Oceans were the hottest ever recorded in 2022: public discussion

YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SWEDEN HAS LAND IN THE ARCTIC! LOLOLOLOLOL. Little kids in elementary school know more than you do!!!!

There are no countries in the Arctic proper but there are eight countries that have land within the Arctic Circle, and these are Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia and the USA (specifically, Alaska). The official definition of the Arctic region is the area where the average temperature in the warmest month of the year does not exceed 10ºC.

You are describing yourself again.

You are describing yourself again.

No, you can't make heat flow 'backwards', no matter how much you insult people.

I know this...but it's funny that you spend all your time flogging the Second Law then when a Second Law topic comes up you MISS IT

But I guess that's to be expected for the guy who couldn't find Sweden on a map!!! LOLOLOL
Of course it would interact.
No. You cannot heat the sun with a colder object. No molecule or atom will absorb any photon that has less energy then the atom or molecule already has.
Radiant energy transfer
No, you cannot use a buzzword to use a colder object to heat a warmer one.
happens whenever you have Line of Sight ... according to the laws of thermodynamics.
You are discarding the laws of thermodynamics.
You can not break that law.
You are breaking the 2nd law of thermodynamics right now.
Photons generally interact with electrons, not the whole molecule or atom.
Electrons are part of atoms, dumbass.
So what atom do you think has an electron that can absorb an infrared photon of 1.24 MeV?
Any atom that has no electron at or above 1.24 MeV and that has a path to allow an electron to gain 1.24 MeV.
There are no countries in the Arctic proper but there are eight countries that have land within the Arctic Circle, and these are Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia and the USA (specifically, Alaska). The official definition of the Arctic region is the area where the average temperature in the warmest month of the year does not exceed 10ºC.


No. The official definition of the Arctic is the area above latitude 66deg, 30'N. Above this line, the Sun will not rise for at least one day of the year (winter solstice). The definition of the Arctic has no temperature.
Some locations in the Arctic have recorded temperatures up to 38 deg C. They are still in the Arctic.

A small part of Sweden, about half of Norway, and most of Greenland are in the Arctic. The nation has the most land in the Arctic is Russia, though most of Russia is below the Arctic. Canada also has a good portion in the Arctic, and has the northernmost town in the world (Nunavut, at 83 deg 40' N).
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No. The official definition of the Arctic is the area above latitude 66deg, 30'N. Above this line, the Sun will not rise for at least one day of the year (winter solstice). The definition of the Arctic has no temperature.
Some locations in the Arctic have recorded temperatures up to 38 deg C. They are still in the Arctic.

The official definition of the Arctic region is the area where the average temperature in the warmest month of the year does not exceed 10ºC.
Yet again, some twit (in this case moon) thinks censorship actually works.
Bringing another thread out into public discussion. The OP:

As is typical, this is just more cut and paste by moon.

Again, he completely ignores that it is not possible to measure the temperature of the oceans.

i posted another thread a while back about a change in ocean currents which accounts for this.
There are around 3600 Argo buoys distributed around the world's oceans. They measure temperature and salinity at different depths from the surface down to 2000 metres.

Which make one thermometer for some 12000 square miles of ocean, at best! LOL Ocean water temperature and salinity varies at a faster rate than that!
Note these buoys are not uniformly placed either.
No. You cannot heat the sun with a colder object. No molecule or atom will absorb any photon that has less energy then the atom or molecule already has.
No, you cannot use a buzzword to use a colder object to heat a warmer one.

You are discarding the laws of thermodynamics.

You are breaking the 2nd law of thermodynamics right now.

Electrons are part of atoms, dumbass.

Any atom that has no electron at or above 1.24 MeV and that has a path to allow an electron to gain 1.24 MeV.

Which kind of Atoms would fit that criteria??? Can you provide any specific examples.


No one believes your denial and insane perspective on radiant energy transfer.

When a photon is absorbed, Electrons simply jump to a higher energy orbit or if the photon exceeds the binding energy, the electron is imparted with more kinetic energy and ejected.

When an electron drops to a lower orbit, it emits a photon.
No one believes your denial
I am not denying any theory of science. YOU are.
and insane perspective on radiant energy transfer.
Buzzword fallacy.
When a photon is absorbed, Electrons simply jump to a higher energy orbit or if the photon exceeds the binding energy, they are ejected.
No atom will absorb a photon that has lower energy than what the atom already has.
When an electron drops to a lower orbit, it emits a photon.
None of this is thermal energy, dude. No matter how you try, you cannot heat a warmer object with a colder one.
I am not denying any theory of science. YOU are.

Buzzword fallacy.

No atom will absorb a photon that has lower energy than what the atom already has.

None of this is thermal energy, dude. No matter how you try, you cannot heat a warmer object with a colder one.

There are three types of thermal energy transfer: conduction, radiation, and convection.
There are three types of thermal energy transfer: conduction, radiation, and convection.

I think his embarrassment is more of the radiated nature.

I'm saving your idiotic post, incidentally. I'll remind the forum of it every time you troll me.

Into the Night Soil

Sweden is not in the Arctic
Moon NOW thinks that Sweden is in the Arctic!

https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...ever-recorded-in-2022-public-discussion/page3 #35

Haw, haw.............................haw.