Other Forums Sent Me Here.

I'll take him over the racist, and depraved, Trump supporting assholes, that meandered here from Stormfront, in an instant.

Do you get a lot of people like that here?

OR is it that instead you are a Heinreich Himmler clone who viciously slanders and libels any who dare think or speak in ways that displease the party?

Hell, I'd take a thousand of him, over just one of them. Send all the CFM, Text Drivers Are Killers, The Ugly Truth, Praisekek, Truth Detector, types away from this site, and this country, and bring on more of him. He seems disagreeable in some ways, but he's not a festering goiter, of a prejudiced douchebag.

Of course you would, you're a hate filled Stalinist who seeks to replace your utter lack of reason with vitriol and violence.

A typical democrat, in other words.
Good point. However, Christiecrite says Desh is "normal and decent", and some DEMOCRATS claim that Trump made it possible for crazy people to get guns, don't they?

Besides that, Desh has threatened to kill people before. I'm not sure, but I don't think she was panning to use a lawn chair.

There are few people I don't think are normal and decent, both here and IRL.

But if we want to talk about "not normal and decent", trump and his coterie of grifters would top the list, Leggiecrite.
There are few people I don't think are normal and decent, both here and IRL. But if we want to talk about "not normal and decent", trump and his coterie of grifters would top the list, Leggiecrite.

You think Desh is normal and decent, Christiecrite.

Say it again. :D
Do you get a lot of people like that here?

OR is it that instead you are a Heinreich Himmler clone who viciously slanders and libels any who dare think or speak in ways that displease the party?

Of course you would, you're a hate filled Stalinist who seeks to replace your utter lack of reason with vitriol and violence.

A typical democrat, in other words.
Lol, says the one posting vitriol, Heinrich Himmler Clone, hate filled Stalinist, don’t ya just love it.
Yes, but you shouldn’t do what you chastise others for doing, it makes you look silly.

Oh well thanks, I'll be sure to let you Stalinists decide what we normals should or should not do....

I mean, as long as you of the left hold normals to rules you don't abide by, what could go wrong? :dunno:
Yes, it is, Controlled. I can't disagree.
But politics decide how we live.

We can each make a sincere, honest evaluation of our respective consciences only to discover that our core values are completely incompatible.
At that point, the basis for a close relationship simply doesn't exist.

I am only 54 but my best lifelong friend is a very conservative Libertarian.

I feel bad for you that you made such silly choices for such stupid reasons.
'Political Tribes', or 'Red Team/Blue Team' mentality. It's no longer about solving problems, it's become a Team Sport. Ever watch the movie 'The Wizard of Oz' and there's a guy at the end that's behind a curtain?
The Global Elites are 'the guy behind the curtain'. 'Divide and Conquer'. Pit the Potato Heads against each other. Have fun, ... watch it play out RIGHT HERE!

One of your only righteous posts.
Shouldn't, I got friends, relatives, and work with people, who have exact opposite views of mine, but I don't let that interfere with the way I interact with any of them, and that includes the occasional "discussion" on politics. Just can't let your ego get in the way

Exactly, thank you.