Ohios secratary of state admitt the 04 elelction could have been stolen

As per usual, rather than actually attempting debate, which he constantly claims to WANT to do, dano avoids said debate, and attacks people personally.

You're a joke when it comes to debate, Dano. Why don't you try growing a pair, and actually try it?
Oh, yeah...because you cling to ridiculous ideologies that you KNOW crumble in the presence of critical thinking.

Go ahead, make up some more bullshit about me, and pretend that spouting such lies somehow make up for the fact that you are, and always have been, pathetic, when it comes to supporting ANY claim.
If you want a cure here is what you do. You have electronically scanned paper ballots. The scanners count the totals, spit out a piece of paper that verifies that the votes tallied are consistent with the bubbles filled. The Voter verifies and initials BOTH pieces of paper are stapled are then placed in a locked box guarded by an armed a guard with instructions not to turn the box over to anyone except a person with the correct identification. The voter is then given a reciept that shows only that he or she submitted a ballot, verified that ballot and initialled BOTH. Thenthe guard and the election official then take the box to a central location. The electronic numbers are tallied and if there is a question at all a recount is done using the paper ballots with the stapled verfications on them. The entire time the armed guard NEVER lets his or her box out of sight and if anyone attempts to remove it from the guard they have permission to use deadly force. Hard to believe that the US is becoming a country that really needs to have international poll watchers on site.

The other thing I would do is have poll watchers to verify that people being turned away from the polls as felons are indeed the person named. If you read the civil rights commission report on the 2000 Florida election you will find that Florida allowed people to be turned away in there was only an 80% match on the name. If it Said Richard D. Cerabellum Jr had felony it would allow the poll worker to turn away Richard Cerabellum, Rich Cerabellum etc. They did not require that you proved the middle initial or the Jr. 57,000 + people were turned away from the polls in Florida using these lists compiled by ChoicePoint. It is worth noting however that ChoicePoint recommended that if there was any doubt as to whether the person was the correct person on the list, that the person seeking to vote be allowed to vote by affidavit. ChoicePoint also admitted that 80% of the 57,000+ people affected by the lists were African American.
I didn't say within 50 feet. People can walk right up to it and say is that the vote box? But if they attempt to take it or break the seal without proper authority the guard is authorized to protect the votes with deadly force.
I didn't say within 50 feet. People can walk right up to it and say is that the vote box? But if they attempt to take it or break the seal without proper authority the guard is authorized to protect the votes with deadly force.

Is it not alarming to you that you believe that deadly force should be on the table? We can have secure votes without armed gunmen from the government pointing glocks at our faces when we do so.
Is it not alarming to you that you believe that deadly force should be on the table? We can have secure votes without armed gunmen from the government pointing glocks at our faces when we do so.
I NEVER said they should be from the government. Matter of fact I would prefer a private security agency. What you don't seem to understand is that I want there to be no more crying one way or the other about someone tampering with votes. We have numbered seals on our boxes here in NM but that can be tampered with. We have locks as well but those can be tampered with. None of this shit is ever going to end. One side or both is going to always claim that the other side tampered with votes. I watched the guy testify about the computer program that he engineered and that he said was completely undetectable. I don't trust computers to count our votes. I want hard copies that are verified and I want them guarded as if they were gold, because I believe they are gold. I want every vote to count and I want it to be so easy to vote that a 6th grader could do it even though they can't legally do it.
I NEVER said they should be from the government. Matter of fact I would prefer a private security agency. What you don't seem to understand is that I want there to be no more crying one way or the other about someone tampering with votes. We have numbered seals on our boxes here in NM but that can be tampered with. We have locks as well but those can be tampered with. None of this shit is ever going to end. One side or both is going to always claim that the other side tampered with votes. I watched the guy testify about the computer program that he engineered and that he said was completely undetectable. I don't trust computers to count our votes. I want hard copies that are verified and I want them guarded as if they were gold, because I believe they are gold. I want every vote to count and I want it to be so easy to vote that a 6th grader could do it even though they can't legally do it.

I mean, maybe tasers and pepper spray. But I honestly laughed whenever I heard you mention deadly force. Deadly force should only be used in dire circumstances whenever someones life is threatened and there is no other practical way to subdue the other person, IMHO.
I mean, maybe tasers and pepper spray. But I honestly laughed whenever I heard you mention deadly force. Deadly force should only be used in dire circumstances whenever someones life is threatened and there is no other practical way to subdue the other person, IMHO.
Ok maybe tasers and pepper spray and the occasional use of the Asp on the shin bones. But if they keep coming after that!? Death.
This is how voting should be done:

Touch screen for the initial voting. Said touch screen produces a human-readable paper ballot, the voter verifies that the paper ballot is correct, and said paper ballot is fed through an optical card-reader.

If, at the end of the day, there is a significant difference between the touch screen a,d scanner totals, the paper ballots can be used to audit.