Oceans were the hottest ever recorded in 2022: public discussion

Too fast? ... at the end of the last ice age, the planet warmed so quickly that sea level rose at an average rate of 4 ft. per century for a period of 10,000 years (400 ft.). As oceans warmed, CO2 was released at a "shocking" rate ... given the strength of Early CO2.


The Earth is currently in its 3rd Ice House. The coldest it has been in 260 million years.


And CO2 has a logarithmically Decreasing impact. At about 800 ppm, additional CO2 has very little effect.

Let me add that plants start to go extinct at about 185 ppm. Which the planet was very close to hitting that mark.

Here, Bigdog is making the same argument from randU fallacy as Perry does to try to 'prove' Perry wrong.

There is no data. These graphs are just random numbers of type randU (someone just made them up). It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth, the global sea level, the temperature of the oceans, or the global atmospheric concentration of CO2.
CO2 has NO impact on temperature. It is not capable of warming the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. You cannot trap light. You cannot trap heat. You cannot trap thermal energy.
I must also point out that after the last ice age there was something called ISOSTATIC REBOUND which is an effect that happens on continental plates in which a load, like a giant ice sheet, when it suddenly goes away, the land tends to rise back up. That's because the tectonic plates are sitting on top of what is called the AESTHENOSPHERE which is the portion of the upper mantle which has a more plastic consistency. So when there is a heavy load (ie ice sheet) it presses the continental plate down into the aesthenosphere and when the ice melts the plate rises again.

The sea level change is a function of both melting but also due to isostatic changes in the land.

But even then it isn't really important how fast that climate changed, it was long before humans were in civilizations and had set cities. And it had nothing to do with human activities meaning there was nothing anyone could have done to alter the course of affairs.

That is not the case now.

Yes CO2's forcing is logarithmic but it is not zero. And if we were at or near equilibrium that might make a difference. There's a LOT of additional warming that can and will happen with more greenhouse gases. And I might point out that other forcings from other gases are not quite the same as CO2.

And entire ecosystems can be destroyed by a couple degrees change in overall global temperature.

Again, Perry grabs the 'forcing' buzzword. CO2 is not a force. There is no such thing as a 'greenhouse gas'. NO gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.
You cannot create energy out of nothing. Perry is just blatantly ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics here.
I'm aware of all that, thank you. Parts of some continents are still rising. We have a lot more environmental problems than just life-giving CO2 which get almost zero press now. There is little financial profit in "solving" them, so they take a backseat to CO2 hysteria.

Your "warming too fast" argument does not hold weight when compared to the recent geological record.

Early man changed the albedo of a whole continent, Australia.


Another Ice Age will destroy many more ecosystems, and would be catastrophic for humanity.

This is just another omniscience fallacy. No one knows what 'early man' did or was like. The buzzword 'albedo' appears here as well. The Stefan-Boltzmann law is being ignored here again. The term is uses is 'emissivity' (which is the inverse of albedo). It is not possible to measure the emissivity of Earth (nor it's Albedo), nor of any nation or continent. It is also not possible to measure a past unobserved event or value. Frankly, I really doubt 'early man' had control of the weather.
ISOSTATIC REBOUND isn't all bad. As the Arctic ice melts so the eastern end of the European plate , relieved of mass, is rising. On the western end of this see-saw, the Brits are sinking beneath the waves.

And so I say to the forum Denier Monkey- ta, ta, maggot.

Haw, haw...................................haw.

Oooo. Moon apparently assumes that to get the Arctic, you travel EAST!
Here, Bigdog is making the same argument from randU fallacy as Perry does to try to 'prove' Perry wrong.

There is no data. These graphs are just random numbers of type randU (someone just made them up). It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth, the global sea level, the temperature of the oceans, or the global atmospheric concentration of CO2.
CO2 has NO impact on temperature. It is not capable of warming the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. You cannot trap light. You cannot trap heat. You cannot trap thermal energy.

From the guy who believes the Earth does NOT emit infrared photons because he can't see them.
Here, Bigdog is making the same argument from randU fallacy as Perry does to try to 'prove' Perry wrong.

