Other Forums Sent Me Here.

I spend (or at least, used to spend) as much time in the City as in Jersey. It is a great place to meet with people from around the country...and there are many of us from several forums that meet regularly.

Like at your swingin' party with Francis and Gina?
I see! Actually, I don't give a flying shit what you doubt.

I've made copies of some comments...and the comments in return. They laugh. We're golfers. We know busting balls like you will never know.

They would recognize me. With no trouble at all.)

Oh, that fucking asshole. Okay.

Please refer to my first response here.

Jesus H. Christ. NYC and Central New Jersey are hooked at the hip. I spend (or at least, used to spend) as much time in the City as in Jersey. It is a great place to meet with people from around the country...and there are many of us from several forums that meet regularly.

By the way...I am beginning to understand the comment of people who think your phony nice-nice talk is sickening.

But...continue it. I get a chuckle out of it.
You're very welcome...anytime;)
Have a great afternoon!
You're obviously clueless to how Obama Care works.

Nor does the "Annuity Princess" understand how actual real investments work, like 401(k)s for example. Here's a hint: Once you are 59-1/2, you can withdraw funds from your 401(k) without penalty, although of course taxes are paid on the amount. So to qualify for the ACA subsidies, you tally up your other income (pensions, social security, etc.). Then you calculate how much you can withdraw from your investments plus that income, to stay under the annual income level set by the law. A married couple can live pretty well on $64K/year when they don't have car payments or a mortgage, or other debt.

Try to forgive her; it's been a terrible day for her so far and she's seething with rage and envy again. Maybe someone will pray for her.
You know, RB, you're the only Amazonian I think is consistently worth having around due to insightful comments like this one.

I appreciate the compliment, but I'm sure a few others may have a different opinion. :)
Hello aloysious,

I like you (so far). I happen to be a libertarian although I'm not in agreement with all their positions. I'm not in agreement with many of the rights' positions. But they are quite tolerant of me here.
But the left, by and large, seem to me to be completely intolerant of me if I disagree with them on one issue.

I am liberal. I appreciate anybody who can state their position without being offensive. You have been respectful to me, so I appreciate your participation here. My appreciation of others has nothing to do with their political beliefs.
Hello and welcome NiftyNiblick,

I won't get personal with any individual poster. We don't know one another.

In general, however, right wing conservative values are so seethingly repugnant to me that there is no place in my life for anyone who holds those despicable views.
I know that they're as sincere about their views as I am about mine, and I wouldn't expect them to like me either.

This is the ultimate failure of the American experiment. Half of the nation will ALWAYS loathe the government, no matter who is in power. Perhaps we should follow the example of Yugoslavia and the old Soviet Union. People should all have a government that they can respect--and it will never happen in unified America.

Glad you're here. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

I used to get dinged for talking politics on other boards where it was a no-no. Then I got dinged for talking too much politics at work. I have a need to talk about politics. I don't understand the aversion. I guess maybe I do. People get too emotional about it, get too pissed off. We've got a lot of those types here. I just ignore 'em. I don't want to make it personal. I just want to plain talk about politics. That's why I came to Just Plain Politics.

I like logic.

Logically, it makes no sense to get personal about politics. That's emotion talking. Here's my logic: We have a lot of problems to solve in the USA. We are not going to solve them by name-calling or being uncivil. We have to talk about them. We have to understand that others are going to take different positions. That's OK. That's actually beautiful. It's the beauty of our nation. We allow all views. There is strength in that. We get ideas from a lot of places. People with different experiences have different ideas. Ideas are power. Ideas are the stuff of greatness. We can generate great ideas if we brainstorm. It takes more than one mind to brainstorm. When we discuss things ideas happen. We should carry on discussions about our nation. That way, an idea might come up that helps out, improves our approach.

It sure ain't gonna happen if all we are doing is having an insult contest.

We have to talk about the issues, recognize that views will be different, relish in that, boil it all down to get to policy.

We have a lot of work to do.

The founders did an amazing job creating this nation.

And every generation has fought for something along the way to make us the great nation we are.

Now it is our turn.

We can't take it for granted.

We can't let it fall apart over hatred and polarization.

We must remain well informed and actively engaged in the business of our nation.

Let the mutually respectful discussions flow!

