On the heels of Sean Bell, now this. WTF!!

I don't know what it will take. Your right, that when some gal or guy is working three minimum wage jobs, the system just wears them down. I think there's a good reason cons don't like higher education, free education and healthcare, and minimum wage hikes. They want a permanent pool of undereducated, lower paid workers.

I think all the activist movements could do a better job of fostering solidarity and collective action. Environmental justice is becoming a bigger thing in california, to address the issues related to environmental degradation in disenfranchised communities. They can't just be focusing on the spotted owl, or whatever.

Yeah, a draft might be the only thing to get people of all classes to opposed McCain's war in iraq.

Yeah we are way past the spotted owl. I think that might grow into a very powerful movement, though, I don’t know that it’s in time to really do much about global warning. We will see. The draft, forget about it. The middle class would not only march on Washtington, but they’d burn it down.
You guys are right on top of it.

This is why the current republican party picks issues to devide us. Those black people get special treatment, the latinos are stealing OUR jobs, Muslims hate us for our freedoms and so on and so on. Devide and conquer.

Don't sell your party short Desh. Between rich and poor, young and old they do quite a good job of dividing as well.
Rich and poor is the devide that matters my friends.

Its what created the idea of democracy as a choice for this country by our founders.
Rich and poor is the devide that matters my friends.

Its what created the idea of democracy as a choice for this country by our founders.


Rich and poor is the divide you care about and propagate to win elections, just as Republicans exacerbate the racial divide for the same reason.

It's shameful in both instances, but I don't expect you to see it at this point.
No you are just on the wrong fside of history my friend.

The founders saw the evil of too much wealth in the hands of too few.

The created a government to ameilorate its grasp on the people.
No you are just on the wrong fside of history my friend.

The founders saw the evil of too much wealth in the hands of too few.

The created a government to ameilorate its grasp on the people.

That's not the point, Desh.

You are still discriminating against people. You are still drawing arbitrary lines and saying "Everyone who makes more than X should be villified."

It's morally no better than saying, "Everyone who is X color should be persecuted."

You are creating and exploitating artificial divisions for political expediency.
No I do not say that , that is what YOU say I say.

I say the people who hold all the wealth can either be with us or against us.

There are people in the 1% who agree with my views and seek to make a fair playing field and then there are the ones the Current republican party backs at every turn.

I have nothing against wealthy people. I do have problems with wealthy people who want to use that wealth to keep the poor down.
LOL. Rich people are just like an entire historically oppressed race.

You guys should have your own show! Come on, submit something. I’ll bet FOX would pick it up!
And some of my best friends are white. That doesn't change the divisiveness of the original message.

Its the fight that started this country.

I do think keeping new royalty from ruling the masses through wealth is something the founders would be on my side for.
LOL. Rich people are just like an entire historically oppressed race.

You guys should have your own show! Come on, submit something. I’ll bet FOX would pick it up!
Nobody said that, it isn't only you who have made the attempt to dress up the rich as some separate group who are evil and to use envy as a wedge. It is just that you fell for it.

Rich people are people. They don't run around trying to find ways to screw you, no matter how much you want to believe they do.
Its the fight that started this country.

I do think keeping new royalty from ruling the masses through wealth is something the founders would be on my side for.
No, it isn't.

If it were there wouldn't have been restrictions such as land ownership on voting rights when the nation was first created. The idea that we all have an equal shot to make it did create the nation, but the idea that the rich should give all they have to equalize things did not.

You can pretend that the rich guys who helped create the nation really wanted to have all their money taken from them by force and given to others, but you would just be pretending.

Another nation supposedly started that way, it doesn't exist anymore.
Nobody said that.


"It's morally no better than saying, "Everyone who is X color should be persecuted."

You bet they did, and you have agreed. Face it, you guys are as funny as beavis and butthead and should have your own show.

Don’t be so afraid to take a compliment!

You now have permission to yammer on for 6 pages about why using your own words to prove that you did say something is “rubbish” and then change the subject and start another debate with yourself.

"It's morally no better than saying, "Everyone who is X color should be persecuted."

You bet they did, and you have agreed. Face it, you guys are as funny as beavis and butthead and should have your own show.

Don’t be so afraid to take a compliment!

You now have permission to yammer on for 6 pages about why using your own words to prove that you did say something is “rubbish” and then change the subject and start another debate with yourself.
I have "agreed" where?

I pointed out your remarks are divisive and why. I have never mentioned race in any portion of what I have stated here. Don't be disingenuous about what I have written when we can just look. Don't start taking Cypress lessons.
You now have permission to yammer on for 6 pages about why using your own words to prove that you did say something is “rubbish” and then change the subject and start another debate with yourself.
Awww... she added this last part. How cute.

Translation: I realize you haven't "agreed" but really want to associate you with that, so bad that I am willing to be as disingenuous as Cypress to do it.

"It's morally no better than saying, "Everyone who is X color should be persecuted."

You bet they did, and you have agreed. Face it, you guys are as funny as beavis and butthead and should have your own show.

Don’t be so afraid to take a compliment!

You now have permission to yammer on for 6 pages about why using your own words to prove that you did say something is “rubbish” and then change the subject and start another debate with yourself.

On a basic moral-philosophical level it is no better. I stand by that completely.

I'm not equating the human suffering of slavery to the unfairness of progressive taxation, but it is still a valid comparison.

You are still creating and exploiting artificial divisions (whether by color or class) for political gain.

Damo is probably too much of a wimp to stick by that statement, given its controversial potential, but it is no less true because of it.
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Damo is probably too much of a wimp to stick by that statement, given its controversial potential, but it is no less true because of it.

If I had said it I would stand by it.

I think it is possible to divide by other things than "race" and believe that it is being done here with an attempt to use the basest of emotions, that of envy. I believe that it is wrong to do so, but people will continue to work to divide the nation as long as it gains them power.
If I had said it I would stand by it.

I think it is possible to divide by other things than "race" and believe that it is being done here with an attempt to use the basest of emotions, that of envy. I believe that it is wrong to do so, but people will continue to work to divide the nation as long as it gains them power.
