He ought to fire 1,000 of them!
For starters

Again, no one denies that a FEW top military men and a few lesser ranked officers in KEY positions got zapped.....the fact remained no President in our History sacked that many.

The central point about the sacking of the Military is that the Commander-in-Chief, Obumsky BY COMPARISON is light years worse than any of the sacked officers......and the fact that the most hysterical of the Lieberrhoidals attacking the Military are the most ardent arselickers of the MONUMENTAL FRAUD and the ENEMY of AMERICA.

These OBVIOUS FACTS notwithstanding, guess what.....these ardent arselickers of the most DISASTROUS President in U.S.History .....as you shall see ....will come out trotting the same ole crappola in their pathetic attempt to protect their not only idiotic but also evil leader.

And so......the same crap goes on......
yawn.... military men lose their jobs in every administration. You have shown nothing that would indicate that more have been sacked during Obama than any other president, and you certainly have not shown that any of the ones on your list were sacked for anything OTHER than poor performance or a total lack of professionalism.

and gosh, I miss your neologism... when are you gonna start putting that back in every post again?
Again, no one denies that a FEW top military men and a few lesser ranked officers in KEY positions got zapped.....the fact remained no President in our History sacked that many.

The central point about the sacking of the Military is that the Commander-in-Chief, Obumsky BY COMPARISON is light years worse than any of the sacked officers......and the fact that the most hysterical of the Lieberrhoidals attacking the Military are the most ardent arselickers of the MONUMENTAL FRAUD and the ENEMY of AMERICA.

These OBVIOUS FACTS notwithstanding, guess what.....these ardent arselickers of the most DISASTROUS President in U.S.History .....as you shall see ....will come out trotting the same ole crappola in their pathetic attempt to protect their not only idiotic but also evil leader.

And so......the same crap goes on......
He's against big gov that republicans love
He's against big gov that republicans love

By "He's" does the Dude mean Obumsky ?!?!?

If the Dude claims that Obumsky is AGAINST big govt, then the Dude has the perception of a retarded amoeba with a frontal lobotomy since practically each and every one of the Obummerrhoid's Agenda results in the INTRUSION & ABUSE of our Big Govt into the Private Sector from travesties such as Fast & Furious, IRS abuse, etc., to the ONLY signifying legislation passed by this MONUMENTAL FRAUD and ENEMY of AMERICA: ObumskyCare (The Classic definition of UNWANTED and DISASTROUS intervention of Big Govt) resulting in the latest poll with an approval rating of 28% which is, of course, worse than pathetic.
I'm claiming conservatives love bloated government the most.

Apparently you don't know how to read my post which clearly PROVES that by you referring to Obumsky who is, according to your words "AGAINST(caps mine) big govt that republicans love" .....OR.....you are BLATANTLY LYING about something that even an honest Lieberrhoidal would recognize as a lie.

But, then again.........finding an "honest Lieberrhoidal" would be nigh impossible.
It's bullshit. Military officers have been getting sacked since the dawn of time. Obama has not sacked any more than any other president has.

You just put out a totally unsupported assertion and claim it is fact. That's funny. You have shown ZERO data as to how many sernior military officers were sacked by other presidents as a way of comparison, and you certainly have not shown WHY officers in other administrations were canned for reasons that were different from why officers were canned in Obama's administration.

What you HAVE shown in your list is that every one of them was canned for reasons having to do with poor professionalism and performance and that NONE of your list were fired because of their ideology. You HAVE done a good job disproving your premise, I just think your disproof was less than complete.
It's bullshit. Military officers have been getting sacked since the dawn of time. Obama has not sacked any more than any other president has.

You just put out a totally unsupported assertion and claim it is fact. That's funny. You have shown ZERO data as to how many sernior military officers were sacked by other presidents as a way of comparison, and you certainly have not shown WHY officers in other administrations were canned for reasons that were different from why officers were canned in Obama's administration.

What you HAVE shown in your list is that every one of them was canned for reasons having to do with poor professionalism and performance and that NONE of your list were fired because of their ideology. You HAVE done a good job disproving your premise, I just think your disproof was less than complete.

By listing only a few cases of justifiably sacked officers it is YOU that is not proving YOUR case.

BTW, Yesterday caught the tail end of a report that Obumsky sacked an inordinate number of high ranking officers (according to the spokesman) because of their possible acrimony regarding the Benghazi attack. Wherein that spokesman tied that with the fact that too many officers were sacked by Obumsky. That was, also, somehow connected with Turkey. When Hellary was questioned about Turkey's connection with the Benghazi attack during the Congressional Hearings, Hellary curtly stated she didn't know anything about it. Surprising that Hellary, in her supposed area of expertise seems to be so "no savvy senor"........doncha think ? ROFLMAO !!!

