Obama's Cabinet looking hawkish

"The presidency is bound to change a mans politics. With Obama however it just seems so stark when compared to his rhetoric. "

I may be way off on this; I've been busy, and haven't had a chance to watch the news or anything...but it's my understanding that Obama hasn't actually served a day in office yet.

Isn't that correct? Again, forgive my ignorance, if it's not...
Not at all, imbecile. I'm not the one making all kinds of assumptions about Obama's clairivoyance that no WMD's would be found & the war would be a quagmire.

Dipshit.... don't play dungs game of trying to put words in my mouth. I didn't say that Obama could see the future and that he knew no WMDs would be found.

As YOU stated, I think many Dems voted against their instincts when voting for the war. I think Obama decided to trust his instincts even though it would not be a popular short term decision (except for with the far left)
Not at all, imbecile. I'm not the one making all kinds of assumptions about Obama's clairivoyance that no WMD's would be found & the war would be a quagmire.

If you think it required superpowers to ascertain that Saddam had no WMD then you are delusional.

The UN inspectors told the world that what Saddam had might not be safe to drink, but WMD they were not. In fact, Bush's own weapons inspectors said about the very same thing.
"The presidency is bound to change a mans politics. With Obama however it just seems so stark when compared to his rhetoric. "

I may be way off on this; I've been busy, and haven't had a chance to watch the news or anything...but it's my understanding that Obama hasn't actually served a day in office yet.

Isn't that correct? Again, forgive my ignorance, if it's not...


You are so hot.
Obama doesn't give a rats ass what the antiwar faction thinks. He simply used them to get the nomination but hasn't thrown them a bone since getting it. He has an arrogant disdain for the left and antiwar people. He knows all the left .. including African-Americans .. can do now is shut the fuck up and take whatever he shovels their way.

Is there anyone who still thinks Obama would not have voted for the invasion of Iraq had he been in the Senate at the time?

He doesn't care now, but as the next election cycle draws near, he'll be back in politician style to espouse his well modulated and carefully crafted teleprompter rhetoric to the masses of far-left wingnuts who, while rejecting a belief in God, seemingly embrace the idea of a human messiah....odd

Obama totally lucked out in not having had to be a part of the Iraq war vote. I won't however presume to know how he would have voted. Giving him the benefit of the doubt based on his feelings at the time, I'd say he could have safely voted against it without risk to his political future.
Dipshit.... don't play dungs game of trying to put words in my mouth. I didn't say that Obama could see the future and that he knew no WMDs would be found.

As YOU stated, I think many Dems voted against their instincts when voting for the war. I think Obama decided to trust his instincts even though it would not be a popular short term decision (except for with the far left)

Your posts on this thread have definitely read, along with bac's, as if you somehow know what Obama was thinking when he made that speech. I have been totally cracking up at this thread.

It's laugh out loud funny.
Your posts on this thread have definitely read, along with bac's, as if you somehow know what Obama was thinking when he made that speech. I have been totally cracking up at this thread.

It's laugh out loud funny.

Do we know what any politician is actually thinking when they do something? No but we make assumptions about it all the time you included. Why is this one occassion so funny to you?
Your posts on this thread have definitely read, along with bac's, as if you somehow know what Obama was thinking when he made that speech. I have been totally cracking up at this thread.

It's laugh out loud funny.

The above is just idiotic. I have stated numerous times this is MY OPINION. Not that I know what he did.
Do we know what any politician is actually thinking when they do something? No but we make assumptions about it all the time you included. Why is this one occassion so funny to you?

So, after I humiliated you on the Holder thread, you peak out from behind Sf's skirts again here, to yap at me like his little attack dog? Leave it to SF to get an attack dog and choose a poodle.

It's ludicrous to claim you know what Obama was thinking when he came out against the war, 6 years ago. And I have never made any claim that is near to that. If you want to claim that I have - prove it.
"The presidency is bound to change a mans politics. With Obama however it just seems so stark when compared to his rhetoric. "

I may be way off on this; I've been busy, and haven't had a chance to watch the news or anything...but it's my understanding that Obama hasn't actually served a day in office yet.

