Obama's birth certificate

IOW...you don't care if obama is found to be ineligible...is this right? if he says "i am not constitutionally qualified, i fibbed guys", you are advocating ignoring the constitution....because obama was a good liar and fooled everyone...amazing...or...if it is simply found out he is not qualified your words indicate that you want us to ignore the constitution because like oh my gosh it would undermine our credibility of obama was found ineligible....

thats awesome....lets ignore our constitution to get credibility!!!!

i don't think you realize what you are actually saying, just like the other thread when i showed you the reality of your statements, you take them back and then mock me for taking you seriously....

too funny, really, very funny

did yurt MISS the announcement from Hawaii earlier?

Why are we even talking about this anymore?
IOW...you don't care if obama is found to be ineligible...is this right? if he says "i am not constitutionally qualified, i fibbed guys", you are advocating ignoring the constitution....because obama was a good liar and fooled everyone...amazing...or...if it is simply found out he is not qualified your words indicate that you want us to ignore the constitution because like oh my gosh it would undermine our credibility of obama was found ineligible....

thats awesome....lets ignore our constitution to get credibility!!!!

i don't think you realize what you are actually saying, just like the other thread when i showed you the reality of your statements, you take them back and then mock me for taking you seriously....

too funny, really, very funny

Seriously, I really can't be bothered with this kind of infantile, dishonest response. You can do your "translation: Yurt was right!" thing, but you're a baby.

That isn't what I said, or even close to what I said, and is a paraphrase that I know of no origin for. It also doesn't address my view in any kind of serious way, for someone who is claiming to always want "debate."

It's a waste of time...
Seriously, I really can't be bothered with this kind of infantile, dishonest response. You can do your "translation: Yurt was right!" thing, but you're a baby.

That isn't what I said, or even close to what I said, and is a paraphrase that I know of no origin for. It also doesn't address my view in any kind of serious way, for someone who is claiming to always want "debate."

It's a waste of time...

hence why i asked "is this right" :rolleyes:

look at all the time you spent acting like a child instead of actually debating by explaining what you meant when you said :

At this point, it would rip America apart, in ways we cannot fathom, to declare an election void. It would completely undermine our credibility and influence around the globe. It would not benefit anyone, even those on the right.

to me it sure looks like you are saying that you want this issue put to bed so it does not undermine our credibility.....what did you mean then?
Obviously, if it actually COMES OUT that he was not born here, his Presidency is void. I am not suggesting that we ignore the Constitution in that case.

I'm so tired of you twisting every word everyone says, and taking it to the extreme. You're seriously one of the worst posters/trolls on this board.
At this point, it would rip America apart, in ways we cannot fathom, to declare an election void. It would completely undermine our credibility and influence around the globe.
some said the same thing about a potential Nixon resignation. we survived it. if bobo is found ineligible and forced from office i think the blacks would go nuts.
Seriously, I really can't be bothered with this kind of infantile, dishonest response. You can do your "translation: Yurt was right!" thing, but you're a baby.

That isn't what I said, or even close to what I said, and is a paraphrase that I know of no origin for. It also doesn't address my view in any kind of serious way, for someone who is claiming to always want "debate."

It's a waste of time...
I think Biden would step in according to the 25th Amendment, the election wouldn't be "voided", there is no provision for that in the Constitution, but there is a provision for if the office of President is vacated.
Obviously, if it actually COMES OUT that he was not born here, his Presidency is void. I am not suggesting that we ignore the Constitution in that case.

I'm so tired of you twisting every word everyone says, and taking it to the extreme. You're seriously one of the worst posters/trolls on this board.

once again you waste time whining and insulting....so i will ask you once again:

At this point, it would rip America apart, in ways we cannot fathom, to declare an election void. It would completely undermine our credibility and influence around the globe. It would not benefit anyone, even those on the right.

what did you mean by this? this is the third time i've asked you and so far all you do is whine about how i twist your words....why is it you can't simply explain what you meant?

and so what if he is removed from office....that is a good thing if he is not eligible....your comments above, IMO, seem to counter that.....i can't make it any more clear that i am asking you what you meant and not twisting your words. let see if you can actually explain yourself.
As though to a child...

