Oceans were the hottest ever recorded in 2022: public discussion

McMoonshi'ite has never heard of Wood's Hole, the dozy cunt is truly fucking insane.

maggot does not have a qualification in oceanography- but he's pretty cool at riding a diversionary unicycle while juggling.

Buy a bathyscaphe ticket, maggot.

Haw, haw...................................haw.
Stupid cunt thinks you need to have a degree in oceanography to read the definition of the Arctic from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, that fucker will be wiping egg off her face for some time yet. Still makes a change from wiping off mullah jizz I suppose. Notice no mention of Sweden though, if she had an integrity then she'd apologise to the forum but that's never going to happen. Perry Thrombosis appears to have buggered off completely.

The Arctic consists of the Arctic Ocean and surrounding land, including all of Greenland and Spitsbergen, and the northern parts of Alaska, Canada, Norway, and Russia. Its boundary is irregular and is often defined by either the northern limit of stands of trees on land, or by a mean July temperature of ~10°C (50°F).
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The Arctic Circle and the Arctic are not the same thing, nasty cunt.

The official definition of the Arctic region is the area where the average temperature in the warmest month of the year does not exceed 10ºC.


Doesn't matter. Sweden has land in the Arctic.

Look at a globe.

And, no, the definition of the arctic is the portion of the globe north of the 66.5deg parallel. (National Geographic)
There is no 'locally'. You cannot reduce entropy...ever. You cannot compare two systems as if they are the same system. False equivalence fallacy. Homunculus fallacy. Entropy is NOT disorder.

You are still ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Says the man who apparently can't find Sweden on a map!

Says the man who apparently can't find Sweden on a map!


Another knobhead that won't back down, Wood's Hole says you're a fucking idiot!!!

The Arctic consists of the Arctic Ocean and surrounding land, including all of Greenland and Spitsbergen, and the northern parts of Alaska, Canada, Norway, and Russia. Its boundary is irregular and is often defined by either the northern limit of stands of trees on land, or by a mean July temperature of ~10°C (50°F).

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Another knobhead that won't back down, Wood's Hole says you're a fucking idiot!!!

The Arctic consists of the Arctic Ocean and surrounding land, including all of Greenland and Spitsbergen, and the northern parts of Alaska, Canada, Norway, and Russia. Its boundary is irregular and is often defined by either the northern limit of stands of trees on land, or by a mean July temperature of ~10°C (50°F).

I don't see a reference so I'm sticking with the reference I provided earlier.

"The Arctic is the northernmost region of Earth. Most scientists define the Arctic as the area within the Arctic Circle, a line of latitude about 66.5° north of the Equator. " (SOURCE)

You didn't "publish" anything. You provided a quote bereft of quotation marks or citation other than just to scream "WHOI!"

Indeed it appears both of us are wrong. There is no single definition. Mine is the standard definition and certainly the primary one. But there are others.


Either way, Sweden has land in the Arctic.
You didn't "publish" anything. You provided a quote bereft of quotation marks or citation other than just to scream "WHOI!"

Indeed it appears both of us are wrong. There is no single definition. Mine is the standard definition and certainly the primary one. But there are others.


Either way, Sweden has land in the Arctic.

I'd already posted that link ffs, not my fault that you're braindead.
You are a complete idiot. Congrats.

I feel like there's something else going on there. Yes, Into the Night is most assuredly a complete fucking moron, but I also feel like his attempt to spread disinformation is more malicious. I also have good reason to believe that he's autistic and actually has very little self control related to his psychopathic online persona.
The Arctic is defined by the Arctic Circle.

That's correct

Indeed it appears both of us are wrong.

No, you are not wrong. maggot is attempting to claim that the end of a stick is ' the stick ' and the other end is not.

There is no single definition. Mine is the standard definition and certainly the primary one. But there are others.


Yes, different disciplines e.g. botanical, ecological, geographical- even sociological, use their own definitions pertaining to their own requirements. However, as the Laps confirm- along with any other authority seemingly beyond the comprehension of the wriggling Brit maggot- the most stable, and therefore the widely accepted definition of 'the Arctic ' is all that is contained within the Arctic Circle.
maggot's claim that ' the Arctic ' and ' the Arctic circle ' are not the same thing is a nonsense. Even his claim of 'the Arctic ' being temperature-dependent ' ( yes, he actually claimed that , haw, haw..............haw ) while being ' technically correct ' as you say , is only ' technically correct ' for those specializing in Arctic temperatures- and maggot certainly does not meet that requirement. That particular definition also falls within the specialty definitions described above.

In summary, the Brit maggot has made a fool of himself and Into the Night an even greater fool. Two fools , both attempting to argue the inarguable.
1) The Arctic is defined as the Arctic Circle, the stable definition as others are subject to change. The Brit maggot has his head up his ass.
2) Sweden is in the Arctic, not all of it, but a very substantial part of it. Into the Night Soil also has his head up his ass.

University of fucking Lapland

As the climate warms, the Arctic shrinks if defined by temperature, forest line, permafrost, or ice cover. Cultural and political boundaries also vary. The Arctic Circle is the most permanent of the delimitations,


Arctic Region defined by the Arctic Human Development Report. See more maps on how the Arctic Region is defined.

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