Other Forums Sent Me Here.

Ok but someone born in 1946 and someone born in 1964 likely had very different worldviews even if they are grouped into the same generation.

That's true. They also liked different types of music, movies, toys, and other entertainment. For example, one of my brothers was born in 1946; his music tastes were quite different than mine. I was born in the mid-50s.
That's true. They also liked different types of music, movies, toys, and other entertainment. For example, one of my brothers was born in 1946; his music tastes were quite different than mine. I was born in the mid-50s.

Well RIP for your generation's loss of Tab Hunter today. Not sure who he is other than a once closeted actor but apparently he was a star back in the day per twitter.
I don't speak to people who've been friends for forty or fifty years. I have cousins who are dead to me. Five fellow retirees and I have had a standing breakfast date, once a month, since we retired more than a decade ago. Politics have recently broken it up.


That's sad, perhaps even beyond sad, if politics is that much the center of your existence you got to get out more, a lot more, certainly not worth the cost of friendships, particularly with family, and especially at the age of 71
That's sad, perhaps even beyond sad, if politics is that much the center of your existence you got to get out more, a lot more, certainly not worth the cost of friendships, particularly with family, and especially at the age of 71
It is like they said, I have discovered the “core” of several friends. I guess we were superficial till Trump came on the scene, it exposed for me, who they really are. I realized our values were different, it changed things. It happens in life, not just because of Trump, either. You realize you have little in common with some friends and that some are toxic, you go different ways, cut ties. It happens.
Well RIP for your generation's loss of Tab Hunter today. Not sure who he is other than a once closeted actor but apparently he was a star back in the day per twitter.
He was a hunk, sexy leading man. I remember him. RIP

He was one of those clean cut looking heart throbs
It is like they said, I have discovered the “core” of several friends. I guess we were superficial till Trump came on the scene, it exposed for me, who they really are. I realized our values were different, it changed things. It happens in life, not just because of Trump, either. You realize you have little in common with some friends and that some are toxic, you go different ways, cut ties. It happens.

Shouldn't, I got friends, relatives, and work with people, who have exact opposite views of mine, but I don't let that interfere with the way I interact with any of them, and that includes the occasional "discussion" on politics. Just can't let your ego get in the way
Yes, it is, Controlled. I can't disagree.
But politics decide how we live.

We can each make a sincere, honest evaluation of our respective consciences only to discover that our core values are completely incompatible.
At that point, the basis for a close relationship simply doesn't exist.

I would suggest living in a manner in which politics does NOT decide how you live, most especially if you deem it to be controlled.
They didn't like my political comments on golf sites and the like.

Can't say that I blame them.

I'm 71 and should be chilling, but instead, all of my baby-boomer, 60's kid issues are burning me up.

The hardest debates are always with other progressive liberals.

Debate requires stipulation.

If two people want a similar kind of world, they might reasonably debate the means to get there.
They may get passionate about their views.

Today's conservatives and liberals have absolutely nothing to debate.
They want to live in totally different worlds.
If you want totally different things, there's nothing to debate.
It's us and them, not right and wrong. There's no way to conclude whether chocolate or strawberry ice cream is better. You just go for the one that you want.
We're no longer political opponents; now we're ideological enemies.

Moderation is for the consumption of adult beverages. Politics are about passion. In a polarized society, the energy is at the poles. Centrism is now irrelevant.

The male anatomy is not designed to be comfortable straddling a fence.

But now, it's worse than ever. I don't speak to people who've been friends for forty or fifty years. I have cousins who are dead to me. Five fellow retirees and I have had a standing breakfast date, once a month, since we retired more than a decade ago. Politics have recently broken it up.

I'm not an Evangelical Christian. I don't believe in salvation by faith alone. That's an excuse to be a bastard in the temporal world.
People who voted for Trump stuck a rusty dagger in America's liver, and therefore in mine. That's irredeemable. Not for some imaginary afterlife, but for being accepted in decent society right now.

Another Spirit of a beast has arrived. This place is becoming a regular Zoo.
Shouldn't, I got friends, relatives, and work with people, who have exact opposite views of mine, but I don't let that interfere with the way I interact with any of them, and that includes the occasional "discussion" on politics. Just can't let your ego get in the way
I am still friendly with some that I know voted for Trump, there is no problem there for their opposing views. I don’t oppose different ideas, I do oppose the bigotry, misogyny and racism that became apparent with some, the others just hated Hillary.