Other Forums Sent Me Here.

I am still friendly with some that I know voted for Trump, there is no problem there for their opposing views. I don’t oppose different ideas, I do oppose the bigotry, misogyny and racism that became apparent with some, the others just hated Hillary.

There were many lies told about Hillary, but the truth alone is too much to bear. She was a globalists, pro Wall Street, pro private prison statist who helped lead the party away from it's true values.
"Just can't let your ego get in the way"


Do you honestly mean to imply that you act the same in RL as you do here?

Do you think that I Bellow out "I am a fucking Viking" at Town Meeting?

You really are prosaic, perhaps more so than yurt.
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Your conclusion is not logical. No wonder you flunked out of engineering school.

Yea so what? That’s just pointing out a limitation of engineers. Logic is a nice tool but it’s no substitute for thinking. Much of nature is illogical and counterintuitive. Quantum mechanics is illogical. So is relativity and try finding logic in biological cascade systems like compliment, blood clotting or cellular metabolism. Good luck with that one. Point being that logic is limited if it leads you to an incorrect conclusion.
I like you (so far). I happen to be a libertarian although I'm not in agreement with all their positions. I'm not in agreement with many of the rights' positions. But they are quite tolerant of me here.
But the left, by and large, seem to me to be completely intolerant of me if I disagree with them on one issue.

That's why they are called the illiberal Left. Go off message even slightly and they go batshit crazy.
That's why they are called the illiberal Left. Go off message even slightly and they go batshit crazy.
The left has bastardized the term liberal as it applies to politics . They're leftist authoritarians as was pointed out in another thread. There's nothing remotely liberal about them.
I'm a liberal.
They didn't like my political comments on golf sites and the like.

Can't say that I blame them.

I'm 71 and should be chilling, but instead, all of my baby-boomer, 60's kid issues are burning me up.

The hardest debates are always with other progressive liberals.

Debate requires stipulation.

If two people want a similar kind of world, they might reasonably debate the means to get there.
They may get passionate about their views.

Today's conservatives and liberals have absolutely nothing to debate.
They want to live in totally different worlds.
If you want totally different things, there's nothing to debate.
It's us and them, not right and wrong. There's no way to conclude whether chocolate or strawberry ice cream is better. You just go for the one that you want.
We're no longer political opponents; now we're ideological enemies.

Moderation is for the consumption of adult beverages. Politics are about passion. In a polarized society, the energy is at the poles. Centrism is now irrelevant.

The male anatomy is not designed to be comfortable straddling a fence.

But now, it's worse than ever. I don't speak to people who've been friends for forty or fifty years. I have cousins who are dead to me. Five fellow retirees and I have had a standing breakfast date, once a month, since we retired more than a decade ago. Politics have recently broken it up.

I'm not an Evangelical Christian. I don't believe in salvation by faith alone. That's an excuse to be a bastard in the temporal world.
People who voted for Trump stuck a rusty dagger in America's liver, and therefore in mine. That's irredeemable. Not for some imaginary afterlife, but for being accepted in decent society right now.

You claim that debate requires stipulation. You are wrong. Debate requires two sides of the story.
You claim that debate requires stipulation. You are wrong. Debate requires two sides of the story.

Not so.

There's nothing to debate when you can't agree on what you're going for.

You must agree on what you're going for and just disagree on how to get there.

Further, every story doesn't have two sides. If you're arguing that the earth is flat, you don't have a side. You have a psychosis.