Obama: We must have a civilian force as strong as the military...

They are purposefully daft, nothing at all, even the candidate's own words spoken in the middle of a speech about volunteering, can withstand their immediate dismissal of anything that may make them question his perfection.

I've even had one person suggest that he was talking about the "Peace Corps", it's amazing. Dude has just stressed the vital need of a civilian "security force" (definitely not the peace corps or the National Guard) as strong and as well-funded as the military.

I linked to the story, was told I was "insane" because the transcript of the speech didn't have that in it... I said I heard it, was told it was impossible because he "didn't say it" then when shown he said it I get some inanity about how it "bothered me" for all this time that somebody called me insane rather than an actual thought-driven post about what he stated.

Shouldn't you be going off the grid about now, retreating up into the mountains with a cache of weapons to protect against the Federalistas?
Come on people. "Just as well funded"?

Take your mouths off Obama's ass for mere seconds and assess. Jesus.
Speaking of something really important, I turned 40 today. Do you think I will still have any sex appeal left?
Consults Magic 8 Ball:

(swishy watery shaking)

Only if you get those new boots you have been looking at.
Speaking of something really important, I turned 40 today. Do you think I will still have any sex appeal left?

40+ is definitely still hot. I think it's the 50's that see a marked decline in the hot factor, though I think Susan Sarandon is over 50, and she's still hot.
Happy birthday, btw!

Thanks! Yeah, Susan Sarandon is just eternally hot. I once saw her interviewed, and they asked her if she had any work done, and she said no way. She said “this is what sex 5 times a week will do for you”. It was pretty funny. I guess her and Tim Robbins have a really great relationship even after all of this time.
Yeah, when he said Security Force he really meant asphalt. Jeebus bless us.

"civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded."

Again.. what lead into this statement? He was talking about being strong at home, full employment, strong infrastructure, safe streets and strong economy and a well oiled machine at home.

i dont think he was talking about a Marxist Militia Group. I dont see the 3 sixes on his head.
"civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded."

Again.. what lead into this statement? He was talking about being strong at home, full employment, strong infrastructure, safe streets and strong economy and a well oiled machine at home.

i dont think he was talking about a Marxist Militia Group. I dont see the 3 sixes on his head.
It was among a wish list during a speech on what is basically a draft to make people serve the nation in one capacity or another (not always military). What part of a National Security Force as strong and as well funded as the military somehow means the Peace Corps to you? When he says "Security Force" what part of that can possibly mean volunteering as a Scout Master or something equally as innocuous?

Seriously, that argument has got to be the weakest excuse that I have read on this board. Which part of "Security Force" means asphalt? I mean, Jeebus... there is nothing that can make you even pause, nothing at all.
It was among a wish list during a speech on what is basically a draft to make people serve the nation in one capacity or another (not always military). What part of a National Security Force as strong and as well funded as the military somehow means the Peace Corps to you? When he says "Security Force" what part of that can possibly mean volunteering as a Scout Master or something equally as innocuous?

Seriously, that argument has got to be the weakest excuse that I have read on this board. Which part of "Security Force" means asphalt? I mean, Jeebus... there is nothing that can make you even pause, nothing at all.

Drafting People into National Service does not equate to Civilian Force. Again..I believe he was speaking in an esoteric way ... Strong Home front ... is a force as powerful as a strong military. Ive heard him say this before ..and quite frankly ..I agree with that statement.
Drafting People into National Service does not equate to Civilian Force. Again..I believe he was speaking in an esoteric way ... Strong Home front ... is as powerful as a strong military. Ive heard him say this before ..and quite frankly ..I agree with that statement.
No, but the words "Security Force" does mean "Security Force" no matter how many times you try to twist it.

It was what he said, the statement is what it is all excuses aside.
No, but the words "Security Force" does mean "Security Force" no matter how many times you try to twist it.

It was what he said, the statement is what it is all excuses aside.

Ok ..here it is:

The range of his community service initiatives was outlined in an earlier American Thinker article. In his campaign document entitled "The Blueprint for Change: Barack Obama's Plan For America," Obama's "Service" section runs a close second to "Education" in complexity. But, with his Colorado Springs' statement, it grabbed first place in its projected costs to taxpayers. Obama did the cost projection himself.

He plans to double the Peace Corps' budget by 2011, and expand AmeriCorps, USA Freedom Corps, VISTA, YouthBuild Program, and the Senior Corps. Plus, he proposes to form a Classroom Corps, Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, Veterans Corps, Homeland Security Corps, Global Energy Corps, and a Green Jobs Corps. Here a corps - there a corps - everywhere a corps corps.

So it made sense in Colorado Springs when he said his call to community service "will be a central cause of my presidency." He couldn't be clearer in signaling his intentions, including a Social Investment Fund Network to link local non-profits with the federal government.

The entire plan is breathtaking in its scope. But it does not, as at least one internet writer has suggested, portend a "giant police force." It would be easier to rebut if it did. As it is, it's silly stuff born of naively fanciful dreams.

It is from this link :


Again, one item on a list of items doesn't change the meaning of the item.

It's simply beyond belief somebody would pretend that the Peace Corp is even remotely related to a Civilian Security Force to pretend that it wasn't what he meant when he said it.

Nothing at all will make you think beyond what you have already decided you want. There is nothing like the American Consumer who has already decided to purchase something. I'm not speaking against your soul or something dude, but dang.