Other Forums Sent Me Here.

These political message boards remind me of that old Sat. Nite Live parody of the old CBS show Point, Counterpoint.
Jane Curtin states her position and Dan Akroyd replies, "Jane, you ignorant slut, " and proceeds to state his position.

One of my favorite SNL skits; thanks for the smile.
More than a "golf cheater"...although he is that, Poli.

He is a guy who claims a single digit handicap index...who takes mulligans and turns the ball over rather than play it down.


And the asshole drives golf carts across greens, because he owns them.
I was a 4 twenty yrs. ago. Now I play by my own rules.

1. Maximum of 16 clubs allowed. (driver, 3W, 5W, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9i, PW, GW, SW, 60*W, 64*W and putter)
2. Two balls allowed on the first tee. Player is allowed to use the better of the two.
3. Player is entitled to an acceptable lie if ball comes to rest in the fairway. E.g., if ball is in a divot player may bump the ball half a card length to a better position in the fairway. This rule also applies to any unacceptable lie in the fairway.
4. Removing the pin from the hole is optional when putting from the green.
5. Walking is mandatory unless use of cart is required.
6. Minimum of one pint of beer must be consumed upon completion of play.
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Given all that, why don't you just pack up and move to Venezuela? Why corrupt this nation? What you seek is completely set up for you, so why piss in the punch bowl for normals?

I'll take him over the racist, and depraved, Trump supporting assholes, that meandered here from Stormfront, in an instant. Hell, I'd take a thousand of him, over just one of them. Send all the CFM, Text Drivers Are Killers, The Ugly Truth, Praisekek, Truth Detector, types away from this site, and this country, and bring on more of him. He seems disagreeable in some ways, but he's not a festering goiter, of a prejudiced douchebag.
I was a 4 twenty yrs. ago. Now I play by my own rules.

1. Maximum of 16 clubs allowed. (driver, 3W, 5W, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9i, PW, GW, SW, 60*W, 64*W and putter)
2. Two balls allowed on the first tee. Player is allowed to use the better of the two.
3. Player is entitled to an acceptable lie if ball comes to rest in the fairway. E.g., if ball is in a divot player may bump the ball half a card length to a better position in the fairway. This rule also applies to any unacceptable lie in the fairway.
4. Removing the pin from the hole is optional when putting from the green.
5. Walking is mandatory unless use of cart is required.
6. Minimum of one pint of beer must be consumed upon completion of play.

My group is all at 15 or more. We seldom use a mulligan, but we turn the ball over everywhere, even in the rough. No moving out of trouble, though. No distance and stroke; carry as many clubs as you want; I prefer pin out, but pin in is okay. Rake and place in the traps.

I cannot drink beer on course, because I would fall asleep. Brandy is okay, but I seldom partake. A joint or two was almost always a must when I was less than 70.

Since I work for golf operations, I get free golf with a cart. I use the cart these days...free is too much to resist. Until my late 60's...I walked always...carrying my bag (single strap)...and often played 36 or 54!

I was nuts! My main partner is even nuttier. One year...in his late 60's, he played 325 rounds in New Jersey...18 per day. If you know what the weather is like here...you realize that is almost insane.
I'll take him over the racist, and depraved, Trump supporting assholes, that meandered here from Stormfront, in an instant. Hell, I'd take a thousand of him, over just one of them. Send all the CFM, Text Drivers Are Killers, The Ugly Truth, Praisekek, Truth Detector, types away from this site, and this country, and bring on more of him. He seems disagreeable in some ways, but he's not a festering goiter, of a prejudiced douchebag.

She'd be breaking the law. The mentally challenged are not permitted to own them.

Good point. However, Christiecrite says Desh is "normal and decent", and some DEMOCRATS claim that Trump made it possible for crazy people to get guns, don't they?

Besides that, Desh has threatened to kill people before. I'm not sure, but I don't think she was panning to use a lawn chair.
They didn't like my political comments on golf sites and the like.

Can't say that I blame them.

I'm 71 and should be chilling, but instead, all of my baby-boomer, 60's kid issues are burning me up.

The hardest debates are always with other progressive liberals.

Debate requires stipulation.

If two people want a similar kind of world, they might reasonably debate the means to get there.
They may get passionate about their views.

Today's conservatives and liberals have absolutely nothing to debate.
They want to live in totally different worlds.
If you want totally different things, there's nothing to debate.
It's us and them, not right and wrong. There's no way to conclude whether chocolate or strawberry ice cream is better. You just go for the one that you want.
We're no longer political opponents; now we're ideological enemies.

Moderation is for the consumption of adult beverages. Politics are about passion. In a polarized society, the energy is at the poles. Centrism is now irrelevant.

The male anatomy is not designed to be comfortable straddling a fence.

But now, it's worse than ever. I don't speak to people who've been friends for forty or fifty years. I have cousins who are dead to me. Five fellow retirees and I have had a standing breakfast date, once a month, since we retired more than a decade ago. Politics have recently broken it up.

I'm not an Evangelical Christian. I don't believe in salvation by faith alone. That's an excuse to be a bastard in the temporal world.
People who voted for Trump stuck a rusty dagger in America's liver, and therefore in mine. That's irredeemable. Not for some imaginary afterlife, but for being accepted in decent society right now.
well that’s fucked up. Show what JPP’s reputation is when other sites send their crazies here.

Oh well welcome aboard. You’re in good company here.
Yes, it is, Controlled. I can't disagree.
But politics decide how we live.

We can each make a sincere, honest evaluation of our respective consciences only to discover that our core values are completely incompatible.
At that point, the basis for a close relationship simply doesn't exist.
Oh quit being a drama queen Nifty. If I were alienated from friends and family cause the did something stupid like drink and drive, cheat on their spouse, lie about their handicap, drink red wine with fish or vote for Trump I’d be one lonely mother fucker.

Lighten up and smell the horse shit! :)
Good point. However, Christiecrite says Desh is "normal and decent", and some DEMOCRATS claim that Trump made it possible for crazy people to get guns, don't they?

Besides that, Desh has threatened to kill people before. I'm not sure, but I don't think she was panning to use a lawn chair.

Judging by her vile posts, maybe she could kill them with her breath?
Hello aloysious,

These political message boards remind me of that old Sat. Nite Live parody of the old CBS show Point, Counterpoint.
Jane Curtin states her position and Dan Akroyd replies, "Jane, you ignorant slut, " and proceeds to state his position.

That was a great schtick.

Summa these boards remind me of John Belushi doing the weather on SNL. He starts off nice and calm. Then he gets increasingly wound up, more and more, until he just goes stark raving bananas and flips over backwards.
I like you (so far). I happen to be a libertarian although I'm not in agreement with all their positions. I'm not in agreement with many of the rights' positions. But they are quite tolerant of me here.
But the left, by and large, seem to me to be completely intolerant of me if I disagree with them on one issue.

The left is intolerant? Hey you try going to a NASCAR race wearing an Abbey Hoffman t-shirt and drinking something other than Budweiser than come back here and tell me how intolerant the left is. I’m lucky I excaped with my life.
Hi Frank,

More than a "golf cheater"...although he is that, Poli.

He is a guy who claims a single digit handicap index...who takes mulligans and turns the ball over rather than play it down.


And the asshole drives golf carts across greens, because he owns them.

I know, right?

Indicative that he thinks the rules don't apply to him.

Like he thinks rules are for other people, but he is special.

The same way he walked right into the teen girls dressing room of the Miss USA Pageant.