If you start a thread and cannot even support your original assertion contained therein, I guess we're all done then.

I would love to see how the number of Officer's relieved of duty in the Obama administration compares to other administrations.... but you steadfastly refuse to produce the evidence that would prove your unsupported assertion.

If you want to start ANOTHER thread where you compare Obama's character with military officers, I'd participate in that thread.... but not if I could expect similar obfuscation from you.

You made an assertion. Is 130 a big number or a small number? If you don't provide context, how is anyone to know whether there is an issue or not?

And now you're lying again.
If you really would love to see a comparison, you would do it yourself; but instead you just want to dishonor the Military by claiming to have served and then acting like the whiney little bitch we all have grown to know and love. :D
It's funny to see you try and wiggle away from your unprovable assertion.

keep wiggling.

It is YOUR suggestion that more officers were sacked by Obama than any other president. Prove it.

You already have totally failed at trying to show that any of them were sacked for reasons other than poor performance....

you're on a roll.

You know, this has been fun watching you shut down CRAPtor's little theory. But on a side note, it's almost as enjoyable watching whiny little Dim Bulb USFrigidBitch siding with the clown who wrote the OP but WON'T substantiate the claims he made.

He's giving the Raptor a free pass, but he expects you to do Raptor's work for him and disprove what he stated and it's just not hyour job!
You know, this has been fun watching you shut down CRAPtor's little theory. But on a side note, it's almost as enjoyable watching whiny little Dim Bulb USFrigidBitch siding with the clown who wrote the OP but WON'T substantiate the claims he made.

He's giving the Raptor a free pass, but he expects you to do Raptor's work for him and disprove what he stated and it's just not hyour job!

Well, waddayaknow, CRAPASSGuitar has joined the other delusional Lieberrhoidal Maimedpunk in their pathetic attempt to defend the MONUMENTAL FRAUD Obummerrhoid and his DISASTROUS Agenda. These two Lieberrhoidal morons think that somehow their puke will exonerate the WORST Presidency in U.S. History.

How the fuck can you even THINK of shielding a TOTAL POS like the Obumster is beyond a rational person's imagination. What can they expect from a graduate of the Black Racist Whackjob Jeremiah "GODDAMN AMERICA" Wright's Cathedral of Hate, where Obumsky had a TWENTY YEAR TENURE. Obummer who has Bill Ayers, the UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL COMMIE/TERRORIST, as his bosom buddy & colleague at ACORN, the Criminal Enterprise indicted by the FBI in 13+ States. And, if that isn't enough, has as his cousin/friend Raila "AFRICAN STALIN" Odinga whom the Obummerrhoid visited shortly before his Presidential Elections, and whose rallies Obumsky attended while Odinga was the leader of the Commie/Muslim "Orange Democratic Party" which, according to our State Dept at that time, "Ethnically Cleansed" close to a thousand fellow Kenyans, including women & children. But there was the Lieberrhoid's leader and hero's photo-op, arm-in-inarm with that PSYCHO Odinga, smiling.

BTW, it was at their ALL Family Muslim/Commie Gathering where there was the known world-wide photo-op of Obumsky decked out in African Garb, sporting a turban 5 sizes too large, wearing a silly grin on his putrescent physiognomy. This photo-op was also spread about in America by Obumsky's own Lap-Dog National Media.
thanks Zap... neither one of these assholes is worth the powder to blow them to hell.

What most of those shitheadsin the OP actually DID would make most Americans want to see them canned.... but these Obama haters would rather see unprofessional douchebags in charge or our military, I reckon.

Go figure.
thanks Zap... neither one of these assholes is worth the powder to blow them to hell.

What most of those shitheadsin the OP actually DID would make most Americans want to see them canned.... but these Obama haters would rather see unprofessional douchebags in charge or our military, I reckon.

Go figure.

NO _ we do not want anyone with your criminal background or lack of ethics, in charge of the Military.
thanks Zap... neither one of these assholes is worth the powder to blow them to hell.

What most of those shitheadsin the OP actually DID would make most Americans want to see them canned.... but these Obama haters would rather see unprofessional douchebags in charge or our military, I reckon.

Go figure.

There isn't anything to figure. As I stated, with just a few of the examples ......and there are dozens more.....like Fast & Furious, The IRS persecution, the Benghazi attack, The Black Panther Racists at the Voting booth, etc., etc., etc.......where the MONUMENTAL FRAUD, BLACK RACIST, and WANNABE COMMIE POS Obumsky, and/or his stooge and alter ego Erik "The CONSUMMATE IDIOT" Holder doing the bidding of his Master commit atrocious deeds with you Lieberrhoidal arselickers trying to cover up and obfuscate this MONUMENTAL PSYCHO Obummer's misdeeds ! Mebbe you Lieberrhoidal jerk-offs should comment on that before being concerned with, by comparison, the misdeeds of the few Military Officers who were justifiably sacked.

However, Lieberrhoidal idiots will remain Lieberrhoidal idiots and you will continue your dodging of the SALIENT FACT: That Obummer is a MONUMENTALLY VILE POS.

So, keep dodging, dodging and ......DDDDDDOOOOOOOODDDDDDIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGGGGG......!!!