There is no data. These graphs are just random numbers of type randU (someone just made them up). It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth, the global sea level, the temperature of the oceans, or the global atmospheric concentration of CO2.
CO2 has NO impact on temperature. It is not capable of warming the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. You cannot trap light. You cannot trap heat. You cannot trap thermal energy.

Oh looky! Into the Night has had ANOTHER science "thot"

Again, Perry grabs the 'forcing' buzzword. CO2 is not a force. There is no such thing as a 'greenhouse gas'. NO gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.
You cannot create energy out of nothing. Perry is just blatantly ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics here.

Are you out of your mind? Or are the meds just wearing off?
His usual idiocy. He thinks a single thermometer can measure the temperature of the oceans.

That is not what I said. You have lots of thermometers measuring and tracking the temperature of the ocean.
Temperature sensors on satellites, buoys, ocean reference stations, and telemetry are used to collect the data. NOAA-integrated ocean observation stations merge the data to track ocean temperatures worldwide.
You are a special kind of ignorant and dishonest .
That is not what I said. You have lots of thermometers measuring and tracking the temperature of the ocean.
Temperature sensors on satellites, buoys, ocean reference stations, and telemetry are used to collect the data. NOAA-integrated ocean observation stations merge the data to track ocean temperatures worldwide.
You are a special kind of ignorant and dishonest .

He's the forum's second-in-line Denier monkey behind the Brit maggot.
From the guy who believes the Earth does NOT emit infrared photons because he can't see them.

Word stuffing. Straw man fallacy. I never said any such thing.

Earth emits infrared light. It also absorbs infrared light. You cannot use a colder gas to heat a warmer object.
You cannot trap light.
You cannot trap heat or make it flow 'backwards'.
You cannot trap thermal energy.

No gas or vapor is capable of warming the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
Nah. You are just describing yourself again. It is YOU using all these buzzwords. It is YOU ignoring the laws of thermodynamics.

You are demonstrably wrong on just about every point, though. That's the hilarious thing.

Honestly this is what I think of when I read your posts. This is what I think you look like:

That is not what I said. You have lots of thermometers measuring and tracking the temperature of the ocean.
It is what you said. Now you claim it takes 'lots of thermometers'. You are claiming an average. What is the margin of error? An average without a margin of error value is useless.

Ocean water isn't all the same temperature.

Math errors: Failure to declare and justify variance. Failure to calculate and publish margin of error value. Failure to use raw unbiased data. Failure to declare boundary.

Argument from randU fallacy.

Temperature sensors on satellites,
There are none (except to measure the temperature of the satellite itself). No satellite can measure the temperature of the Earth. The emissivity of Earth is unknown and cannot be measured.
A buoy is not a thermometer, though thermometers may be mounted on one. You are still ignoring statistical mathematics.
ocean reference stations,
Buzzword fallacy.
and telemetry are used to collect the data.
Buzzword fallacy. The use of telemetry makes no difference.
NOAA-integrated ocean observation stations merge the data to track ocean temperatures worldwide.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the ocean.
You are a special kind of ignorant and dishonest.
Nah. It is YOU that is discarding statistical math, just like NOAA does.
It is what you said. Now you claim it takes 'lots of thermometers'. You are claiming an average. What is the margin of error? An average without a margin of error value is useless.

Ocean water isn't all the same temperature.

Math errors: Failure to declare and justify variance. Failure to calculate and publish margin of error value. Failure to use raw unbiased data. Failure to declare boundary.

Argument from randU fallacy.

There are none (except to measure the temperature of the satellite itself). No satellite can measure the temperature of the Earth. The emissivity of Earth is unknown and cannot be measured.

A buoy is not a thermometer, though thermometers may be mounted on one. You are still ignoring statistical mathematics.

Buzzword fallacy.

Buzzword fallacy. The use of telemetry makes no difference.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the ocean.

Nah. It is YOU that is discarding statistical math, just like NOAA does.

You say the dumbest shit.