Oceans were the hottest ever recorded in 2022: public discussion

Waddya know ? No response from the ' Sweden is not east of the UK ' moron nor the ' The Arctic Circle and the Arctic are not the same thing ' snake.

Leave it at that , eh. Two bums booted.
I feel like there's something else going on there. Yes, Into the Night is most assuredly a complete fucking moron, but I also feel like his attempt to spread disinformation is more malicious. I also have good reason to believe that he's autistic and actually has very little self control related to his psychopathic online persona.

You don't get to decide, dumbass.

You don't get to decide.

Ah, but I do, moron. My opinions are all based upon fact- unless otherwise stated.

Sweden is not in the Arctic. Just a small piece of it.

A substantial area of Sweden is in the Arctic. ' Sweden is in the Arctic ' is a correct statement. ' Your head is up your ass ' is a correct statement when you have a substantial portion of your head up your ass - as you do. 'Sweden is not in the Arctic ' is hilariously incorrect. You are a clown

You do not travel EAST to get to the Arctic.

You travel east from the UK to get to Sweden- contrary to your dumbass claim, dumbass.

Haw, haw................................haw.

Cop this;

I'm saving your idiotic post, incidentally. I'll remind the forum of it every time you troll me.

Into the Night Soil

Sweden is not in the Arctic
Moon NOW thinks that Sweden is in the Arctic!

https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...ever-recorded-in-2022-public-discussion/page3 #35

Haw, haw...........................haw.
That mullah jizz is powerful juju, McMoonshi'ite downs it in industrial quantities. Let's step back from fantasy land into reality. The Holecene has had periods way warmer than present anybody who tells you different is not to be trusted.

The Holocene Thermal Maximum around Svalbard, Arctic North Atlantic; molluscs show early and exceptional warmth

Shallow marine molluscs that are today extinct close to Svalbard, because of the cold climate, are found in deposits there dating to the early Holocene. The most warmth-demanding species found, Zirfaea crispata, currently has a northern limit 1000 km farther south, indicating that August temperatures on Svalbard were 6°C warmer at around 10.2–9.2 cal. ka BP, when this species lived there. The blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, returned to Svalbard in 2004 following recent warming, and after almost 4000 years of absence, excluding a short re-appearance during the Medieval Warm Period 900 years ago. Mytilus first arrived in Svalbard at 11 cal. ka BP, indicating that the climate was then as least as warm as present. This first warm period lasted from 11 to 9 cal. ka BP and was followed by a period of lower temperatures 9–8.2 cal. ka BP. After 8.2 cal. ka, the climate around Svalbard warmed again, and although it did not reach the same peak in temperatures as prior to 9 ka, it was nevertheless some 4°C warmer than present between 8.2 and 6 cal. ka BP. Thereafter, a gradual cooling brought temperatures to the present level at about 4.5 cal. ka BP. The warm early-Holocene climate around Svalbard was driven primarily by higher insolation and greater influx of warm Atlantic Water, but feedback processes further influenced the regional climate.

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The Brit maggot in ' I've been fucked, quick, I'll cut-and-paste somebody else's stuff' mode.

Haw, haw.............................haw.
The Brit maggot in ' I've been fucked, quick, I'll cut-and-paste somebody else's stuff' mode.

Haw, haw.............................haw.

What are y'all bitchin' about ...


A major factor for the UK is that the land is still adjusting very slowly to the retreat of the ice sheets at the end of the last Ice Age, which ended around 12,000 years ago: parts of Southwest England are sinking at a rate of about 0.6 millimetres per year, while parts of Scotland are rising by 1 millimetre per year. "

https://www.lse.ac.uk/granthaminsti...major factor for the,by 1 millimetre per year

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The most warmth-demanding species found, Zirfaea crispata, currently has a northern limit 1000 km farther south, indicating that August temperatures on Svalbard were 6°C warmer at around 10.2–9.2 cal. ka BP, when this species lived there.e.


Nice find. Modern proxy data is buried or dismissed for just this reason.

Just like they've thrown out modern Tree Ring proxy data because when compared to instrument data, it indicates it was much warmer in the past than we are being told.
What are y'all bitchin' about ... ?

...'parts of Southwest England are sinking at a rate of about 0.6 millimetres per year,'

That ain't fast enough

Haw, haw...........................................haw.
Nice find. Modern proxy data is buried or dismissed for just this reason.

Just like they've thrown out modern Tree Ring proxy data because when compared to instrument data, it indicates it was much warmer in the past than we are being told.

Yes it puts paid to the bullshit that you hear constantly that this era is the warmest in human history.

That ain't fast enough

Haw, haw...........................................haw.

Ok, now that you got that off your chest, we can go back to discussing weather history.

"Contrary to the prevailing notion of CO2 stability, CO2 swings of 20-50 ppm or more over timespans of 500-1000 years appear to be the norm-- not the exception.


Figure 5. Illustrated here are results from recent stomata studies which show that CO2 was more variable and the average CO2 concentrations have been significantly higher during our Holocene interglacial period (last 11,000 years) than are indicated by the ice core record. A precipitous drop in CO2 during the "Younger Dryas" was captured nicely by the stomata record, but missed by the CO2 record in ice cores. "


For those who missed plant biology, Stomata are the "breathing" holes in leaves (which includes pine needles).

And "Air Flask" sampling started in 1957.