the UN. The US IS NOT the world's police force and terrorism is a problem that only the rest of the world can effectively address.

How about we start having real conversations about Israel's impact on terrorism and nuclear profliferation?

Too sensitive of Americans? .. then how about we stop playing as if we really give a damn about terrorism or the rest of the world .. or actually being people of conscience.

Again if we had a real media and not a corporate media then much of this would be much easier to discuss. Given the TRUE current situation and the current level of understanding the average American has about the facts there is just certain gutteral inferances a candidate will have to make that send the impression that the candidate will "get tough" to protect Americans when needed or she/he will never be elected in this country.

You can pretend that all Americans are ready for the conversations we wish we could have but the facts are some Americans will never be ready for a full intellectual discussion of the true facts and the detail it involves. Democracy is messy. You will always have stupid and uninformed people voting. Its just the nature of the human condition. Realizing that Obama is also running to be their president too and not just yours doesnt give you a clue?
The reason the elections where Allowed to be stolen was propaganda my friend.

Two words allowed it to happen "Sore Loserman".

The corporate media only reported the mess as a mess instead of telling the entire truth of what was taking place.

Now you tell me how Democrats effected that by not sticking to principle?

Let me repeat .. Republicans would have NEVER allowed democratic-owned and operated voting machine companies to be the sole proprietor of the vote .. and they would have NEVER allowed democrats to steal the election from them in the manner they stole it.

They would have fought against both tooth and nail .. which would have been the intelligent thing to do.

Let me repeat something else .. Obama would win this election without proposing sending people off to die needlessly.

McCain in the most flawed presidential candidate in American history.
War ain't like that.

The only certainty is that innocent people will die .. but you have no idea how far it will go.

If US forces suffer a major loss .. what happens?

If Karzai is assassinated .. what happens?

If Russia or China get involved as the US did when we created the Taliban .. what happens?

Im affraid if we left or didnt leave innocent people will die Bac.

With proper levels of troops fewer people will die while we are there.

Russia and China will not involve themselves in Aganistan, there is nothing there that they want.

Obama is not running for saint he is running for president of the US.

He has to get elected and the American people agreed on the Afgan war for the most part. To go into this country with proper troop levels and stablize it while warning the Pakistan that they better cooperate and police their country or we will is very much in line with the American publics sentiments.
Again if we had a real media and not a corporate media then much of this would be much easier to discuss. Given the TRUE current situation and the current level of understanding the average American has about the facts there is just certain gutteral inferances a candidate will have to make that send the impression that the candidate will "get tough" to protect Americans when needed or she/he will never be elected in this country.

You can pretend that all Americans are ready for the conversations we wish we could have but the facts are some Americans will never be ready for a full intellectual discussion of the true facts and the detail it involves. Democracy is messy. You will always have stupid and uninformed people voting. Its just the nature of the human condition. Realizing that Obama is also running to be their president too and not just yours doesnt give you a clue?

You've given a great excuse for why America elects clowns and actors .. but you haven't said a word about the innocent people we're about to sacrifice on the alter of "that's just how it is."

As always I respect your thoughts, but I don't accept that kind of excuse for why we must kill people so we can feel better about ourselves.

At what point do we elect LEADERS who will not accept the stupid and barbaric .. and who will address the mindset that led us into Iraq?

Obama had the stage and the leverage to do exactly that .. as he promised .. but he has chosen the barbaric and insane course of more war .. on top of the ever-growing list of flip-flops that he's becoming known for.

My conviction of antiwar doesn't change because a democrat is proposing it .. nor should yours my sister.
The only reason the Republicans got away with the thieft was the media was in their pocket.

At some point we're going to stop blaming the media for our own failures.

As you know, the fraud of electronic voting has been proven for at least 6 years ..yet proper failsafes don't exist even to this day. Media's fault?