Palin's no forign policy experience.

Obama was a lawyer, that is better experience to be president than flying a plane.

Very good, very, very good! made a funny.....and it was knee slapper.....
Obama was a

I certainly have a new view of lawyers since reading your posts on here...
yes sir....:321:
jarod's an idiot and darla can't stand not making herself look like an idiot.
Obama is the man because of the policy changes and the democratic platform.
You tools can argue which totally inexperienced foreign policy (obama & Palin ) means more. The american People care 99% about American policy. And it won't but should come first.
You are all owned as poor and shitty debaters.
Now that is Naive! Or just plain stupid.

How do you think GWB got into the air national guard when the waiting list was years long ? Not on his acedemics that is for sure.

I would say there is a slight difference between being accepted by the Air National Guard, and getting assigned commander of the largest squadron in the Navy, wouldn't you? I mean, just the sliiiiiiiiiightest little difference there!!
I would say there is a slight difference between being accepted by the Air National Guard, and getting assigned commander of the largest squadron in the Navy, wouldn't you? I mean, just the sliiiiiiiiiightest little difference there!!

Yes a difference, but all nepotistic suction related.
So Palin has never met a forign head of state.

She has never been to Europe. (Just like GWB had never been to Europe when elected president)

She has no forign policy experience, unless you count that she could see Russia from her back yard.

Hell I have more forign policy experience than her, I met Gorbachev once, Ive been to Russia. I met Ronald Regan once. Ive been to England and sat in on a session of Parlament. Ive been to France and Sweeden and Denmark and Finland. I spent a week in Spain. Ive been to Mexico, Belize, COsta Rica, Honduras.

I even spent an entire semester studying the Constitution.

I would be a better VP than Palin, and that aint saying much.

She can see some Russian island off the coast of Siberia from Alaska. That was one of her answers to Charlie Gibson.

I would be embarrsed to admit I supported Palin if I was a GOPer.

But, nothing seems to embarrass them much these days. Not a failed president, not a failed economy, not a failed war. Puppets.
Not really, we are talking about assignments and promotions, not getting in. World of a difference there, pinhead.

No, we were talking about nepotism in the military, not specific types of nepotism.
Not really, we are talking about assignments and promotions, not getting in. World of a difference there, pinhead.

Nope no real difference both took family pull and both are military. and why did not Bush's plane get deployed to nam when the others around him did ?
Nope no real difference both took family pull and both are military. and why did not Bush's plane get deployed to nam when the others around him did ?

Yes, there is a difference between getting into the military and then being assigned important leadership roles once you are in. If you are too utterly stupid to see the difference on it's face, I can't help you... I don't work with the mentally handicapped. BTW... this all assumes that Bush DID get into the military on his daddy's pull... that was never proven, in fact, when you attempted to prove it, turns out, you had a bunch of forged documents some hack in Texas gave to Dan Rather. So, you haven't even proven you can get in the military because of family ties, much less get an assignment like commander of a squadron. ...And of course, none of this relates to Obama, who has never served in the military, and has never commanded or led anything in his life. But, let's stay focused on George W. Bush, that's what you want to talk about, right?
I did not have any stinking documents Dixie ??? what is your problem ? Are all who oppose bush one person to you ?
I did not have any stinking documents Dixie ??? what is your problem ? Are all who oppose bush one person to you ?

YOU as in YOU idiot MoveOn.Org, Micheal Moore, I Hate America, Bash The Troops, Blame Bush, Pinheaded, Liberal, Socialist DEMOCRATS! YES, you're ALL one in the same, if you ask me! You speak in unison, regurgitate the same koolaid, repeat the same lies, and back the same lunatic agenda!
OK, I was looking at the title of this thread and realized that Jarod reminds me of Roman Maroni. I expect him to use words like fargin war, sumanabatch, icehole, corksucker, etc.

Sorry Jarod, I had to laugh a little this morning.
OK, I was looking at the title of this thread and realized that Jarod reminds me of Roman Maroni. I expect him to use words like fargin war, sumanabatch, icehole, corksucker, etc.

Sorry Jarod, I had to laugh a little this morning.

No prob, I admit the title is a bit illiterate.