Obama's Cabinet looking hawkish

look Darla, you taught Dung a new word....

Dung... if you opposed the war because you thought it was the wrong thing to do.... you had two options... to decide

1) I am going to support it despite my instincts that it is wrong... which is what many Dems seem to have done.

2) I am going to stick to my guns and come out against the war despite it not being the politically correct thing to do at the moment.

Now if you went with number two... why do you feel it is such a stretch to see the long-term benefits should your position turn out to be the correct one?

To answer your question, nothing, but that is not acting out of political expediency or as a calculating politician as you have suggested.

I also find it offensive to see a war-cheerleading hack like yourself who supported this president (twice), the war and his merry band of war-mongering fuckstains questioning others about their opposition to the war when you were so dead fucking wrong. Being against the war was not a popular position and it was all the less popular because if you were wrong and we went in and found loads of WMD you would end up looking very very bad.
To answer your question, nothing, but that is not acting out of political expediency or as a calculating politician as you have suggested.

I also find it offensive to see a war-cheerleading hack like yourself who supported this president (twice), the war and his merry band of war-mongering fuckstains questioning others about their opposition to the war when you were so dead fucking wrong. Being against the war was not a popular position and it was all the less popular because if you were wrong and we went in and found loads of WMD you would end up looking very very bad.

So what I get from you is more bullshit? Nice.

While I did vote for Bush twice, I was hardly a 'cheerleader' for the war. You idiots have simply twisted my position over an over again until you believe that I was all eager for us to go to war with Iraq. That is not the case, but I hardly feel like going through all of that with you again. Especially given the fact that moronic douchebags such as yourself will simply ignore what I say and continue on with your idiotic 'u a war monger' bullshit.

Again you moron, I stated the same damn thing. That being opposed to the war in 2002 was a short term liability politically speaking. Yes, it could have blown up in his face had we found stockpiles of WMDs. THAT is why I beleive it was a calculated decision on Obamas part. He seems too politically motivated to have come out against the war simply for the sake of being against it. There was no reason for him to come out with a stance if he was simply against the war. That is why I believe he saw the long term potential. Whether it was due to a gut instinct or due to believing the UN reports over the administration.

Side note you twit.... I am NOT questioning his opposition to the war.
So what I get from you is more bullshit? Nice.

While I did vote for Bush twice, I was hardly a 'cheerleader' for the war. You idiots have simply twisted my position over an over again until you believe that I was all eager for us to go to war with Iraq. That is not the case, but I hardly feel like going through all of that with you again. Especially given the fact that moronic douchebags such as yourself will simply ignore what I say and continue on with your idiotic 'u a war monger' bullshit.

Again you moron, I stated the same damn thing. That being opposed to the war in 2002 was a short term liability politically speaking. Yes, it could have blown up in his face had we found stockpiles of WMDs. THAT is why I beleive it was a calculated decision on Obamas part. He seems too politically motivated to have come out against the war simply for the sake of being against it. There was no reason for him to come out with a stance if he was simply against the war. That is why I believe he saw the long term potential. Whether it was due to a gut instinct or due to believing the UN reports over the administration.

Side note you twit.... I am NOT questioning his opposition to the war.

Oh, I see. It's perfectly legitimate for your to question the motives and positions of others but not fair game for others to do the same to you?

I think you question Obama's motives for speaking out against the war because you personally were so wrong that you cannot possibly believe that anyone else could have been so right for all the right reasons. And that's like, my OPINION, man so it cannot be questioned.
Oh, I see. It's perfectly legitimate for your to question the motives and positions of others but not fair game for others to do the same to you?

I think you question Obama's motives for speaking out against the war because you personally were so wrong that you cannot possibly believe that anyone else could have been so right for all the right reasons. And that's like, my OPINION, man so it cannot be questioned.

you really are a petulent little child aren't you?

Are you going to cry now? Do us all a favor, get your panties out of a bunch and either discuss the topic or go take a nap.
i will save you guys some time. What superfreak is saying in this thread is possible, though there is no evidence for it and it is merely speculation.
i will save you guys some time. What superfreak is saying in this thread is possible, though there is no evidence for it and it is merely speculation.

And it is highly unlikely. I am fully aware of this. I'm just having fun with him now. I think my new thing is to question SF's motives all of the time because I can never be disproven.
The posts here are pretty funny.

Taking a position against the war, at the time Obama did, was putting yourself as out there politically as you could. I would wager that most of the Dems who voted for the resolution went against their instincts, because they were politically expedient, and opposing the war was a vastly unpopular thing to do. No one thought that Saddam wouldn't be toppled quickly, and no one wanted to be on the wrong side of the victory parade.

To say now that Obama was calculating because he "knew it would fail"...I mean, I'm speechless. Nothing but hater talk.
Taking the position against the war as a relatively unknown (nationally) representative in a state legislature in an area largely comprised of people who also took that position was not "putting yourself out there". Later stating that he couldn't be sure how he would have voted as a Senator, that pretty much sums up Obama's propensity toward hedging the odds.
Taking the position against the war as a relatively unknown (nationally) representative in a state legislature in an area largely comprised of people who also took that position was not "putting yourself out there". Later stating that he couldn't be sure how he would have voted as a Senator, that pretty much sums up Obama's propensity toward hedging the odds.

Superfreak - he finally came!

Better late than never....
Superfreak - he finally came!

Better late than never....
Do you have something to offer other than a totally inept attempt to ascertain my motives?

You are getting the real Damocles here, I really hold the opinion that Obama tends to hedge his bets when controversial issues arrive at his desk.

You seem to think that this disparages him somehow, to me it shows that he is an astute politician who is mindful of his image and wants to maintain flexibility rather than set in stone a position that may not be the best course. To you, it makes it seem like I am insulting him and think he is terrible because of it.

To each their own. We elected a man whose record on issues is woefully thin, I believe this is because he carefully avoided controversial issues as much as possible, up to and including "not being sure" how he would have voted on issues in the Senate after making good speeches that seemed to set their opinion previously. You believe differently. I'll continue to point out what I see regardless of your attempts to, almost entirely erroneously, ascertain my motives.
Do you have something to offer other than a totally inept attempt to ascertain my motives?

You are getting the real Damocles here, I really hold the opinion that Obama tends to hedge his bets when controversial issues arrive at his desk.

You seem to think that this disparages him somehow, to me it shows that he is an astute politician who is mindful of his image and wants to maintain flexibility rather than set in stone a position that may not be the best course. To you, it makes it seem like I am insulting him and think he is terrible because of it.

To each their own. We elected a man whose record on issues is woefully thin, I believe this is because he carefully avoided controversial issues as much as possible, up to and including "not being sure" how he would have voted on issues in the Senate after making good speeches that seemed to set their opinion previously. You believe differently. I'll continue to point out what I see regardless of your attempts to, almost entirely erroneously, ascertain my motives.

Let me just say..... that... We must be cautious.... and by cautious, I mean in our way of approaching.... the uhm... the intricate details.... of things that are delicate...and by delicate, I mean.... uhm... sensitive... to many Americans. Let's be clear here... my administration's focus will be on... looking at all sides... listening to all opinions... and uhm... uhm... taking a..a... pragmatic approach in what we determine is best for America. But let me just say this as well.... make no mistake... I will be the one to set policy... once we have determined what that policy might be... and it may take a week... or two... maybe even three... but we will set policy... and it will be the policy we can effectively implement in a manner consistent with and according to the people... who... will not hesitate to give me their sound advice... and by that I mean, advice they find sound and reasonable... as reasonable as they can be... given the... uhm... circumstances.