Our spoiled nation

I'm at that age where the world was supposed to have ended about six times by now, and America was supposed to have been driven off the cliff about eight times by now.

There were supposed to be about half a dozen raptures by now, too

And Harris was supposed to be president. You are right--I think it is just an older generation characteristic. We all think the end of the world is near, the U. S. and economy will soon collapse, and everything was better back then.

I read old novels, history, and watch old movies and they all said the same thing. "We used to leave our doors unlocked but not now." I read Thomas Jefferson biographies and he was very critical of the youth of his day.

I'm not worried about a civil war--we would be too lazy or busy to show up (like many militia members during the American revolution).
And Harris was supposed to be president. You are right--I think it is just an older generation characteristic. We all think the end of the world is near, the U. S. and economy will soon collapse, and everything was better back then.

I read old novels, history, and watch old movies and they all said the same thing. "We used to leave our doors unlocked but not now." I read Thomas Jefferson biographies and he was very critical of the youth of his day.

I'm not worried about a civil war--we would be too lazy or busy to show up (like many militia members during the American revolution).

If we have a civil war now, it won't be over secession.
Both sides want the entire nation.

Negotiated partition, at this point, would be a good way to AVOID a civil war.
I don't actually expect it, of course, but I'd love to see it happen.
And Harris was supposed to be president. You are right--I think it is just an older generation characteristic. We all think the end of the world is near, the U. S. and economy will soon collapse, and everything was better back then.

I read old novels, history, and watch old movies and they all said the same thing. "We used to leave our doors unlocked but not now." I read Thomas Jefferson biographies and he was very critical of the youth of his day.

I'm not worried about a civil war--we would be too lazy or busy to show up (like many militia members during the American revolution).

but now they're actually putting the plans in place to starve everyone into a technocratic surveillance state, with eugenics as it's guiding principal.

it's a false alarm, until its a real alarm.

you dumb boomers are/ were trained for this.

moral relativism was your generations achievement, congratulations, fucksticks.
that's extremely naive or apathetically ignorant. I see the younger generations and I realize that they will eventually destroy America and it's founding ideas. It wouldn't surprise me if they ask Britain to welcome them back as a colony

Exactly what our parents and grandparents said about our generation. The 1960's saw an increase in crime, drugs, divorce, and teen birth rate. There was increasing distrust of government and lower voter turnout.

All those things have been declining since the 1990s except distrust in government and it has remained stable except for a brief increase in trust after 9/11. Voter turnout has seen a big increase due largely to more competitive elections.
If we have a civil war now, it won't be over secession.
Both sides want the entire nation.

Negotiated partition, at this point, would be a good way to AVOID a civil war.
I don't actually expect it, of course, but I'd love to see it happen.

no real people want civil war.

it's deep state delusional implant.

this system can still be fixed from within itself, through the normal procedures.

sorry marxist, your agitprop is an epic fail.

the divide and conqer has stalled out due to no fucks given.

If we have a civil war now, it won't be over secession.
Both sides want the entire nation.

Negotiated partition, at this point, would be a good way to AVOID a civil war.
I don't actually expect it, of course, but I'd love to see it happen.

I would hate to live in either half--whether due to secession or negotiated.

There is no way to successfully divide the nation.
but now they're actually putting the plans in place to starve everyone into a technocratic surveillance state, with eugenics as it's guiding principal.

it's a false alarm, until its a real alarm.

you dumb boomers are/ were trained for this.

moral relativism was your generations achievement, congratulations, fucksticks.

I'm not a boomer or believe the crazy conspiracy theories somebody told you about. They always turn out to be phony. The idea that somebody wants to starve us is just crazy and benefits no one.
I'm not a boomer or believe the crazy conspiracy theories somebody told you about. They always turn out to be phony. The idea that somebody wants to starve us is just crazy and benefits no one.

environmentalists always talk about population reduction and green policy to make sure it happens.

the war on fuel is a war on humanity at large.

I would hate to live in either half--whether due to secession or negotiated.

There is no way to successfully divide the nation.

I, in contrast, would love to live in a nation where red state politics had no impact on our laws, tax codes, and values.
They're totally incompatible with Boston.
We could maintain normal diplomatic relations as trade partners and get along much better than we do now.
I would hate to live in either half--whether due to secession or negotiated.

There is no way to successfully divide the nation.

it's a ccp based psyop against the country with assistance from our own deep state.

it's stupidity on steroids.
I, in contrast, would love to live in a nation where red state politics had no impact on our laws, tax codes, and values.
They're totally incompatible with Boston.
We could maintain normal diplomatic relations as trade partners and get along much better than we do now.

nice capitulation to the ccp, globalist fascist dillhole.
Theocracy??? Do you people just use words without any regard for what they mean? As I write that I know the the answer is, "Yes" but I want to play along. What leads you to think a theocracy would have resulted? I can't wait for this.

You people do prefer the tyranny of the majority dont you? Is the name Tocqueville familiar to you at all?

The far right - which those rioters largely represented - have been veering toward Christian nationalism.

Like I said previously, some Americans would have more freedom w/ the government they'd create. Many would have less.

I know all about the tyranny of the majority. Which, fortunately, our founders also understood - and put so many checks & balances in our system so as to make it an impossibility.
is that your issue, then? you've lost interest in yourself?

No, DtM, but you've made it clear you believe all shorts of violent, wacky shit. Why did you remove your "Threeper" tag? Skeered? LOL

Is the reason because the reality of losing your middle-class job, middle-class home and middle-class family by becoming a ward of the State too disturbing for you?

No, DtM, but you've made it clear you believe all shorts of violent, wacky shit. Why did you remove your "Threeper" tag? Skeered? LOL

Is the reason because the reality of losing your middle-class job, middle-class home and middle-class family by becoming a ward of the State too disturbing for you?

I accept your concession
Of course you do, DtM. You think the US government is run by Jews and you live a fantasy from the Turner Diaries. Why would you not believe you've won something here?

making more false claims. that was completely expected. obviously you're trying to cover up your own racist views