On the heels of Sean Bell, now this. WTF!!

You might want to check your facts before you and soco go on the white against black tangent...half the officers involved in the shooting were 'Black'...

You might want to check and see if you actually have a brain.

Post where I said the cops were white.

Is my argument white cops or racist police tactics?

Can you discern the difference?
Quite disheartening.

Neither Sean Bell nor the occupants of the car were victims of classism, they were victims of a racist police force and its oppressive and racist policies.

Kenneth Walker, an engineer and college graduate, DID NOT HAVE THE BACK OF HIS HEAD BLOWN THE FUCK OFF BECAUSE HE WAS POOR.

He was murdered because he was black by a trigger-happy fucking racist pig bastard.

I knew Kenneth Walker


Why is this only a black issue?


Hey Black, in my own way I understand. I got my sorry ass beaten into the pavement once by the SF PD. I have the pictures with my F'd up eye to prove it.

My cynical partisan JPP self wants to tell you on Cypress's behalf that you hate unions because police department's are unionized so you need to quit being a Republican and hating unions. Seriously no matter how much my boy from Nothern Cali gave you love earlier he still supports unions, i.e. the police.

Getting beat by the police sucks. Having a million dollar deal waiting for you in the morning and you have to call from the emergency room to cancel because a SFPD office beat your ass sucks.
Hey Black, in my own way I understand. I got my sorry ass beaten into the pavement once by the SF PD. I have the pictures with my F'd up eye to prove it.

My cynical partisan JPP self wants to tell you on Cypress's behalf that you hate unions because police department's are unionized so you need to quit being a Republican and hating unions. Seriously no matter how much my boy from Nothern Cali gave you love earlier he still supports unions, i.e. the police.

Getting beat by the police sucks. Having a million dollar deal waiting for you in the morning and you have to call from the emergency room to cancel because a SFPD office beat your ass sucks.

I feel your pain brother ,, but this ain't about unions.

I'm from Detroit and I was raised on unions, I believe in them, and I know the impact they have had on rasing the standards in the workplace.

This is about atrocities and an out of control criminal system.
BAC, we weren't saying that this happened because they were poor. And long ago I stated that there is no justification for such overzealous activity. It's the firefighters that have to pick up the pieces, and it isn't fun.
You might want to check and see if you actually have a brain.

Post where I said the cops were white.

Is my argument white cops or racist police tactics?

Can you discern the difference?

Please define racist police tactics...since half the officers were black...are you suggesting these black officers hate blacks?

and yes I can discern the difference,however you seem to have a problem!
The video - and I only saw it once so it's not like I studied it or anything - is revolting. Is this acceptable in Philadelphia or the broader US? I'm not referencing the Sean Bell case by the way, just this one. What I saw was simple criminal activity by cops. That's it. Now it will be interesting to see what happens next. I mean, have they been charged criminally and suspended yet? Probably not. Looking at the video I would think it would be difficult to identify the cops individually, but perhaps a decent investigation by competent internal investigations personnel might do the job.

Kicking someone on the ground, someone who is restrained, is, well it's difficult to find the words to describe how bad it is. It seems as if the Philadelphia PD has some very serious problems with its personnel if this is happening. I have to tell you that where I am if this had been shown on tv there would be right now calls for a Royal Commission into not just the event but the whole force. In New South Wales recently a couple of off duty cops, young bucks, were involved in a drunken brawl in a nightclub. They flashed their badges and got into a fight with a couple of blokes. The two now ex-cops are doing 9 months in prison right now and that's for a drunken off duty fight. If this was replicated here the kickers would get about 3 or 4 years inside. And rightly so.
The whole point of the corporate-sponsored rightwing wedge issues is to keep working people of all colors alienated, and divided. Your totally right about two things: Bill Clinton's record on american justice was atrocious. And fancy-pants upper middle class activists can, and are, clueless to a large extent about working class and racial issues. I see it in the environmental activism I engage in. It's lilly white, man. Totally upper middle class. Which is kind of sad. Because the environment affects us all, and to a large degree, environmental degradation affects poor, working communities of color most of all. Where do you think they put the chemical plants? In poor neighborhoods. Where are the toxic hot spots, and industrial cancer clusters? They ain't in Beverly Hills.

Oh Goodness Cypress....as an environmental professional I can assure you, you have no idea of just how clueless many environmental activist groups can be.