Isn't that correct? Again, forgive my ignorance, if it's not...

He has served several days as "president elect" making all kinds of choices and decisions that certainly allude to a "direction" that his presidency will take. That direction, which appears to have a much more hawkish look than his rhetoric presumed, is what is being discussed...

I wouldn't call your understanding ignorant per se, only ankle biting impertinence designed to have the appearance of a superior intellect.
The above is just idiotic. I have stated numerous times this is MY OPINION. Not that I know what he did.

Here is your post # 49, in its entirety:

"Listen dipshit.... The CALCULATED part is the fact that he went AGAINST popular opinion at the time. Because he was CALCULATING the probability that in the end it would be the correct position to have taken. "

Now, who is idiotic?
So, after I humiliated you on the Holder thread, you peak out from behind Sf's skirts again here, to yap at me like his little attack dog? Leave it to SF to get an attack dog and choose a poodle.

It's ludicrous to claim you know what Obama was thinking when he came out against the war, 6 years ago. And I have never made any claim that is near to that. If you want to claim that I have - prove it.

Tell you what Darla... why don't you go back and show us where anyone stated that they KNEW what Obama was thinking.

Then take a look at how many times my comments were prefaced with 'i think' or 'I believe'. I stated my OPINIONS on what I thought he did.
I love these Superfreak meltdown threads. They're almost as good as the "I'm really happy, nothing bothers me!" Dixie threads...
Tell you what Darla... why don't you go back and show us where anyone stated that they KNEW what Obama was thinking.

Then take a look at how many times my comments were prefaced with 'i think' or 'I believe'. I stated my OPINIONS on what I thought he did.

Already done hon. Let me know when you want to start backtracking. You know that's my favorite part.
Here is your post # 49, in its entirety:

"Listen dipshit.... The CALCULATED part is the fact that he went AGAINST popular opinion at the time. Because he was CALCULATING the probability that in the end it would be the correct position to have taken. "

Now, who is idiotic?

YOU. Because I stated numerous times that it WAS MY OPINION.

Having to break down the word calculated portion of my comments for Lorax does not change the fact that it was still my OPINION.
So, after I humiliated you on the Holder thread, you peak out from behind Sf's skirts again here, to yap at me like his little attack dog? Leave it to SF to get an attack dog and choose a poodle.

It's ludicrous to claim you know what Obama was thinking when he came out against the war, 6 years ago. And I have never made any claim that is near to that. If you want to claim that I have - prove it.

You embarassed me because I asked you how an "ideology" for making America more competitive caused an individual to commit a crime after you stated 'your ideology caused him to do this'?

Darla are you really going to say that you've never claimed you know why Bush did certain things he did when you've never met or spoken to the man? You make no assumptions at all?
You embarassed me because I asked you how an "ideology" for making America more competitive caused an individual to commit a crime after you stated 'your ideology caused him to do this'?

Darla are you really going to say that you've never claimed you know why Bush did certain things he did when you've never met or spoken to the man? You make no assumptions at all?

No, because as usual you didn't read what I wrote on that thread!

I never made a claim anywhere near this ludicrous, period. You have to be a real hack, or a real Obama hater, to make this claim. It's based on nothing. DH is right - ODS has set in early.
YOU. Because I stated numerous times that it WAS MY OPINION.

Having to break down the word calculated portion of my comments for Lorax does not change the fact that it was still my OPINION.

SF I didn't "break down" anything. That's your post. In its entirety. # 49. Anyone can go look. Even you!
No, because as usual you didn't read what I wrote on that thread!

I never made a claim anywhere near this ludicrous, period. You have to be a real hack, or a real Obama hater, to make this claim. It's based on nothing. DH is right - ODS has set in early.

LMAO... ok... how is stating that Obama had the foresight or that he calculated what the correct position was going to be equate to being an Obama hater?????