PAC 12 Exploding

I cant wait to welcome the pac'ys to the big 10 in Madison at Camp Randall. A nice mid to late November game would be good. ;)
College football is barreling toward a super league, no matter what might be lost”

“If you’re curious about when the uncertainty of college football realignment will end so the focus on the actual sport can begin, Nebraska Athletic Director Trev Alberts just confirmed what has become apparent: It’s not going to.
 I don’t believe it’s done. It’s never been done, I believe that the next go-around will be far more disruptive than anything we’re currently engaged in”

“It won’t be here tomorrow, because the engine driving this round of disruption is built primarily around two major television deals. But after that? It’s inevitable“

“By overloading themselves for television revenue, power conferences are muddying their identity to the point that the game’s premier franchises will find it logical in a few years to affiliate only with peers in the same financial standing, paying no concern to history or geography at all.”

“After all, if anything has become clear this year, it’s that SEC member Alabama ($214 million in revenue in 2021-22) doesn’t need to feign that it has the same interests and concerns as South Carolina ($144 million) when Ohio State ($251 million) is its actual peer.”

“And if fans and the media tolerate this latest upending, the message that the networks will interpret is that pairing more and more large brands together is the actual market demand. The result will be the super league, something functionally and aesthetically closer to the NFL. And this inevitable course will come at the expense of the regionality and tradition that made college football an idiosyncratic and uniquely American sport.”

I’m predicting twenty years, if not soon, I do believe it is inevitable, as we’ve seen, money dictates, and greed follows

Gone from the SEC: Vanderbilt, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas A+M, Mississippi, Mississippi State, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Kentucky, with a Florida and Auburn on the fence

From the Big Ten; Minnesota, Indiana, Northwestern, Illinois, Purdue, Rutgers, Maryland, Nebraska, Washington, Oregon, with Iowa and Michigan State, plus one of the Calf teams, on the fence

Picking up a couple of others from the remaining conferences, what will be created is a super conference, which I further predict itself will fade shortly thereafter, who wants to watch a NFL Lite when the NFL exists