Obama's Cabinet looking hawkish

Here's another of your posts, # 60, in its entirety:

1) When a candidate has shown a history of ducking the bigger issues, then I find it amusing that you seem to believe it would be 'unlikely' for him to do so on this issue.

2) Again, he was calculating that it was the correct position to take in the long run, despite the fact that it would be unpopular in the short term.

4) Ok... we just saw Lorax state that he beleives many Dems went AGAINST their instincts when voting for the war. Obama's position of being against the war does not change just because he was also using foresight. Many Dems, like Clinton, Edwards etc... could have benefitted from using that same foresight. Because I think Lorax is correct. I think many Dems voted for the war simply because they didn't want to appear weak and/or go against popular opinion. I think Obama correctly saw the error in that for the long run... despite the short term unpopularity.
SF I didn't "break down" anything. That's your post. In its entirety. # 49. Anyone can go look. Even you!

Please pay attention dear... I didn't say YOU broke down MY post. I said the post you quoted was MY breaking down the 'Calculated' comment from one of my previous posts for Lorax.

That does not change the fact that I have stated numerous times on this thread that it was my OPINION.
He doesn't care now, but as the next election cycle draws near, he'll be back in politician style to espouse his well modulated and carefully crafted teleprompter rhetoric to the masses of far-left wingnuts who, while rejecting a belief in God, seemingly embrace the idea of a human messiah....odd

Obama totally lucked out in not having had to be a part of the Iraq war vote. I won't however presume to know how he would have voted. Giving him the benefit of the doubt based on his feelings at the time, I'd say he could have safely voted against it without risk to his political future.

I agree he'll return to using his mindfuck powers on the left when elections roll around .. and I agree that the left will drop their pants and bend over .. AGAIN.

The reason why Obama has skipped so many important votes throughout his career is because he was calculating.

I believe he would have skipped the vote or voted "Present" .. as he has done many times in the past.

I also believe that OBama may have a good heart .. but somehwre along the way to glory he recognized he would have to sell his soul (pun intended) to become the president.
Number 41:

No you moron. His position was taken because he thought the Iraq war would blow up on Bush. He thus took the opposing position early on. The rest of your idiotic rant above was unneccesary.

The point we were making is that HAD he been in DC at the time, we do not think he would have taken a stand on the issue.

Do try to pay attention to what people are ACTUALLY writing.
Here's another of your posts, # 60, in its entirety:

1) When a candidate has shown a history of ducking the bigger issues, then I find it amusing that you seem to believe it would be 'unlikely' for him to do so on this issue.

2) Again, he was calculating that it was the correct position to take in the long run, despite the fact that it would be unpopular in the short term.

4) Ok... we just saw Lorax state that he beleives many Dems went AGAINST their instincts when voting for the war. Obama's position of being against the war does not change just because he was also using foresight. Many Dems, like Clinton, Edwards etc... could have benefitted from using that same foresight. Because I think Lorax is correct. I think many Dems voted for the war simply because they didn't want to appear weak and/or go against popular opinion. I think Obama correctly saw the error in that for the long run... despite the short term unpopularity.

LMAO... and AGAIN dear... in previous posts I had stated that number 2 was my OPINION. I am sorry that I didn't put the word OPINION next to every single post for you.
Please pay attention dear... I didn't say YOU broke down MY post. I said the post you quoted was MY breaking down the 'Calculated' comment from one of my previous posts for Lorax.

That does not change the fact that I have stated numerous times on this thread that it was my OPINION.

Yes, you did once that I saw, but numerous times you stated it as fact, or near-fact. It's true you have not been as adamant as bac.
Number 41:

No you moron. His position was taken because he thought the Iraq war would blow up on Bush. He thus took the opposing position early on. The rest of your idiotic rant above was unneccesary.

The point we were making is that HAD he been in DC at the time, we do not think he would have taken a stand on the issue.

Do try to pay attention to what people are ACTUALLY writing.

again dear... the above is MY OPINION... as stated earlier in the thread...

in the future I will try to highlight it more clearly in every single post that the words I type are my opinion.

Keep spinning.
I agree he'll return to using his mindfuck powers on the left when elections roll around .. and I agree that the left will drop their pants and bend over .. AGAIN.

The reason why Obama has skipped so many important votes throughout his career is because he was calculating.

I believe he would have skipped the vote or voted "Present" .. as he has done many times in the past.

I also believe that OBama may have a good heart .. but somehwre along the way to glory he recognized he would have to sell his soul (pun intended) to become the president.

