Oceans were the hottest ever recorded in 2022: public discussion

I don't have a problem with the argument that Man has contributed to the Earths warming.

As, that is certainly hard to prove one way or another.

But to deny that the Earth is not Warming, based on scientific fact is JUST PLAIN IGNORANCE AND DENIAL!

It happens when playing politics exceeds Common Knowledge!

Bird BRAIN thinks politics is like a political sport!

He thinks ignorance and denial is a political strategy that scores political points! :laugh:

Religion isn't science, dude. Attempted proof by buzzword.
Uh oh...Into the Night is having more "scienze thotz"

Still talking and posting pictures about yourself, eh? You are describing yourself again.
Ah...the old '97%' claim, long ago debunked. Further proof that the Left can't meme.

Science has no voting bloc. Consensus is not used in science.

I take it the creator of that meme didn't live through the 'my doctor smokes Camel' time period. Scientists very much have pushed nonsense in the past just like they are now. And indeed, consensus is about as opposed to actual scientific method as one can get. The literal polar opposite of science.
No, that would be you. You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas.

Correct, but you CAN slow the cooling of a warmer surface using a colder gas.

Do you now accept the concept of "net heat" in the exchange of radiant energy between a cooler object and a warmer object?
I take it the creator of that meme didn't live through the 'my doctor smokes Camel' time period. Scientists very much have pushed nonsense in the past just like they are now. And indeed, consensus is about as opposed to actual scientific method as one can get. The literal polar opposite of science.

Generally quite right, but science is not a 'method' or a 'procedure' either. It is just the theories themselves.

Science is just a set of falsifiable theories. That's it. That's all.

Perry routinely ignores three of these theories: The 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. He also believes that consensus is used in science. That somehow, people vote on whether a theory becomes a theory of science. It's one of the ways he justifies (?) ignoring these theories. He also tries to redefine them. Perry is just like every other believer in the Church of Global Warming.
Correct, but you CAN slow the cooling of a warmer surface using a colder gas.

Do you now accept the concept of "net heat" in the exchange of radiant energy between a cooler object and a warmer object?

No, you can't. There is no such thing as 'net heat'. You cannot heat a warmer object using a colder one. You can't do it by conduction. You can't do it by convection. You can't do it by radiance.
You cannot trap light.
You are ignoring Planck's law, the Stefan-Boltzmann law, and quantum mechanics now. No atom or molecule will absorb a photon that has less energy than the atom or molecule already has.
The deranged and diseased towelhead cretin moon blocks potential dissenting voice from his/her/its threads,
but I don't hold that against him/her/it.

In a way it's appropriate.
Since on this forum there are none of the common ground stipulations absolutely required for meaningful debate,
monologue for the purpose of venting is that for which the forum is actually useful.

The problem with moon is not the restrictions that he/she/it puts on his/her/its threads.
The problem is that a disgusting dirtbag like that is allowed to exist in society.
No, you can't. There is no such thing as 'net heat'. You cannot heat a warmer object using a colder one. You can't do it by conduction. You can't do it by convection. You can't do it by radiance.
You cannot trap light.
You are ignoring Planck's law, the Stefan-Boltzmann law, and quantum mechanics now. No atom or molecule will absorb a photon that has less energy than the atom or molecule already has.

So what happens to an infrared photon emitted by the Earth when it strikes the Sun?
Nothing. Such a photon is usually reflected. It may also be refracted.

You sound like a disaffected moron. Oh......wait .....

I'm saving your idiotic post, incidentally. I'll remind the forum of it every time you troll me.

Into the Night Soil

Sweden is not in the Arctic
Moon NOW thinks that Sweden is in the Arctic!

https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...ever-recorded-in-2022-public-discussion/page3 #35

Haw, haw.............................haw.
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The deranged and diseased towelhead cretin moon blocks potential dissenting voice from his/her/its threads,
but I don't hold that against him/her/it.

In a way it's appropriate.
Since on this forum there are none of the common ground stipulations absolutely required for meaningful debate,
monologue for the purpose of venting is that for which the forum is actually useful.

The problem with moon is not the restrictions that he/she/it puts on his/her/its threads.
The problem is that a disgusting dirtbag like that is allowed to exist in society.

Flattery ain't gonna save your dumb ass;


"The towelhead savage even makes animal sounds. Fuck her/him/it with a rusty fishing knife. Useless piece of shit."

https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...ank-to-Ukrainian-forces&p=5450828#post5450828 #33

Haw, haw.............................haw.
Flattery ain't gonna save your dumb ass. /QUOTE]

The day when a diseased clump of deficient protoplasm such as yourself can ever be a threat to my ass is a ludicrous concept.
Go suck Putin's dick. If you're even capable of that.
No, you can't. There is no such thing as 'net heat'. You cannot heat a warmer object using a colder one. You can't do it by conduction. You can't do it by convection. You can't do it by radiance.
You cannot trap light.
You are ignoring Planck's law, the Stefan-Boltzmann law, and quantum mechanics now. No atom or molecule will absorb a photon that has less energy than the atom or molecule already has.

Can I just say I LOVE how you somehow went on a screech about warming a hotter object with a cooler one and you never mentioned the Second Law which is why you can't heat a warmer object with a cooler one spontaneously.

Truly weird given how much you like to flog your knowledge of the Second Law. (And equally telling because you don't understand the Second Law)
Can I just say I LOVE how you somehow went on a screech about warming a hotter object with a cooler one and you never mentioned the Second Law which is why you can't heat a warmer object with a cooler one spontaneously.
You are describing yourself again.
Truly weird given how much you like to flog your knowledge of the Second Law. (And equally telling because you don't understand the Second Law)
You are describing yourself again.

No, you can't make heat flow 'backwards', no matter how much you insult people.
Nothing. It does not interact with the Sun at all.

Of course it would interact. Radiant energy transfer happens whenever you have Line of Sight ... according to the laws of thermodynamics.

You can not break that law.

Photons generally interact with electrons, not the whole molecule or atom. So what atom do you think has an electron that can absorb an infrared photon of 1.24 MeV?