Obama's birth certificate

so now you have become the ruler of the board and gets to decide what is important or not..and if you decide it's not you just try derail the thread with silly little quips..

He's an evil one alright.

His hobby is drowning puppies in the blood of freshly liquidized kittens.
I love this issue. Its a non-issue that will never get any voters to change there mind about who they are voting for. Some hard core wackos are all whacked out over this issue, they are the ones who would never vote for BHO anyway. Anytime BHO needs an issue to deflect these whackos, all he has to do is do something to bring this issue up and it will suck up all the anti - BHO air in the room!
You can marry your first cousin in Alaska, Georgia is the only other state where this is legal, my bit of trivia to this trivial thread!

Talking of weddings, here is a picture of a couple of dogs getting married.


I believe she was 2 months pregnant at the time and there was a lot of pressure brought to bear by her father who, between you and me, was a nasty piece of work. They're divorced now, after he caught her chasing sticks in the park with a champion greyhound.

That is all.
Only a fucking idiot would think this is an issue. His father was in Hawaii at the time of his birth, so was his mother... Hawaii says he was born there. Case fucking closed.

Anyone who still thinks there is something to prove here, please say the following out loud until it sinks in.... say it slow... it might help

"I am sofa king we todd did"

yeah....that is why HI made a second announcement today regarding this issue.....and that is what i was talking about mr. peter the pickled puny piper

perhaps obama should just release a copy so HI won't be bombarded anymore....10 minutes, 10 dollars, the person who serves the people of the US....such a simple thing that could be laid to rest
I love this issue. Its a non-issue that will never get any voters to change there mind about who they are voting for. Some hard core wackos are all whacked out over this issue, they are the ones who would never vote for BHO anyway. Anytime BHO needs an issue to deflect these whackos, all he has to do is do something to bring this issue up and it will suck up all the anti - BHO air in the room!

I must disagree with the bolded comment. I really believe that this issue, if the birthers and the loony right keep pressing it, might very well dissuade independents and moderates from voting republican.

which is why I say: ON TO INDONESIA!!!! They may have lost the Hawaii skirmish, but the war is far from over!!!!:clink:
You can marry your first cousin in Alaska, Georgia is the only other state where this is legal, my bit of trivia to this trivial thread!
it si legal in more than those two states.

legal in Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina*, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia.

*in NC it is illegal for 'doouble first cousins' to marry.

now we have to ask the additonal quesstin about Barack Obama, sr (heretofore to be known as 'The Rapist") and miss Stanley Ann durham - were they first cousins? /jk
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