Once you eliminate the impossible...

Actually, it is not. I think that you are talking about the first law of thermodynamics which states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. Have you taken any science courses at the university level? Maybe this analogy will help. Think of an atomic bomb warhead. It contains a shaped charge surrounding enriched plutonium (P-239). When the charge is triggered, it compresses the plutonium to a critical mass, which then causes the nuclear explosion. What happens to all the materials in that warhead? They're gone, right? Not exactly. Most of the material is converted into energy, therefore showing that the first law is valid.

As for the Universe, the Big Bang, and the first law:

"It really describes a very rapid expansion or stretching of space itself rather than an explosion in pre-existing space. Perhaps a better analogy sometimes used to describe the even expansion of galaxies throughout the universe is that of raisins baked in a cake becoming more distant from each other as the cake rises and expands, or alternatively of a balloon inflating.

"Neither does it attempt to explain what initiated the creation of the universe, or what came before the Big Bang, or even what lies outside the universe. All of this is generally considered to be outside the remit of physics, and more the concern of philosophy. Given that time and space as we understand it began with the Big Bang, the phase “before the Big Bang” is as meaningless as “north of the North Pole”.

"Therefore, to those who claim that the very idea of a Big Bang violates the First Law of Thermodynamics (also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy) that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, proponents respond that the Big Bang does not address the creation of the universe, only its evolution, and that, as the laws of science break down anyway as we approach the creation of the universe, there is no reason to believe that the First Law of Thermodynamics would apply."

( https://www.physicsoftheuniverse.com/topics_bigbang.html )

Do you know what the law of causality is? That is what I'm talking about. It's pretty simple. Compare it to someone being their own father, or creating themselves from nothing. Everything has a cause. And there had to be a first cause for everything. Science does not allow an infinite regression of causes. One cause, that was not caused by anything, started everything. It's the only explanation that makes sense.
Do you know what the law of causality is? That is what I'm talking about. It's pretty simple. Compare it to someone being their own father, or creating themselves from nothing. Everything has a cause. And there had to be a first cause for everything. Science does not allow an infinite regression of causes. One cause, that was not caused by anything, started everything. It's the only explanation that makes sense.

Kindly name the scientific law that discusses this and if you want to provide a link (like I did, twice), that would be great too.

You seem to want to confuse science with philosophy/mythology. So let me ask you this. You state that you believe that nothing can exist without a creator. You stated that you believe that the Universe has a creator.

If your first postulate (nothing can exist without a creator) is true, then who created your creator?
Do you know what the law of causality is? That is what I'm talking about. It's pretty simple. Compare it to someone being their own father, or creating themselves from nothing. Everything has a cause. And there had to be a first cause for everything. Science does not allow an infinite regression of causes. One cause, that was not caused by anything, started everything. It's the only explanation that makes sense.

was it caused by immaterial beings in the vicinity of the Horsehead Nebula?.......
By definition, God would be the only one capable of creating the universe. It couldn't have created itself, so someone created it.

who you believe created it is a matter of faith......I believe it was YHWH.......someone else might believe it was a Tuna named Charlie.......neither of us can prove what we choose to believe.......
And science has proven that it is impossible for something to create itself. I asked your opinion of a scientific fact, yet you refuse to answer. That tells me all I need to know. You hide behind science, but you don't really believe in it, or even understand it. Especially when it doesn't agree with you. Facts are facts. I presented one. I asked you for your opinion. You refuse to answer. In my book, that makes you a loser. Sucks to be you.

One...science has not proven that it is impossible for something to create itself.

Two...science has not proven that THE UNIVERSE has not always existed...that it "came into being."

Most ontological arguments are laughable...yours are amateurishly so. You ought not to be calling others "losers."

I fear YOU are the idiot.. This is the Jewish year 5777 since creation.. They wrote the story from God.. Do you think they got it wrong?

Israel's official calendar is the Hebrew one. According to Jewish counting, on September 24, 2014, we entered the Year 5775, that is - the supposed 5775th year since the world was created on Saturday night, October 6, 3761 BCE.Sep 25, 2014
The Hebrew Calendar: A marvel of ancient astronomy and math ...
By definition, God would be the only one capable of creating the universe. It couldn't have created itself, so someone created it.

Israel's official calendar is the Hebrew one. According to Jewish counting, on September 24, 2014, we entered the Year 5775, that is - the supposed 5775th year since the world was created on Saturday night, October 6, 3761 BCE.Sep 25, 2014
The Hebrew Calendar: A marvel of ancient astronomy and math ...

Matter did not create itself

matter is just merely what exists

It is the nature of reality

from matter life was created

recombining conditions and matter in combination after combination

life is the result of some of those combinations under the right conditions.

matter can be proven to exist

no gods or monsters have ever been proven to exist

Are you saying that under the right conditions I could take a bunch a of watch parts, put them in a ziplock bag, shake and shake, and it will become a watch?