Other Forums Sent Me Here.

I won't get personal with any individual poster. We don't know one another.

In general, however, right wing conservative values are so seethingly repugnant to me that there is no place in my life for anyone who holds those despicable views.
I know that they're as sincere about their views as I am about mine, and I wouldn't expect them to like me either.

This is the ultimate failure of the American experiment. Half of the nation will ALWAYS loathe the government, no matter who is in power. Perhaps we should follow the example of Yugoslavia and the old Soviet Union. People should all have a government that they can respect--and it will never happen in unified America.
I am still friendly with some that I know voted for Trump, there is no problem there for their opposing views. I don’t oppose different ideas, I do oppose the bigotry, misogyny and racism that became apparent with some, the others just hated Hillary.

I haven't noticed any overt racism and bigotry in my in-laws, almost all of whom are Trump supporters. But I don't mention politics to them any more either.
They didn't like my political comments on golf sites and the like.

Can't say that I blame them.

I'm 71 and should be chilling, but instead, all of my baby-boomer, 60's kid issues are burning me up.

The hardest debates are always with other progressive liberals.

Debate requires stipulation.

If two people want a similar kind of world, they might reasonably debate the means to get there.
They may get passionate about their views.

Today's conservatives and liberals have absolutely nothing to debate.
They want to live in totally different worlds.
If you want totally different things, there's nothing to debate.
It's us and them, not right and wrong. There's no way to conclude whether chocolate or strawberry ice cream is better. You just go for the one that you want.
We're no longer political opponents; now we're ideological enemies.

Moderation is for the consumption of adult beverages. Politics are about passion. In a polarized society, the energy is at the poles. Centrism is now irrelevant.

The male anatomy is not designed to be comfortable straddling a fence.

But now, it's worse than ever. I don't speak to people who've been friends for forty or fifty years. I have cousins who are dead to me. Five fellow retirees and I have had a standing breakfast date, once a month, since we retired more than a decade ago. Politics have recently broken it up.

I'm not an Evangelical Christian. I don't believe in salvation by faith alone. That's an excuse to be a bastard in the temporal world.
People who voted for Trump stuck a rusty dagger in America's liver, and therefore in mine. That's irredeemable. Not for some imaginary afterlife, but for being accepted in decent society right now.

I golf four days a week...with ardent right-wingers. I love 'em even though they are political meatheads.

I work two days a week as a starter...at a county course (among five dynamite country courses) in one of the most Republican/conservative counties in the nation. Just about all of my fellow workers are strong right-wingers.

I'm 81 (gonna be 82 early next month), white, European heritage...who favors a very progressive agenda. Almost none of my friends has anything in common with me politically...and we get along like clockwork.

My long game sucks...my short game is stellar. My putting is on the money.

Donald Trump is an abomination...a classless, dim-witted, childish abomination.

Hope your game is in better shape than mine.
I golf four days a week...with ardent right-wingers. I love 'em even though they are political meatheads.

I work two days a week as a starter...at a county course (among five dynamite country courses) in one of the most Republican/conservative counties in the nation. Just about all of my fellow workers are strong right-wingers.

I'm 81 (gonna be 82 early next month), white, European heritage...who favors a very progressive agenda. Almost none of my friends has anything in common with me politically...and we get along like clockwork.

My long game sucks...my short game is stellar. My putting is on the money.

Donald Trump is an abomination...a classless, dim-witted, childish abomination.

Hope your game is in better shape than mine.
Wait a minute...you golf with ardent right-wingers? How can you "still love them"...and express such hate for everyone here like you do?
Well, I guess it's better you take out all your frustrations here rather than on real people...don't lose friends because you don't like the government. That never ends well.
I see you got your last DT shot in for the post....;)
Save all that enthusiasm for the golf course and your long game might improve....
Wait a minute...you golf with ardent right-wingers? How can you "still love them"...and express such hate for everyone here like you do?

It's almost like Yanky has been studying Stories for Every Occasion™, isn't it?
I golf four days a week...with ardent right-wingers. I work two days a week as a starter...at a county course (among five dynamite country courses) in one of the most Republican/conservative counties in the nation. Just about all of my fellow workers are strong right-wingers.

Cool stories.

I'm 81 (gonna be 82 early next month).

I look forward to your obituary. Shouldn't be long, now

Almost none of my friends has anything in common with me politically...and we get along like clockwork.

I have to ask. Are your "friends" there in the room with you right now?.
It's almost like Yanky has been studying Stories for Every Occasion™, isn't it?
Oh, no....there's no way he would study "that"...although I've seen others fall prey to the BS, very tragically....
(Speaking of "Stories" I wonder what we have to look forward to today? I'm betting "we explored that very cave after having lunch with Anthony Bourdain=21 years ago"....and experienced such joy to have not been trapped that day, we will be sending hundreds of dollars in donations to the Red Hen in the names of all our JPP favorites -(that's us, btw)....
maybe today will be the day;)
They didn't like my political comments on golf sites and the like.

Can't say that I blame them.

I'm 71 and should be chilling, but instead, all of my baby-boomer, 60's kid issues are burning me up.

The hardest debates are always with other progressive liberals.

Debate requires stipulation.

If two people want a similar kind of world, they might reasonably debate the means to get there.
They may get passionate about their views.

Today's conservatives and liberals have absolutely nothing to debate.
They want to live in totally different worlds.
If you want totally different things, there's nothing to debate.
It's us and them, not right and wrong. There's no way to conclude whether chocolate or strawberry ice cream is better. You just go for the one that you want.
We're no longer political opponents; now we're ideological enemies.

Moderation is for the consumption of adult beverages. Politics are about passion. In a polarized society, the energy is at the poles. Centrism is now irrelevant.

The male anatomy is not designed to be comfortable straddling a fence.

But now, it's worse than ever. I don't speak to people who've been friends for forty or fifty years. I have cousins who are dead to me. Five fellow retirees and I have had a standing breakfast date, once a month, since we retired more than a decade ago. Politics have recently broken it up.

I'm not an Evangelical Christian. I don't believe in salvation by faith alone. That's an excuse to be a bastard in the temporal world.
People who voted for Trump stuck a rusty dagger in America's liver, and therefore in mine. That's irredeemable. Not for some imaginary afterlife, but for being accepted in decent society right now.

'Politics' is singular.
Oh, no....there's no way he would study "that"...

Did you miss his tale of partying with Francis Sinatra and Gina Lollobrigida? :rofl2:

(Speaking of "Stories" I wonder what we have to look forward to today? I'm betting "we explored that very cave after having lunch with Anthony Bourdain=21 years ago"....and experienced such joy to have not been trapped that day, we will be sending hundreds of dollars in donations to the Red Hen in the names of all our JPP favorites -(that's us, btw)....maybe today will be the day

Stories for Every Occasion™ seems to be a bottomless reservoir of conveniently-timed anecdotes, so you may be right.
Did you miss his tale of partying with Francis Sinatra and Gina Lollobrigida? :rofl2:

Stories for Every Occasion™ seems to be a bottomless reservoir of conveniently-timed anecdotes, so you may be right.
I must have missed that. Did he retell it 3 or 4 times? A new version every time??
That's the "Stories for Every Occasion" method...