Ohios secratary of state admitt the 04 elelction could have been stolen

I'm trying to recruit moderates too, tops, and you're hurting my efforts.

Moderates hate illiteracy, lame insults & clinking glasses.

Also, if we get an honest voting tally, we'll need fewer of people like you.
moderates especially men hate the dem image you and cypress portray, the bumbling wussie like barney fife.
I'm here to upgrade it. You need to update your tabloid subscriptions only idiots are still using the comical stolen election card. You are a good butt to the joke though:clink:
I agree that I was wrong about you not supporting a paper trail .. and I apologize for that, but you are still wrong about the threat that electronic voting poses and I explained why the threat is much greater.

If I tend to get over-worked up about this issue it's genuine and few things get me madder than the apathy and weakness that allowed this fraud to happen. In my dementia I might say all kinds of crazy shit .. but it's an issue I know very well.

Fair enough. I accept your apology. If I went over the line, then I apologize as well. I understand that you are passionate on this issue, but my intent is to create as fair of an election as possible as well. We disagree on the point of it being a greater/lesser threat than paper ballots. But our end goal is the same.
Both parties DID NOT engage in electronic voting fraud and that is where the disconnect is found. The issue here is electronic voting and only one party, republicans, engaged in it.

And I do not think Ohio is the only place it occured. I've never said that and in fact, said this fraud took place all over the country .. even gave the California example.

I could give you the Georgia example right out of the horse's mouth.

No, the disconnect is that you are insisting that we only talk about electronic fraud. I am talking about fair elections... which includes all fraud, suppression and intimidation tactics.
No, the disconnect is that you are insisting that we only talk about electronic fraud. I am talking about fair elections... which includes all fraud, suppression and intimidation tactics.

And the voting dead and the absent in mind voting and .....

The list goes on.
Fucking hilarious. Exit Poll data, which is used WORLDWIDE to determine if elections are rigged, are vastly different from the supposed "totals" in Ohio, in 2004. Right wingers INSIST that the Exit Polls MUST BE WRONG. They INSIST that it is ABSURD to think that there might have been election fraud.

Yet, everything that could be used to get the facts just happens to have been destroyed.

It's just another example of far right wing thinking. Their ideology is all that matters. Truth doesn't matter. Representative Democracy doesn't matter. Party line ideology trumps everything.
I don't know why people are so trusting of voting on a computer. I mean sure you could also steal paper ballots but at least there's some sort of paper trail and all. With computers anybody can hack into it. Plus if you figure out how to you can now days post it on the internet and than you're screwed even more.
That's where I live (in tn) but I've never seen this Pioneer bank building. Of course if it's downtown that's probably why since I rarely go down there. I also think Hillary Clinton had a good idea when she said we should have the day off for voting because of the long lines and everything. There was a picture floating around of Karl Rove I believe when he was with Bush visiting here and he had their name on it I believe in some bbq restaurant they went to. And don't forget the owner of Diebold wrote Bush a letter promising to deliver Ohio to him so this was in the planning for a long time. I wonder why Ohio though?

Under Blackwell, Ohio spent some $100 million installing electronic voting machines as part of the Help America Vote Act, passed by Congress in the wake of the scandals surrounding the 2000 election. Former Ohio Congressman Bob Ney, HAVA's principle author, now resides in a federal prison, in part for illegalities surrounding his dealings with voting machine companies.

Blackwell, who was defeated in a 2006 race for the Ohio governorship, outsourced web hosting responsibilities for the 2004 vote count to a programming firm that also programmed the web site for the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign. Blackwell's chosen host site for the state's vote count was in the basement of the Old Pioneer Bank Building in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where the servers for the Republican National Committee, and the Bush White House, were also located.
That's where I live (in tn) but I've never seen this Pioneer bank building. Of course if it's downtown that's probably why since I rarely go down there. I also think Hillary Clinton had a good idea when she said we should have the day off for voting because of the long lines and everything. There was a picture floating around of Karl Rove I believe when he was with Bush visiting here and he had their name on it I believe in some bbq restaurant they went to. And don't forget the owner of Diebold wrote Bush a letter promising to deliver Ohio to him so this was in the planning for a long time. I wonder why Ohio though?

You wonder why Ohio? Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida were the three swing states in that election. Kerry had to win ohio to gain the white house. It was a key state according to the polling data.
Gotta love Terry McAullife eh? (sarcasm) And by the time they had anything they could use in court it was too late. Kerry said one reason why he didn't go forward with a court hearing is because nobody was going to be a whistleblower. :( Though now we have the guy Clint Curtis who was a programmer.

Those of us have been fighting against the fraud of electronic voting warned everyone who would listen that Ohio was going to be stolen even before the election. The Democratic Party was not interested in the warning. Russ Holt and a few others couldn't even get his weak resolution that called for minimum protections against faith-based paperless voting passed, nor could they get the party into the fight.

Now we head into yet another election season and the adequate protections against this proven fraud still do not exist to this day.

Americans are such easy victims.
Right. Cliff Arnebeck and David Cobb were great fighters on this and should be given a freedom medal for sure. John Kerry did sign on with their petition though. John Edwards bitched a lot but I never heard of him doing anything.

Many people from different political perspectives did get involved in the fight, including democrats and a few republicans, but only the Green Party took a position against the fraud.
Fucking hilarious. Exit Poll data, which is used WORLDWIDE to determine if elections are rigged, are vastly different from the supposed "totals" in Ohio, in 2004. Right wingers INSIST that the Exit Polls MUST BE WRONG. They INSIST that it is ABSURD to think that there might have been election fraud.

Yet, everything that could be used to get the facts just happens to have been destroyed.


What up homeboy AC. With all due respect sir you lost and are still crying three years later. Man up and win in '08 sir/cracker.
to here the wussies crying 4 yrs later is hillarious.
Keep those tabloid subscriptions up.
Exit polling Whhaaaaa!!!!
It crack me up how the little boys from the school yeard keep talking about whining.

When a crime is commited you try to obtain justice and if you are a real American you dont shrugg it off and say "Oh well". Real Americans fight to the finish to bring the guilty to justice. School yard taunts are the tactics of imbiciles. It seems we have some of those on this sight one of which cant control himself for more than a couple minutes.
No, the disconnect is that you are insisting that we only talk about electronic fraud. I am talking about fair elections... which includes all fraud, suppression and intimidation tactics.

Why dont we start with the fraud that actually effects election outcomes first?

You see the studies have shown the type of fraud you speak of is insignifigant and does not change election outcomes.
First you say:

When a crime is commited you try to obtain justice and if you are a real American you dont shrugg it off and say "Oh well".

Then the next post:

You see the studies have shown the type of fraud you speak of is insignifigant and does not change election outcomes.

We need to look at all fraud Desh, not just the fraud you want us to look at.