Obama treated better

Exactly, the media doesn't like morons

Is that so?

Can you prove that, Andrew?

Blowjob Bill Clinton said Sunday he believed that President Barack Obama received friendlier media coverage than did other chief executives in part because of his race.

Asked about the stark contrast in press coverage between Mr. Obama and President Trump, Mr. Clinton agreed that there was a different standard. “They did treat him differently than other DEMOCRATS and Republicans,” Mr. Clinton said in an interview on “CBS This Morning.”

He also addressed criticism by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, New York DEMOCRAT, who said in November that she thought he should have resigned his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

“You have to really ignore what the context was,” Mr. Clinton said. “But you know, she’s living in a different context. And she did it for different reasons. So, I — but I just disagree with her.”

It was his first response to the left’s so-called reckoning over alleged sexual misconduct by DEMOCRAT men, including Mr. Clinton, who was championed by liberals even after he admitted in 1998 to a sexual relationship with the 22-year-old White House intern.

Ms. Gillibrand told the New York Times that it would have been “the appropriate response” for Mr. Clinton to step down over the affair, adding that, “But I think things have changed today, and I think under those circumstances, there should be a very different reaction.”

Mr. Clinton also said that he knew the 1999 impeachment proceedings against him on perjury and obstruction of justice “wouldn’t succeed.”

“It wasn’t a pleasant experience,” he said. “But it was a fight that I was glad to undertake after the elections, when the people had solidly told, by two-thirds or more, the Republicans to stop it. They knew there was nothing impeachable. And so we fought it to the end. And I’m glad.”

The former president made his appearance as part of a book tour for his newly released political thriller written with bestselling author James Patterson, “The President is Missing.”

Think so? I must have missed that In Dr. King's statement, which is what you cited.

Wasn't Dr. King Republican, BTW?

Lol, don't believe everything you hear.

From a 1958 interview:
“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

On the 1964 RNC:
"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."

I can keep going.
No. Or at least there's no proof of him registering as a Republican. He voted for the republican candidate in 1956 because he was dissatisfied with the Democratic candidate, but that's it.

I never said his statement referenced political beliefs, I asked YOU if political beliefs constitute part of someone's character, and you have yet to answer.

Exactly. He had no political party affiliations. Like it should be for everyone.
No. Or at least there's no proof of him registering as a Republican. He voted for the republican candidate in 1956 because he was dissatisfied with the Democratic candidate, but that's it.

I never said his statement referenced political beliefs, I asked YOU if political beliefs constitute part of someone's character, and you have yet to answer. I'd say your character is showing.

(Had to repost because editing posts on the mobile version is broken for me)

Keep kissing his ass, NL.

Are you calling this woman a liar?

I never said his statement referenced political beliefs, I asked YOU if political beliefs constitute part of someone's character, and you have yet to answer. I'd say your character is showing.

This is what you said, and my replies::

It's almost as if they're not being judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Think so? It couldn't possibly be a partisan bias, could it?

Aren't someone's political beliefs part of their character?

Think so? I must have missed that In Dr. King's statement, which is what you cited. Wasn't Dr. King Republican, BTW?

Lol, don't believe everything you hear. From a 1958 interview: “I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

On the 1964 RNC: "The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade." I can keep going.

I'd say your character is showing.

Are you now denying that you meant to suggest that Dr. King implied that someone's political beliefs form part of their character when you quoted him?

If you didn't think my character was deficient in some (unspecified and unproven) way, I'd be worried.