Obama's birth certificate

yes he has, i documented and countered his false information with the truth....obama can in fact order a copy of his original for $10...the original is not the same as the electronic copy....

that is the truth and no amount of whining from you will change that

I've said it before, the birth certificate is irrelevant. Why won't any of the doubters address the fact that Obama's mother was an American citizen, which automatically translates to him being an American citizen?
I don't discount this.

I think Obama's mother flew to Kenya, gave birth to him there, and cleverly had a birth notice placed in the Honolulu newspaper on the same day.


Liberals are clever and devious like that.
True, and everybody already knew that Obama was going to run for President. I mean, isn't on your birth certificate?

The one that more than settled it for me was the information that Barack Obama Sr. was in Hawaii when he was born. Why the heck would any woman fly to Kenya to squeeze out a baby when you can do it in Hawaii where the father was?

It still doesn't change my fascination with this. I find both sides fascinating.
For the sake of discussion let's say the long form reads that he was born in Kenya. What would you expect to happen?
Good question. My guess is that the candidate who got 2nd place becomes president until a new election can be held. It would be a hell of a twist in the American Story. But we've seen some twisties before. :)
Good question. My guess is that the candidate who got 2nd place becomes president until a new election can be held. It would be a hell of a twist in the American Story. But we've seen some twisties before. :)

Don't you imagine some high ranking members of the GOP have investigated this?

It would, after all, change the entire election.
Don't you imagine some high ranking members of the GOP have investigated this?

It would, after all, change the entire election.
I'm sure that some have, and wish to remain above the fray for the reasons stated by several liberal here, or by simply being dealt the race card. The Affirmative Action President must be treated delicately.
I'm sure that some have, and wish to remain above the fray for the reasons stated by several liberal here, or by simply being dealt the race card. The Affirmative Action President must be treated delicately.
Oh admit it. You can't deal with a nigger being elected President. It might mark you as the racist you are but at least you'd have the respect of being honest about it. I mean, do that or spare us your convaluted rationalizations. It's fooling no one.
Oh admit it. You can't deal with a nigger being elected President. It might mark you as the racist you are but at least you'd have the respect of being honest about it. I mean, do that or spare us your convaluted rationalizations. It's fooling no one.
Doooood, I voted for Alan Keyes for President. I've campaigned for black candidates, and contributed to black candidate in large dollars. I always support the most conservative candidate on the ticket and the color of his skin or how hot his wife is has no bearing on the decision.

In contrast, Obama would never had been elected had he been a white man. So who is the racist here, the Southern Man, or many hundreds of thousands in the Democrat Party?
good grief, that statement was so uncalled for..

I don't give a shit if he was pink...but we all knew that even criticizing the Hugo we were going to constantly be hit over the head with we are being RACIST..

yeah, the Hugo is the post racial President my ass..
Doooood, I voted for Alan Keyes for President. I've campaigned for black candidates, and contributed to black candidate in large dollars. I always support the most conservative candidate on the ticket and the color of his skin or how hot his wife is has no bearing on the decision.

In contrast, Obama would never had been elected had he been a white man. So who is the racist here, the Southern Man, or many hundreds of thousands in the Democrat Party?

By the same token, I am quite certain that there are plenty who voted for McCain because Obama is black. So the election was racist on both sides to some extent.
I've said it before, the birth certificate is irrelevant. Why won't any of the doubters address the fact that Obama's mother was an American citizen, which automatically translates to him being an American citizen?

obviously not...look how many people are still talking about it

stupid not to just release a copy of it
good grief, that statement was so uncalled for..

I don't give a shit if he was pink...but we all knew that even criticizing the Hugo we were going to constantly be hit over the head with we are being RACIST..

yeah, the Hugo is the post racial President my ass..

Who cares if they call us racists. They are only showing their stupidity and it's damn funny.
Doooood, I voted for Alan Keyes for President. I've campaigned for black candidates, and contributed to black candidate in large dollars. I always support the most conservative candidate on the ticket and the color of his skin or how hot his wife is has no bearing on the decision.

In contrast, Obama would never had been elected had he been a white man. So who is the racist here, the Southern Man, or many hundreds of thousands in the Democrat Party?
That's certainly a false premis. Obama was elected because his competency stood in stark contrast to Bush and the Neocons complete ineptitude. That and he's a solid midwestern moderate. Obama's election was America's rejection of the far right wing politics that has come to dominate the Republican party. This "much ado about nothing" over Obama's birth certificate which has been investigated to death and settled by the courts is nothing more than thinly veiled racism. Pure and simple.
That's certainly a false premis. Obama was elected because his competency stood in stark contrast to Bush and the Neocons complete ineptitude. That and he's a solid midwestern moderate. Obama's election was America's rejection of the far right wing politics that has come to dominate the Republican party. This "much ado about nothing" over Obama's birth certificate which has been investigated to death and settled by the courts is nothing more than thinly veiled racism. Pure and simple.
If Obama wasn't black Hillary would have been the Democrat nominee. They both have the same agenda yet she has more experience. anyone who says otherwise isn't being intellectually honest.