Diversity Makes America Great
I golf four days a week...with ardent right-wingers. I love 'em even though they are political meatheads.

I work two days a week as a starter...at a county course (among five dynamite country courses) in one of the most Republican/conservative counties in the nation. Just about all of my fellow workers are strong right-wingers.

I'm 81 (gonna be 82 early next month), white, European heritage...who favors a very progressive agenda. Almost none of my friends has anything in common with me politically...and we get along like clockwork.

My long game sucks...my short game is stellar. My putting is on the money.

Donald Trump is an abomination...a classless, dim-witted, childish abomination.

And a golf cheater!
Hello aloysious,

I am liberal. I appreciate anybody who can state their position without being offensive. You have been respectful to me, so I appreciate your participation here. My appreciation of others has nothing to do with their political beliefs.

These political message boards remind me of that old Sat. Nite Live parody of the old CBS show Point, Counterpoint.
Jane Curtin states her position and Dan Akroyd replies, "Jane, you ignorant slut, " and proceeds to state his position.
And a golf cheater!

More than a "golf cheater"...although he is that, Poli.

He is a guy who claims a single digit handicap index...who takes mulligans and turns the ball over rather than play it down.


And the asshole drives golf carts across greens, because he owns them.
These political message boards remind me of that old Sat. Nite Live parody of the old CBS show Point, Counterpoint.
Jane Curtin states her position and Dan Akroyd replies, "Jane, you ignorant slut, " and proceeds to state his position.

For the most part...reasonable positions from both sides of the aisle are laid out early in a forum...the first few weeks of participation.

After that...it mostly is the "you spit in my coffee" and I "piss in your coke" kind of thing.

I NEVER take this stuff to seriously...and I have met and had dinner and drinks with people I've battled in other forums and become close friends.

It uses up some of the day...it is interesting...and it stimulates the mind to think up new insults.

Fun should be had by all...and the ones truly getting rattled probably should be doing something else.
For the most part...reasonable positions from both sides of the aisle are laid out early in a forum...the first few weeks of participation.

After that...it mostly is the "you spit in my coffee" and I "piss in your coke" kind of thing.

I NEVER take this stuff to seriously...and I have met and had dinner and drinks with people I've battled in other forums and become close friends.
It uses up some of the day...it is interesting...and it stimulates the mind to think up new insults.
desh (evince) has had some of the most imaginative, I have to admit.
Fun should be had by all...and the ones truly getting rattled probably should be doing something else.

desh (evince) has had some of the most imaginative, I have to admit.

You get off some good zingers, too, Al.

In a different context, I once wrote a variation of, "EVERYBODY wants to write stand-up material."

I still think that is so. I am never happier than when I think up something that make me laugh...except maybe when someone I consider an opponent thinks up something that makes me laugh.
They didn't like my political comments on golf sites and the like.

Can't say that I blame them.

I'm 71 and should be chilling, but instead, all of my baby-boomer, 60's kid issues are burning me up.

The hardest debates are always with other progressive liberals.

Debate requires stipulation.

If two people want a similar kind of world, they might reasonably debate the means to get there.
They may get passionate about their views.

Today's conservatives and liberals have absolutely nothing to debate.
They want to live in totally different worlds.
If you want totally different things, there's nothing to debate.
It's us and them, not right and wrong. There's no way to conclude whether chocolate or strawberry ice cream is better. You just go for the one that you want.
We're no longer political opponents; now we're ideological enemies.

Moderation is for the consumption of adult beverages. Politics are about passion. In a polarized society, the energy is at the poles. Centrism is now irrelevant.

The male anatomy is not designed to be comfortable straddling a fence.

But now, it's worse than ever. I don't speak to people who've been friends for forty or fifty years. I have cousins who are dead to me. Five fellow retirees and I have had a standing breakfast date, once a month, since we retired more than a decade ago. Politics have recently broken it up.

I'm not an Evangelical Christian. I don't believe in salvation by faith alone. That's an excuse to be a bastard in the temporal world.
People who voted for Trump stuck a rusty dagger in America's liver, and therefore in mine. That's irredeemable. Not for some imaginary afterlife, but for being accepted in decent society right now.

Given all that, why don't you just pack up and move to Venezuela? Why corrupt this nation? What you seek is completely set up for you, so why piss in the punch bowl for normals?