You are still dodging the REPEATED ISSUE where I stated that the Obummerrhoid's behaviour and character, at the very least in THREE examples, was light years more culpable than the justified sacking of ANY of the Military officers. You keeping dodging....and dodging... and dodging......and DDDDOOOOOODDDDGGGGGIIIINNNNGGG !!! ROFLMAO
bullshit. how many more officers has Obama sacked at this point in his administration than any other president? Do you have that number? Of course you don't. Can you point to ONE officer in the list from the original OP's list of 130 that was sacked for reasons other than poor performance or lack of professionalism? Of course you can't.

bullshit. how many more officers has Obama sacked at this point in his administration than any other president? Do you have that number? Of course you don't. Can you point to ONE officer in the list from the original OP's list of 130 that was sacked for reasons other than poor performance or lack of professionalism? Of course you can't.


Listen Fool.......You won't be able to get me to prove your unprovable case.

So what about the Benghazi Attack that again indicates that moron Obummer is a bigger idiot than any one thought possible. And Hellary ? what a joke !!!

Ans, predictably.........dodging ! dodging!........still DDDDDOOOOOODDDDDDGGGGGGIIIIINNNNNGGG !!!
what does Benghazi have to do with your unprovable contention that Obama has sacked more senior military officers than his predecessors, or that his sackings were ideologically based versus performance based?

FUCK! You started this stupid thread.... why the fuck can't you defend your assertions? Why, when asked to prove your silliness that this rate of sackings is somehow higher than other presidents or that the sackings were done for reasons other than performance, do you run away and change the fucking subject?

It's bullshit. Military officers have been getting sacked since the dawn of time. Obama has not sacked any more than any other president has.

You just put out a totally unsupported assertion and claim it is fact. That's funny. You have shown ZERO data as to how many sernior military officers were sacked by other presidents as a way of comparison, and you certainly have not shown WHY officers in other administrations were canned for reasons that were different from why officers were canned in Obama's administration.

What you HAVE shown in your list is that every one of them was canned for reasons having to do with poor professionalism and performance and that NONE of your list were fired because of their ideology. You HAVE done a good job disproving your premise, I just think your disproof was less than complete.

You keep demanding that someone provide you with proof and yet, you've provided nothing to support your assertions. :eek:

I wonder why that is? :dunno:

Maybe because you're a liar. :)
what does Benghazi have to do with your unprovable contention that Obama has sacked more senior military officers than his predecessors, or that his sackings were ideologically based versus performance based?

FUCK! You started this stupid thread.... why the fuck can't you defend your assertions? Why, when asked to prove your silliness that this rate of sackings is somehow higher than other presidents or that the sackings were done for reasons other than performance, do you run away and change the fucking subject?


Why don't you prove that there were no signs, at the border of Mexico, when you smuggled your gun into Mexico.
what does Benghazi have to do with your unprovable contention that Obama has sacked more senior military officers than his predecessors, or that his sackings were ideologically based versus performance based?

FUCK! You started this stupid thread.... why the fuck can't you defend your assertions? Why, when asked to prove your silliness that this rate of sackings is somehow higher than other presidents or that the sackings were done for reasons other than performance, do you run away and change the fucking subject?


Same ole Lieberrhoidal dodging so as to protect the oft exposed idiotic MONUMENTAL FRAUD and his DISASTROUS AGENDA rejected by our awakened nation. At the comparatively same time poll: Bush good job: 65% Bad job 28%
Obumsky " " 42% " " 48%

ObummerCare: 28% aprove.

As stated, my irrefutable assertions regarding the Military stand. It is up to you to disprove them. I'm not here to help the Lieberrhoidal idiots. I am here to expose them.

The conclusions, even if the Military facts are wrong......which they are NOT ..... is that the Obummerrhoid's character and deeds exceed the culpability of the Military by light years. AND EVEN YOU ARSELICKING OBUMMERRHOIDALS CAN'T DENY THAT !!!! ROFLMAO !

It is an irrefutable assertion in your fucking dreams. You assert that Obama sacked more top brass than other presidents but offer ZERO proof to back up that assertion....

so, until you can come up with some, it's just your bullshit and nothing more.

I won't bother waiting for you to prove your partisan idiocy.
It is an irrefutable assertion in your fucking dreams. You assert that Obama sacked more top brass than other presidents but offer ZERO proof to back up that assertion....

so, until you can come up with some, it's just your bullshit and nothing more.

I won't bother waiting for you to prove your partisan idiocy.

You are a hopeless Lieberrhoid with all that implies.
I accept your concession... You really didn't have shit to back up your ridiculous OP... It's a wise move to slink away now rather than continue to humiliate yourself.
I accept your concession... You really didn't have shit to back up your ridiculous OP... It's a wise move to slink away now rather than continue to humiliate yourself.

What could one expect but a delusional Lieberrhoidal coming to a repeatedly wrong conclusion......no wonder fools would follow a MONUMENTAL FOOL.