Palin's no forign policy experience.

LOL.. No, the military doesn't do nepotism... He lead a fighter squadron... ("Squadron" means a number of planes.) His plane was shot down by the enemy and he was held as a POW. Get your facts straight, retard.

1. The military does not do nepotism? HA HA HA!

2. Getting shot down is not a qualification to be president.

3. I know the facts.
Not only did he lead the largest Naval fighter squadron, he turned it around. Here is what the NY Times said in a 2000 article:

"Although plagued by fatal accidents in the past, the squadron had no fatalities under his command . . . and won its first meritorious unit citation. Mr. McCain's success attracted notice among the admirals in Washington,"

Cite please...
Let me also take this opportunity to add Washington's address on the first national Thanksgiving under the Constitution...

"It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor."

Sounds a lot like what Governor Palin said to me.

We have not progress since the days of Washington ? That is a shame.
1. The military does not do nepotism? HA HA HA!

2. Getting shot down is not a qualification to be president.

3. I know the facts.

1. They don't. Why do you hate the military so much?

2. Being the commander of the largest Naval fighter squadron, is more than his opponent's leadership qualifications, which are NIL!

3. No, you don't, you are retarded.
Cite please...

I sourced it... NEW YORK TIMES--2000!

In case you haven't noticed, I don't play the "post a link so I can refute the source" bullshit game with you pinheads. The article was published, by the NY Times in 2000, as I stated. If you can provide evidence to the contrary, please do so, otherwise, shut the fuck up.
I sourced it... NEW YORK TIMES--2000!

In case you haven't noticed, I don't play the "post a link so I can refute the source" bullshit game with you pinheads. The article was published, by the NY Times in 2000, as I stated. If you can provide evidence to the contrary, please do so, otherwise, shut the fuck up.

Just claiming something was written in the NYT in 2000 is not a cite.

I dont hate the military, I just belive that nepotism is alive and well in the military.
So Palin has never met a forign head of state.

She has never been to Europe. (Just like GWB had never been to Europe when elected president)

She has no forign policy experience, unless you count that she could see Russia from her back yard.

Hell I have more forign policy experience than her, I met Gorbachev once, Ive been to Russia. I met Ronald Regan once. Ive been to England and sat in on a session of Parlament. Ive been to France and Sweeden and Denmark and Finland. I spent a week in Spain. Ive been to Mexico, Belize, COsta Rica, Honduras.

I even spent an entire semester studying the Constitution.

I would be a better VP than Palin, and that aint saying much.

I know what you mean. I've always said that I have one thing in common with George W. Bush. Were both dangerously underqualified to be President of the USA.
Just claiming something was written in the NYT in 2000 is not a cite.

I dont hate the military, I just belive that nepotism is alive and well in the military.

Yes, claiming something is written somewhere, is a "cite" indeed. I made a statement, and "cited" the NY Times. Where did you go to school?

Regardless of what you believe, you are a person with ZERO personal experience in the military, so you are unqualified to make a valid judgment on nepotism in the military, and nearly every person who has ever served in the military, will contradict your uninformed opinion on this.
LMAO... Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but commanding a squadron is more leadership experience than being a career lawyer and politician.

Yeah, and crashing five planes and getting your ass shot down and planted into a camp is really showing them dumb Harvard lawyers.
Yeah, and crashing five planes and getting your ass shot down and planted into a camp is really showing them dumb Harvard lawyers.

I'll venture to take a guess here, that you have never piloted a jet in combat, and don't have a clue of what your talking about. I don't think McCain intended to be shot down or planted in a POW camp, but that is just my guess. Having a law degree from Harvard doesn't give you leadership ability, it doesn't really do a lot for me, personally.... I'd rather have someone who has 'real life' experience and leadership skills. Obama has never been in charge of anything in his life. The closest he came to actually being in a 'leadership' role, was when he served on a board with William Ayres, a Weather Underground terrorist.
I'll venture to take a guess here, that you have never piloted a jet in combat, and don't have a clue of what your talking about. I don't think McCain intended to be shot down or planted in a POW camp, but that is just my guess. Having a law degree from Harvard doesn't give you leadership ability, it doesn't really do a lot for me, personally.... I'd rather have someone who has 'real life' experience and leadership skills. Obama has never been in charge of anything in his life. The closest he came to actually being in a 'leadership' role, was when he served on a board with William Ayres, a Weather Underground terrorist.

He probably didn't intend to crash five planes either! i'm sure he doesn't "intend" a lot of the shit he'll do, if God forbid he should become President.

Well, that is your opinion. I think it is brilliant strategy to have you pinheads yammer on and on about "palin's lack of foreign policy experience" as if it hasn't even dawned on your empty little pinheads, that your candidate for president has ZERO foreign policy experience himself! Not to mention, NO LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE OF ANY KIND! It just serves to draw a great big red target on your ass, and the American people can see it clear as day.

Keep yammering about it!
Dixie, if you think the fact that McCain's father was an admiral did not help him at all in his career, you have never been in the military.

Nepotism is practiced all the time.
LOL... Okay.... and Obama was, what????


And btw you never did reply when I straightened you out on the FACT that is was not the NV that busted up McCain ? Did you learn something else on that one ?

can you ever get anything straight ?
Dixie, if you think the fact that McCain's father was an admiral did not help him at all in his career, you have never been in the military.

Nepotism is practiced all the time.

Nope, it's just not. You can think that if you like, but it's not the case. If it were, the military structure would fall apart completely. People are not given assignments or appointments based on who their daddy is, no one under them would have any respect for their authority. Everything in the military is based on honor, and you earn everything you achieve.

Unlike the private sector, where your Communist childhood mentor in Hawaii can help pave your way into politics. This was the case with Obama and Frank Marshall Davis.
Nope, it's just not. You can think that if you like, but it's not the case. If it were, the military structure would fall apart completely. People are not given assignments or appointments based on who their daddy is, no one under them would have any respect for their authority. Everything in the military is based on honor, and you earn everything you achieve.

Unlike the private sector, where your Communist childhood mentor in Hawaii can help pave your way into politics. This was the case with Obama and Frank Marshall Davis.

Now that is Naive! Or just plain stupid.

How do you think GWB got into the air national guard when the waiting list was years long ? Not on his acedemics that is for sure.