Of course he was calculating, he was/is that kind of political animal whose career early on was dominated by idealism that has seemingly been replaced with raw ambition. Now he's president and has to take responsibility. I think we should be a little comforted that he has at least had the intelligence to choose people who can make decisions. I would further state that his choices reflect the choices of a man who has a new found perspective on what the reality of his job is going to entail.
Yes, you did once that I saw, but numerous times you stated it as fact, or near-fact. It's true you have not been as adamant as bac.

From the start, I stated it was my opinion. Logic would dictate that my following posts on the discussion of my opinion would also be based on that opinion.

Side note... I don't think BAC was doing anything other than sharing his opinion on Obama. to pretend otherwise is simply silly.
What are you even talking about?

Yes, what I'm saying is that Obama chose not to take the politically expedient position, and went with principle to oppose the war at a time when it & Bush were extremely popular.

Thanks for the help.

Darla.... why didn't you call out Lorax for the above post?

It is clear to me he is stating his opinion, yet he didn't specifically state "this is my opinion"
From the start, I stated it was my opinion. Logic would dictate that my following posts on the discussion of my opinion would also be based on that opinion.

Side note... I don't think BAC was doing anything other than sharing his opinion on Obama. to pretend otherwise is simply silly.

LOL. Give me a break. I can read.
Darla.... why didn't you call out Lorax for the above post?

It is clear to me he is stating his opinion, yet he didn't specifically state "this is my opinion"

Well, first because he's hot. And second, because he's right. It wasn't the politically expedient thing to do at that time. That's just fact. The theory that Obama had mentally leapt into the future and knew that six yearas later it would be, is nothing but speculation. And specious speculation at that.

See, I even gave you some alliteration!
Well, first because he's hot. And second, because he's right. It wasn't the politically expedient thing to do at that time. That's just fact. The theory that Obama had mentally leapt into the future and knew that six yearas later it would be, is nothing but speculation. And specious speculation at that.

See, I even gave you some alliteration!

LOL.... quite funny. Because I too pointed out it wasn't good in the political short term... but no props for Superfreak. Damn 'hot people' get the credit where us short fatties get no love.

LOL.... quite funny. Because I too pointed out it wasn't good in the political short term... but no props for Superfreak. Damn 'hot people' get the credit where us short fatties get no love.

The silly part is suggesting that in 2002 it was a good long-term political strategy to come out against the war because Obama somehow knew that the Iraq War would blow up on Bush. To believe that is to believe that Obama knew that Saddam had no WMD and opposed the war not because he did not believe that Saddam was not a threat, but because he knew that Bush would screw it up. That's just too much specious speculation to swallow.
The period from the last few months of 2002 to the start of the war has been so thoroughly rewritten & propogandized that very little of the actual truth of that time is left.

I rememember that time; I remember the political climate around the vote, where popular opinion was, how the Bush admin was posturing & what it took to oppose the war at that time. I'm sure others do, too.
The silly part is suggesting that in 2002 it was a good long-term political strategy to come out against the war because Obama somehow knew that the Iraq War would blow up on Bush. To believe that is to believe that Obama knew that Saddam had no WMD and opposed the war not because he did not believe that Saddam was not a threat, but because he knew that Bush would screw it up. That's just too much specious speculation to swallow.

look Darla, you taught Dung a new word....

Dung... if you opposed the war because you thought it was the wrong thing to do.... you had two options... to decide

1) I am going to support it despite my instincts that it is wrong... which is what many Dems seem to have done.

2) I am going to stick to my guns and come out against the war despite it not being the politically correct thing to do at the moment.

Now if you went with number two... why do you feel it is such a stretch to see the long-term benefits should your position turn out to be the correct one?
The period from the last few months of 2002 to the start of the war has been so thoroughly rewritten & propogandized that very little of the actual truth of that time is left.

I rememember that time; I remember the political climate around the vote, where popular opinion was, how the Bush admin was posturing & what it took to oppose the war at that time. I'm sure others do, too.

I also remember that time and what you are talking about. The atmosphere against those who came out against the war was harsh. That is why I do not see it as a big stretch to think that politicians who came out against the war did so knowing the short term consequences while also factoring in the long term potential. Sure, some could have simply done so without looking to the future. But given Obama's planning and organization that has been displayed for the past two years, I don't see it as such a stretch to believe that he saw the long term opportunity of sticking to his guns.
look Darla, you taught Dung a new word....

Dung... if you opposed the war because you thought it was the wrong thing to do.... you had two options... to decide

1) I am going to support it despite my instincts that it is wrong... which is what many Dems seem to have done.

2) I am going to stick to my guns and come out against the war despite it not being the politically correct thing to do at the moment.

Now if you went with number two... why do you feel it is such a stretch to see the long-term benefits should your position turn out to be the correct one?

No he was obviously one-upping me on the alliteration you boob!