Obama's birth debate: It's about loyalty

I mentioned before the election that you right wing nuts should save some money for some therapy. It's hard to get rid of your conditioning and let go of the past. I said it would be hard for you to accept the failure of your 'conservative values' and the failure of your party. It's time to start spending that money. Get some help.
I'd say it's time for someone to stop pretending they are a head doctor..

didn't make a bit of sense...snort snort
From which rabid right-wing website are you getting this drivel?

1. We already rely on insurance companies for our health care decisions;

2. H.R. 1913 refers to crimes and grants, not prohibition against speech. Furthermore, it expands on a 1969 law that was enacted during the Nixon(R) administration.

"To provide Federal assistance to States, local jurisdictions, and Indian tribes to prosecute hate crimes, and for other purposes."


"This bill, previously introduced in Congress in 2007, seeks to expand upon the 1969 US federal hate-crime law by extending beyond federally-protected activities and towards bodily crimes motivated by a victim’s actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, in addition to the current provisions of bodily crimes motivated by a victim's actual or perceived race, color, religion, and national origin."

3. Michael Steele is not the spokesman for Democrats' positions on gun rights.

1. We already rely on insurance companies for our health care decisions;

We? I don't rely on insurance companies for my health care decisions. My doctor makes the decisions as I don't have an HMO.
I just saw this on the ad banner for this thread. What a hoot!

I mentioned before the election that you right wing nuts should save some money for some therapy. It's hard to get rid of your conditioning and let go of the past. I said it would be hard for you to accept the failure of your 'conservative values' and the failure of your party. It's time to start spending that money. Get some help.

Yeah, you would advocate spending more money, as if $1 Trillion wasn't enough alread!! Typical liberal... :nono:

For the record, I think all of this birth certificate crap is bullshit.
the birth certificate thing is just one step..to get all of the Hugos records that they are hiding from the public...none of them have been released..we know jack shit about his past..
we do know he went to radical Black Liberation church for 20yrs...who's loyalty lie with Africa, he hung with Bill Ayers, a domestic terrorist for years...and if you dig deep enough he was associated with a few other shady characters...that is what we want to be finally brought out, that the lamestream media covered up him and the Democrats..
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you are a lying asshole *shrug*

Like I said... I served. and with distinction... you and your cowardly, and well travelled ass were to scared to put YOUR life in harm's way.

Since there was no war during "my time" I had no incentive to join up. You, however, had the government pay for your education, then sailed around in an armored tub far from any conflict until you qualified for retirement- then ran for the hills.

Yeah, you hate America all right. LOL.
Since there was no war during "my time" I had no incentive to join up. You, however, had the government pay for your education, then sailed around in an armored tub far from any conflict until you qualified for retirement- then ran for the hills.

Yeah, you hate America all right. LOL.
really? How old were you during Desert Storm? How old were you when the marines were killed at the Beirut airport?

you, of course, have zero idea where I was deployed...

interesting that you would denigrate military veterans and retirees when you yourself did not have the courage to serve.
really? How old were you during Desert Storm? How old were you when the marines were killed at the Beirut airport?

you, of course, have zero idea where I was deployed...

interesting that you would denigrate military veterans and retirees when you yourself did not have the courage to serve.

There was never any serious retaliation by the US for the Beirut incident- certainly not a war. During the First Gulf War I was well into my civilian career and starting a family.

I don't denigrate folks who served- I denigrate you, who again, had the government pay for your education, then sailed around in an armored tub far from any conflict until you qualified for retirement.
there is no bigger pussy than someone too chickenshit to serve yet denagrates another MAN'S service.