For one, they are famous for making those who are outside of their community, who don't share their cult of personality, to feel most unwelcome. That explains in a large part why minorities don't participate in their groups.

Another reason is that many ethnic minorities don't have the economic advantages and thus the time to participate. There to busy making a living.

But keep in mind, these activist are just one small cog in the wheel and not even one of the most important ones. When it comes down to getting your hands dirty or putting your selves into harms way to solve a problem, those activist are usually not to be seen. Trust me when I say that when your in a set of Class A's and knee deep in Methyl Ethyl Death, there's not a whole lot of activist around cheering you on.

In other words, just because your not a political activist doesn't mean your not participating, in fact, just because you are an environmental activist doesn't neccessarally mean you are participating either, if you see my point?
Oh Goodness Cypress....as an environmental professional I can assure you, you have no idea of just how clueless many environmental activist groups can be.

For one, they are famous for making those who are outside of their community, who don't share their cult of personality, to feel most unwelcome. That explains in a large part why minorities don't participate in their groups.

Another reason is that many ethnic minorities don't have the economic advantages and thus the time to participate. There to busy making a living.

But keep in mind, these activist are just one small cog in the wheel and not even one of the most important ones. When it comes down to getting your hands dirty or putting your selves into harms way to solve a problem, those activist are usually not to be seen. Trust me when I say that when your in a set of Class A's and knee deep in Methyl Ethyl Death, there's not a whole lot of activist around cheering you on.

In other words, just because your not a political activist doesn't mean your not participating, in fact, just because you are an environmental activist doesn't neccessarally mean you are participating either, if you see my point?

Well, I hear what you're saying mott dude. But, I certainly didn't mean to stereotype the activist movements, including the environmental ones, as a bunch of out of touch elitists. Like any other coalition, activist groups have some knuckleheads. Some clueless people. But, to demean them ALL as out of touch elitists is a rightwing talking point. Does rightwing laughter about the size of Al Gore's house, and how much jet fuel he uses to fly to Norway give talks ring a bell? My point is that, things like the environment, civil rights, and war disproportionately and adversely effect disenfranchised communities of working people; people of color. And while many people in those communities work too freaking hard, and don't have the economic means to be active in social justice, environmental, and peace movements, there are numerous examples of poor communities and their community leaders fighting monied interests who want to put a toxic dump in, or who refuse to clean up a chemical plant, in their neighborhoods. And what about the demonstrations against last years rightwing xenophobic race baiting on migrant, undocumented workers? Those demonstrators totally shutdown the rightwing attempts to make an election all about evil brown people sneaking across the border. No politician for national office in the near future, is going to get elected by excessively bashing brown, migrant workers. I wouldn't discount the ability and the motivation of working people and minorities to react to social, economic, and environmental concerns that affect their communities. Its just that they are usually just simply outgunned and outspent by monied interests.

What I was trying to stipulate is that while spotted owls and polar bears are worthy causes, it is for the aforementioned reasons that I think its continually important for activists in all the social movements to be cognizant of forming coalitions with people that are nominally outside their typical "demographic", and outside some of the traditional "environmental" issues. Polar bears are a great issue, and raises lots of money and awareness. But, a petrochemical plant that ExxonMobil knowingly allows to poison thousands of poor people in a economically disadvantaged area is more appalling though it usually flies under the media and public awareness radar. And this is a paramount reason for why the environmental justice movement is becoming a bigger issue with environmental groups: to foster cooperation, common cause, and solidarity between different demographics, as it pertains to environmental issues. The same can be said of other activist groups. War is a huge issue, and it's totally admirable that some anti-war activists are challenging pentagon recruiting efforts and propaganda for the iraq war, in disenfranchised communities. That is an act of collective solidarity. And in the realm of civil rights, it's admirable when people of all colors join ranks with the latino community, to face down excessive race baiting and xenophobia as it relates to migrant, undocumented workers. And just because a sierra club member isn't cheering you on at a toxic cleanup site, doesn't mean they are out of sight and out of mind. There are many avenues to addressing environmental concerns. On-site cleanup is just one of them. Legislative action, court legal actions, and grass roots activism are all important roles that have to be played out. So, more power to you mott man. I'm digging the work you do, MTBE sucks, and don't chug any TCE. Cheers, and don't get yourself poisoned!