Yurt, here is what I posted:

"I have never cared about these kinds of issues, whether it was Bush's awol or Obama's birth. To me, they are distractions, and minutia; they are reasons partisans come up with to try to undermine Presidencies.

What if Obama wasn't born in the U.S....what then? Does Biden become President? Is the entire election declared void? Has anyone considered the implications of somehow proving he is not a citizen?

The thing is, I doubt very few of the people who are nuts about this really care about whether he is a citizen or not; many of them probably supported the "amend for Arnold" campaign. What they want is to de-legitimize Obama, and to undermine his Presidency, because they lost the election & are pissed about it..."

My main point, which has since been twisted by certain posters named Yurt, is that the fanatics on this issue should consider the implications of their pursuit. It's beside the point that Obama WAS BORN IN THE U.S. It's my opinion that, even if he wasn't, it would do some damage to America to expose that, and bring about an end (a Biden Presidency) which would serve almost no one. The people who are doing this, as I said, are doing so because they hate Obama, not because they care about the Constitution, and they would hate Biden as much.

You may not agree with this; that's fine. Me? I weigh the damage caused by something like this against "preserving the Consitution," and on the latter, it undermines the Consitution not at all if there is nothing to enforce.

Again, this is pragmatism. It does not mean that I de-value the Consitution, as you concluded, or that I think Obama shouldn't be deposed if it actually comes to light that he isn't a citizen; fighting to leave him in office at that point WOULD undermine the Consitution, in a big way.

In conclusion, fuck off with your BS conclusions about what you think I said, or how you think I see the Consitution, or whatever other extreme you want to take things to. You're a drama queen, with limited mental capacity, and very poor reading comprehension.
what an immature baby....

you basically said exactly what i said you said....then you gave a further explanation...which in a way contradicts what you are saying...you don't want people to pursue it, but if it is found out then he should be removed from office....that is contradictory

thus, i was reasonable to take your words the way you wrote them and to ask you for clarification. why you still babble about conclusions when i kept asking you if this is right is beyond me....it is clear you don't like people questioning you and when they do you need to insult them becuase you can't make your points clear.

you are more pathetic for that post than i thought possible. really.

It's my opinion that, even if he wasn't, it would do some damage to America to expose that,

that is exactly what i believed you said....dude, do you even realize what is you're saying? you just proved me right....good lord
It's like talking to someone who is brain-dead.

Yes, Yurt - it would do some damage to America if it came out that Obama was elected illegitimately. No one would dispute that.

You're a real piece of work. I can't help you if your reading comprehension skills are next to nil.
It's like talking to someone who is brain-dead.

Yes, Yurt - it would do some damage to America if it came out that Obama was elected illegitimately. No one would dispute that.

You're a real piece of work. I can't help you if your reading comprehension skills are next to nil.

why are you making such a big deal about people considering the implications? if he is not eligible to serve, then what are you saying to them?

they should consider the ramifications....ok....and what then do you propose they do now? do they ignore this issue despite that he may be ineligible?
It's like talking to someone who is brain-dead.

Yes, Yurt - it would do some damage to America if it came out that Obama was elected illegitimately. No one would dispute that.

You're a real piece of work. I can't help you if your reading comprehension skills are next to nil.
if you told me wear nil is, i'd be willing to help yurt look.
funny how this is issue is major headlines today....why....because obama won't release a copy of the original

Only a fucking idiot would think this is an issue. His father was in Hawaii at the time of his birth, so was his mother... Hawaii says he was born there. Case fucking closed.

Anyone who still thinks there is something to prove here, please say the following out loud until it sinks in.... say it slow... it might help

"I am sofa king we todd did"
Only a fucking idiot would think this is an issue. His father was in Hawaii at the time of his birth, so was his mother... Hawaii says he was born there. Case fucking closed.

Anyone who still thinks there is something to prove here, please say the following out loud until it sinks in.... say it slow... it might help

"I am sofa king we todd did"

so now you have become the ruler of the board and gets to decide what is important or not..and if you decide it's not you just try derail the thread with silly little quips..
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